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July Blog Posts
Jack Cole
When I was a young dancer my teacher gave me Jack Cole to research and do an in-class presentation on. At that time information wasn’t as easily accessible as it is now. I can remember going to the library and opening up books on Jack Cole filled with beautiful photographs. Movie stills of Rita Hayworth performing the famous “Put The Blame On Mame” number from Glida and Marilyn Monroe in her signature number “Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend”. I loved these numbers and these women. There was a strength and beauty they possessed in their movement and beingness that captivated me. To my surprise, Jack Cole was the man behind the scenes for these productions.
Let's Create!
We are excited to share with you this incredible video, which came out of new a workshop series we started after the pandemic began called "Let's Create!" It's a fantastic group of artists of all kinds who hold space for each other to be honest, vulnerable, and creative! We've all created many products out of this workshop, just like this video, which was created by one of our many talented members, James Thomas. We are looking forward to sharing with you, in the near future, our Covid Create - a short film made from this workshop.

DanceAbility Tips: When Gradients Are Applied, Dancing is Fun!
"So many times I’ve heard: “I can’t dance…I have no rhythm…I have two left feet…I’m not coordinated…I can’t get the dance combination…I can’t remember the dance combination…It’s too fast, I can’t pick it up!” The solution is simple. One of the biggest road blocks I’ve experienced myself, and with teaching others to dance, is skipping gradients."
Student Spotlight
I started Maria’s class in March of 2020 having been isolating myself from the new pandemic. It was great to suddenly have a group of people I could be in contact with. I was having lower back problems when I started, and I couldn’t really do any of the floor exercises without concern that I might throw my back out. I took her advice and did all my exercises on a gradient from a chair.

It was a gradual discovery that I was not using my core muscles and, in fact, wasn’t totally sure where they were and how to use them instead of my back.  Each week I have gotten stronger and more centered and now do the floor exercises on the floor. I am no longer concerned that I will throw my back out, because I know I have a much stronger core to protect it and I am way more in communication with my body and what it can take. What a win!!!

I have also noticed a huge difference in my balance from the start to now. I had trouble balancing on one foot for three seconds (blush) when I started and can now go for thirty seconds easily. And then there is muscle definition in my arms . I’m 78 years old and sort of thought that was a thing of the past. Apparently not! You just need to put in some work on your body. So happy I am doing this class and will continue on as long as she holds it.
~Sherry L
August Dance Basics Boot Camp
Join us for a 4-week Dance Basics Boot Camp

The Dance Basics Boot Camp will now run as a 4-week session from
August 5th - 29th .

Choose to take class once a week or twice a week for the month of August.

Be sure to reserve your spot before the end of July!
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Actor's Movement Workshop
A quick survey to help us tailor our new workshop to your interests!
In this unprecedented moment, your support is truly essential. 
If you are able, please support the future of danceCREATE through a donation.
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