July 2023 | Issue #128

News and Events


  • Account View Update for Quarterly Statements
  • LPL Weekly Commentary


  • FSA Contact Information
  • How to fight against Check Fraud


  • FSA Annual Charity Day

Dear Marion!

One of the most quintessential and iconic summer holidays is the celebration of Independence Day. The classic red, white, and blue decorations, the grand fireworks, and the sizzling grill all encapsulate the excitement of summer in a single day. Unlike most summer activities that require weeks or even months of preparation, Independence Day brings all the summer vibes without the long wait.

We are aware that many of you have taken on extensive trips this year. Some may have required meticulous planning, while others were more spontaneous. Regardless, we sincerely hope that each journey was a delightful experience. Cherish those moments and remember that you truly deserve them. When the vacation mode settles and you return, we will still be here to assist you in preparing for your next big trip or any other exciting summer experiences on your agenda.

Until next time,

The Financial Steward Associates Team

“A vacation helps to relieve stress and boredom, gives us a change of scenery, provides us with adventure, and helps to bring us closer to the people in our lives.” – E. S. Woods

Account View - Statement Update: If you currently receive paper statements in the mail, starting this summer, you'll receive quarterly statements only. This change is automatic, and no action is required from your end.

To continue receiving monthly paper statements, Refer to the guide Account View for any questions or you can call us for assistance in setting up your profile. You can conveniently access all your statements and up-to-date account details 24/7.

If you've already opted for paperless in Account View, your experience will remain unchanged. There's nothing for you to do.


Weekly Market Commentary

Capital Markets: The Essence of American Capitalism

LPL Market Signals Podcast

 New Bull Market Begins, Now What?

Street View

U.S. Debt Deal with a Twist—Details of the Fiscal Responsibility Act

Learn about EFAA Here

Here's a recap of our Annual Volunteer Day:

On July 18th, the FSA Team volunteered at Boulder's own Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA). Our efforts focused on assisting with various tasks such as general landscaping and seasonal cleaning projects within their facility.

EFAA is dedicated to their mission of providing stabilizing services, innovative programs, and transformative advocacy to empower families and foster a thriving community. Since 1918, EFAA has served as a locally operated safety net for families during times of need. Over the course of their 100-year history, they have supported tens of thousands of families and received invaluable support from numerous donors and volunteers committed to EFAA's mission. We invite you to join us in this meaningful endeavor.

                   Who to Contact                   

If you have questions or requests and aren't quite sure who to reach out to, here is an updated list of who can be of service to you. 

Just click on our name to send us an email!

Financial Advisors- with questions about your investments and Financial Planning requests.

Marion Steward, CFP®

Heather Williams, CFP®

Sid Smith - to pass on Financial Planning requests and meeting follow ups with an advisor.

Mariana Moosavi - to get answers on general information or answers about our special events.

Client Service Team- for opening new accounts and facilitating account transfers, coordinating contributions and withdrawals, and scheduling Financial Reviews.

Harmony Dunnick 

Stephanie Deon

Alex Dunnick

Don't forget we also have a general email box.

Check Fraud is on the Rise: Protect Yourself

Check fraud is one of the most common types of identity theft, and it has grown significantly in the past few years as trillions of dollars in COVID relief checks were mailed across the country. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network – a division of the U.S. Treasury Department – reported that banks saw an 84% increase in check fraud in 2022 over 2021, increasing from $350,000 to more than $680,000.

The type of check fraud that has attracted the most attention during this surge has been check washing, where crooks steal checks left in mailboxes, deposited in U.S. Postal Service collection boxes, or through other means. By using cheap chemicals such as acetone (found in nail polish remover) or bleach, the crooks erase the payee’s name and the amount, keeping the signature intact. When the checks are dry and clear of the payee’s name and the amount, the crooks rewrite them with a higher amount and a fraudulent name – or they sell them to other criminals for their own fraudulent uses.

Read Here for More Tips Against Fraud

Financial Steward Associates


fax 303-444-6049

Account View



Pacific Life


Jackson, Lincoln Financial, Pacific Life, Prudential, Financial Steward Associates and LPL Financial are separate entities.


Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through Financial Steward Associates, a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial.

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