Cork Arts Theatre
July Newsletter 2011

Happy Summer to all of the Cork Arts Theatre supporters!


Our Lunchtime Theatre Season is in its second month and it's going fantastically. We have had great audiences and everyone has enjoyed their lunch as well! Please call us to book tickets and at €10 for a ticket and lunch it's a steal!


We also welcome back Colton Theatre Company with

'Tis Pity She's a Whore which promises to be a sultry and exciting new production. Colton wowed audiences and critics with their production of This Lime Tree Bower

last year so we look forward to having them back.


Keep an eye on our website

or our facebook page for more information about upcoming events.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the Cork Arts Theatre.


We look forward to seeing you at the theatre soon.


Best wishes,


All at the Cork Arts Theatre

Lunchtime Theatre
Denise Quinn Pic

Lucy Bastible by Denise Quinn 

July 6th - 8th @ 1pm


Directed by Mary Curtin   


If you liked Bardot Bites you will love Lucy Bastible,brought to us by the same production company. If you were a woman of consequence, a doyenne of your social set, a snob from your fingertips to your toes, just how would you deal with a straying husband? In this play, the darkly comic Lucy Bastible, we enter the world and crumbling psyche of the privileged Lucy whose husband Jeremy succumbs to the youthful charms of the 'impudent, predatory, puerile' Patrice. Lucy, described by one critic as  'larger than life and highly comedic', is not a woman to bear this betrayal lying down and she plots and executes a truly terrible vengeance on the errant Jeremy !


All tickets €10 including lunch.

Lunch must be pre-booked. Call 021 4505624 to book. 

Lunchtime Theatre
In high Germany


A One-Man-Show  

13th - 15th July @1pm 


Written by Dermot Bolger

Performed by Gerry Motherway

Directed by Liam Weir


IN HIGH GERMANY deals with the experiences and memories of an Irish football fan during the summer of 1988 at the European Football Championships in Germany.

While Euro '88 is the backdrop, much more complex issues, such as identity, nationalism and friendship are identified and explored. While the piece is excruciatingly funny and sharp in places, nevertheless we also see that comedic writing often masks deeper themes. With the current Irish economic recession Bolger's treatment of emigration and and exile are particularly illuminating. While the play is set a generation ago, the issues dealt with are just as relevant today, and are brought home to us in a witty and entertaining fashion.

In an acting tour de force, Gerry Motherway of the famed Comp�ntas Chorca� group, brings this exquisite piece of theatre to a vibrant, caustic and witty life.

Dermot Bolger's original script is directed by Liam Weir


All tickets €10 including lunch.

Lunch must be pre-booked. Call 021 4505624 to book.  


Lunchtime Theatre
Red Balloon

Wandering Star Productions presents

The Red Balloon

by Damian Trassler


Directed by Katrina Foley.

July 20th -22nd @1pm

Avant Garde, Post Mondernist theatre isn't for everyone... find out what happens when some of the audience became really unimpressed with the play being performed for them.


All tickets €10 including lunch.

Lunch must be pre-booked. Call 021 4505624 to book.  


Lunchtime Theatre
wedding blitz

Wedding Blitz


27th -29th July@ 1pm 


 by Tess Healy Maguire


Wedding Blitz is a comedy about wedding planner Elle Gantry.  As she offers advice on her blog about success in love and marriage, she finds herself reliving her first disastrous wedding.Sometimes you need a little sign to know what's true!


All tickets €10 including lunch.

Lunch must be pre-booked. Call 021 4505624 to book.  


Colton Theatre Company presents

'Tis Pity She's a Whore  

by John Ford 

July 27th & 28th @ 8pm


All tickets €10

Colton-'tis pity she's a whoreAgainst a background of lust, vengeance and greed, John Ford's `Tis Pity She's a Whore tells the stylish, sexy and fiendishly clever tale of the incestuous love between Giovanni and his sister Annabella that ends in disaster and death.  The Yorkshire Post says it's "Shakespeare as though written and directed by Quentin Tarantino."

Following the success of This Lime Tree Bower, Colton Theatre Company return with a brilliant team to bring you one of the most controversial works in English literature.

Cork Arts Theatre
Camden Court
353 21 4505624