TRIVIA SESSION! Earn Continuing Ed Credit to boot! | |
Calling all trivia buffs and architecture enthusiasts! Grab your family, pets, or play on your own! All skill levels are welcome, and you do not need to be an architect or master builder to participate.
July 29, 2021
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$25 – AIA members; $50 Non-Members.
1.5 HSW
Register Here>>
You must pre-register. You will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link, and information on the particulars of the game. Registration ends COB Tuesday, July 27
Hosted by the AIA Louisiana Associates and Emerging Professionals Committee and Guardian Glass
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AIA LA State Conference – JOIN US IN-PERSON and/or VIRTUAL! | |
Join the American Institute of Architects (AIA) now through August 29th, and receive a FREE All-Access Pass (excludes Special Events programs) to the AIA LA ’21 Conference on Architecture, September 23-24, 2021 at the Hilton DoubleTree, in Lafayette, LA. Take advantage of this offer now, by requesting your membership application direct from AIA LA Office.
Registration will open in the near future; however, sponsorships as well as booths (yes, there will even be an Expo!) are available now! Click HERE for details on those.
Thursday, September 23rd: VIRTUAL DAY (all sessions will be virtual)
Friday, September 24th: IN-PERSON DAY (all sessions will be in-person at Lafayette venue)
Tickets: Here’s the goods on what those will look like when registration opens in July!
Virtual One-Day Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you are not comfortable meeting in-person or your schedule just won’t allow for travel.
In-Person One-Day Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you only want to attend an in-person event and don’t want to attend the virtual sessions.
All-Access Pass: Purchase this pass/ticket if you want to attend anything/everything Conference related no matter the format! You’ll be able to attend the Thursday sessions wherever you are…even if you want to come to the Conference venue and join the group viewing! You’ll also be able to attend the Friday in-person sessions as well.
Honor Awards:
- There will be no boards to submit for projects again this year. Details are being worked on for digital displays, so keep an eye out for that.
Deadline for submissions is July 15th!
- There will be an Awards Dinner (rather than previous “luncheon”) this year on Friday, September 24th at the Hilton Doubletree in Lafayette (the Friday evening of Conference at the conference venue).
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LSBAE seeking candidates for Louisiana Architects Selection Board
LSBAE is seeking candidates from Districts 1 & 2 to serve on the Louisiana Architects Selection Board beginning September 16, 2021. Any resident architect holding a current Louisiana license desiring nomination must deliver a written nomination on a current form and/or reproduction obtained from the Board office to Kathy Hillegas (, signed by not less than 10 resident architects holding a current Louisiana license no later
than July 15, 2021, at 5 p.m. The nomination shall state the parish in which the nominee resides and the district for which election is sought. Nominations received on or before the deadline shall be considered timely delivered. Confirmation of receipt is the sole responsibility of the nominee.
District 1 consists of the Parishes of Orleans, Plaquemines and St. Bernard.
District 2 consists of the Parishes of Assumption, Jefferson, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, Terrebonne and Washington.
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Continuing ed opportunity for AXP Supervisors
Supervisors play a crucial role in helping the next generation of architects complete their path to licensure, so it’s important to have a good understanding of the Architectural Experience Program® (AXP®), its goals, and the responsibilities involved. To best support you, as well as your candidates, NCARB has developed a supervisor CE course—available for free through their Continuum Education Program to anyone with a My NCARB account.
This interactive course, worth 1.5 HSW Learning Units (LUs), explains the requirements for supervision in the AXP, as well as practical and ethical considerations for supervisors and mentors. Along the way, you’ll encounter videos, required activities, and scenario-based questions exploring:
• Learning science related to professional training
• How to give useful feedback
• How to utilize the AXP to provide structured experience
• Considerations of unconscious biases that may affect your candidate’s professional development
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Ways to get more involved:
Do you have a particular interest in public policy and advocating for the profession? Sign-up to be a part of AIA Louisiana’s Advocacy Advisory Circle. A new member benefit, and part of the Advocacy Committee’s outreach, the AAC will provide additional engagement opportunities such as offering insight and reflection on legislation affecting the profession as well as opportunities to advocate and learn more. (This is "more involved than the current member experience, and less involved than actually serving on the committee")
Have a talent for or interest in communications, public outreach, graphic design, apps, or video production? Sign-up to participate in the AIA LA Public Outreach Committee as it seeks to grow and expand its reach.
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The Rural + Suburban workgroup of the AIA Strategic Council is conducting research, and as part of our data gathering, we are inviting practicing professionals to listening sessions, for us to learn from your experiences and the specific challenges and opportunities working in rural/suburban areas. This special appeal is being made regionally/nationally. If you are interested in participating, we ask you to commit to a 90-minute virtual workshop. From these workshops, our workgroup will synthesize the information to draw insight into how the AIA might best address planning strategies within rural/suburban areas for the betterment of our profession, AIA members, and society.
Please let them know your interest, by sending an email to and Cc’g Bill Hercules, FAIA (, if you would be interested to participate in a 90-minute, interactive virtual workshop focused on unique issues impacting practice in your component’s rural and suburban areas.
Learn More>
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Join the NAC & YAF advisory committees
The National Associates Committee and the Young Architects Forum are looking for volunteers who want to be a catalyst for change and positively impact the architecture profession. It’s a great opportunity to develop leadership skills, network with peers, and advocate for the profession. The deadline to submit is August 6, 2021, 11:59pm ET.
Learn more >
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Architect’s Guide to Business Continuity
Floods, cyber-attacks, and the unexpected loss of a team member can easily interrupt operations for any firm. Will you be able to provide clients with the assurance that work will continue despite a disruption? Updated for 2021, the Architect's Guide to Business Continuity helps firms become more resilient with a step-by-step process and accompanying worksheets for assessing and reducing risks associated with disruption.
Learn more >
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Licensure candidates: Apply now for ARE Scholarship
Applications are open through August 27 for the 2021 Jason Pettigrew Memorial ARE Scholarship. Apply today for this grant covering the full costs of the Architect Registration Examination, as well as study materials and access to ArchiPrep®.
Apply Today >
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Have you made your PAC donation yet this year?!
Click the banner below to make your donation now.
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8 Emerging Leaders Virtual Meeting
8 AIA National Conference Event #2
15 Honor Award Submissions Due
16 Board Meeting
23 Board Strategic Planning Session
29 Trivia Event
29 AIA National Conference Event #3
3 AIA Louisiana Professional Achievement Submissions Due
18/19 Emerging Leaders Session II
19 AIA National Conference Event #4
31 State Conference Early Registration Closes
15 Conference Online Registration Closes
23 Board Meeting
23/24 State Conference on Architecture
26 Codes Workshop
2 Executive Planning Session
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