A One-Man-Show
13th - 15th July @1pm
Written by Dermot Bolger
Performed by Gerry Motherway
Directed by Liam Weir
IN HIGH GERMANY deals with the experiences and memories of an Irish football fan during the summer of 1988 at the European Football Championships in Germany.
While Euro '88 is the backdrop, much more complex issues, such as identity, nationalism and friendship are identified and explored. While the piece is excruciatingly funny and sharp in places, nevertheless we also see that comedic writing often masks deeper themes. With the current Irish economic recession Bolger's treatment of emigration and and exile are particularly illuminating. While the play is set a generation ago, the issues dealt with are just as relevant today, and are brought home to us in a witty and entertaining fashion.
In an acting tour de force, Gerry Motherway of the famed Comp�ntas Chorca� group, brings this exquisite piece of theatre to a vibrant, caustic and witty life.
Dermot Bolger's original script is directed by Liam Weir
All tickets €10 including lunch.
Lunch must be pre-booked. Call 021 4505624 to book.