Platte Dems
Newsletter of the Platte County Democratic
 Central Committee
Volume 7 No. 7                                                                                                                                                 July 2015
In This Issue
July 4th Parade
July NDC Meeting
Democratic Unity Picnic
We're on Twitter
Save the Date
Missouri Democratic Party
Quick Links




June 21 - Northland Democratic Club - NKC Library, 2251 Howell, NKC.  6:30 - 8:30 pm.  See below.


July 25 - Democratic Unity Picnic - 4-6 pm.  See below.


August 18 - Northland Democratic Club - NKC Library 2251 Howell, NKC.  6:30 - 8:30 pm.


August 20 - Platte County Democratic Central Committee, 11724 NW Plaza Circle. Kansas City.  7:00 pm.

August 29 - 2015 Truman Dinner - Busch Stadium, St. Louis.  See below.

  Parkville July 4th Parade

A lively group of Democrats walked with the Harry Truman Whistle Stop Train and handed out quotes from Harry to a large Independence Day crowd.


July Northland Democratic Club Meeting

The July 21 meeting will feature a presentation by Missouri Kansas Grandmother's Against Gun violence, a group with the goal of raising awareness about gun violence.


Formed after the Sandy Hook school shooting, MOKS is the first local chapter of the national organization: Grandmother's Against Gun Violence. The group is not opposed to guns per se; but opposed to gun violence. Their priority is universal background checks.


Join us for an informational presentation and discussion.


Democratic Unity Picnic

The 2015 Democratic Unity Picnic will be held on July 25 at Kenagy Park, Raytown from 4-6 pm.  Click here for more information.

Platte County Democrats is now on Twitter !

Please follow us at .

Save the Date - 2015 Truman Dinner

The 2015 Truman Dinner is August 25 at Busch Stadium, St. Louis.  Click here for more information.

Missouri Democratic Party

Keep up with the Missouri Democratic Party at their website, .