News and Resources for Confessing Lutherans
In This Issue...
The reality is that nobody in the ELCA officialdom seems willing or able to challenge the radical feminist cabal who are evidently the power behind the crozier. The ELCA has become what Secretary Almen warned against when it was being formed: It is the far left wing of a certain political party at prayer.
And this gives me the chance to course-correct a failure of my first article—my failure to state explicitly the observation that led me to draft the article in the first place.
Faith, Sexism, and Justice
is more than disingenuous, it is
because it uses privileged communication from a position of hierarchical advantage to promote the ideology of egalitarianism.
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The ELCA's Presiding Bishop Tiptoes through the Abortion Minefield
Pastor Steve Shipman wants to be clear that the political statements below are his opinions and do not represent official positions of Lutheran CORE. He served as a pastor in the ELCA for more than 45 years including as Director of Lutheran CORE. He is now an NALC pastor serving an interim pastorate in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. You can contact him at
One could almost feel sympathy for ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton as she tries to navigate the minefield that is the current political debate over legislation permitting or restricting abortions.
As I noted in a
previous article, the ELCA published a social statement on abortion a number of years ago, probably the last such statement that truly included a variety of opinions and was not simply stacked on one side along with a token “conservative” or two to make the outcome look legitimate.
The reality is that nobody in the ELCA officialdom seems willing or able to challenge the radical feminist cabal who are evidently the power behind the
Photo by Life Issues Institute
Postmodernism Gone Viral, Part 2: Sloppy, Tendentious Exegesis
I originally intended my Postmodernism Gone Viral article as a one-off, but the response (both positive and negative) has been so strong that I realized there was a bit more to say on the subject. Furthermore, that article was based on the draft document, and since I wrote it, the final proposal that the ELCA will consider for adoption has been issued. Before my brother and sister Lutherans in the ELCA adopt Faith, Sexism, and Justice (FSJ), there is another issue that could have immediate, direct ripple effects into the other Lutheran bodies. I will address this most serious issue in this article ...
I end this article by noting that all of us suffer when the methodologies employed by FSJ are utilized. Many have bemoaned the current state of political discourse in America, but few have noted that postmodernism, by removing all objective reference points and reducing all social interactions to mere exercises of power, necessarily forces our philosophical, moral, political, and theological discourse to this extremity.
What Will It Be Next?
Executive Director of Lutheran CORE
By going to you can find an update on the revision process for the “Trustworthy Servants” document. At the bottom of the page you can find a link to FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions. One of the Frequently Asked Questions is as follows –
“Does ‘Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust’ need updating too? The Northwest Washington Synod Assembly has submitted a memorial to revise the social statement on sexuality, and the proposal to reopen this social statement will come before the 2019 Churchwide Assembly.”
Appeal for Prayer and Mission Partners
Executive Director of Lutheran CORE
At the current time Pueblo de Dios is receiving $24,000 a year from the ELCA Churchwide and $5,000 per year from the Southwest California Synod, in support of an annual budget of $75,000. But these amounts are at risk of being reduced, plus Pastor Nieva would like to not be financially dependent upon the ELCA.
CiT Helps Churches
Executive Director of Lutheran CORE
- CiT is a new ministry, sponsored by Lutheran CORE, to assist churches facing the departure or retirement of their solo pastor.
- ... there are currently 2,776 vacancies in the nearly 10,000 congregations of the ELCA.
- Each congregation that “signs on” is assigned their own trained coach/consultant to provide customized counsel to the church for up to six to eight months.
Seeking Survey Input
Executive Director of Lutheran CORE
Many thanks to all who have responded to the survey in which we are asking faithful, orthodox ELCA pastors how we can be of help and support to them.
These survey results will inform CORE's yearly in-person board meeting, which will be held in August.
If you have not yet received a survey, or would like another copy of the survey, please contact me at
Among the concerns that we are hearing is a desire for more
with other orthodox ELCA pastors, a sense of urgency that Lutheran CORE find ways to more effectively connect with younger, orthodox pastors, and a deep, sincere hope that Lutheran CORE will be able to help orthodox ELCA congregations find an orthodox ELCA pastor to be their next pastor.
Encuentro 2019 is on Saturday, September 14th, Holy Cross Day.
American Lutheran Publicity Bureau (ALPB)
Check out the ALPB's Richard F. Bansemer Collection.
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© 2019 Lutheran Coalition for Renewal
PO Box 1741 Wausau, WI 54402-1741
Lutheran CORE's mission:
- A Network for Confessing Lutherans
- A Voice for Biblical Truth
Our purpose can be summed up in two words–
. As
for confessing Lutherans, we support and connect Lutheran individuals and congregations who seek to live in accord with Biblical and confessional teachings and practices. As a
Prophetic Voice
, we advocate for Biblical authority and confessional fidelity among churches of the Lutheran community.
We support local gatherings and communicate Biblical truth through our newsletter, mailings, and various forms of social media.