and after we return... the notes of thanks
CAMTA receives funny, touching, heartfelt letters from many of our patients
One of our joys during, and after, a Mission is reading the notes and letters of appreciation from patients, parents and family members after a successful surgery. Some are drawings with crayoned notes from children, most are handwritten in Spanish, many reflect a faith in and gratitude to God for sending CAMTA to Ecuador. These are just a few of the notes...
To whom it may concern my gratitude!
I would like to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to each one of the persons that are
part of this foundation. All of you have been kind, and from now on all of you are dearest to
me, for being you, doctors, the angels that improved my life. I will remember each one of
you in a special way - like the chubby and nice doctor, or the bald doctor with his two dear
twins, and also the charming translator doctor. All are part of this great group that I will never forget. I will always keep you in my heart. Yours sincerely, Sofía
You are something special
somewhat like a rainbow
laying colors in my life.
I thank the Canada Team for being here once again in Ecuador and for having operated on
my son, so he can keep his foot straight. You are very kind. I thank you and I will
always be thankful all my life. You have changed the childhood of my son for the
better. I hope you can keep coming each year because you are God´s angels, and you
perform a precious labor.
I say goodbye, and may God bless you forever.
From: Milan
I thank you very much with all my heart to everyone from the foundation CAMTA for
having donated the prosthetic for my hip. Thank you that I may now move about normally and without pain. Also thank you for the attention that you have administered to me with much love and patience despite my age and my condition, socially and economically. I ask the best blessings and that you may continue assisting those in need like me. With your goodness and knowledge you have made me a happy person again, me and my family take this moment to say our goodbyes, wishing all the best, and that God may bless you now and forever.
Thank you
You, that cures life and regains the soul
Presents a new dawn
Gives dreams after so many sleepless nights
In your hands you put devotion and gifts to your patients seeking healing
I was living very depressed but now that I have had my operation I feel very happy as I will start to new life for myself and my children. That God may grant this excellent medical team CAMTA, more knowledge and love to all, and that you may help people of a lesser economic status. This surgery is a dream come true. To all the doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, anesthesiologist, surgeons, etc...... may God bless you day by day for this labour that you all do. I love you all, and will carry you in my heart every minute of my life. I hope to see you soon.
I appreciate you, the doctors, for helping my little brother with the operation of his feet. He can walk well and play with his cousin and brother. He can run and play with his dog that is called Doki. He can always play with his dog and go to the park with his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. He can go with his friends from school, and play for a long time. He plays with the toys from his brothers. I help him, and take care of him when Mom is not around and I bath him and dress him well. I thank you again, and I say my goodbyes with a kiss and a big hug, and that God may bless you. |
... I plead to God that this team will never quit so that many other people may be happy and live well.
I always felt marginalized with low self-esteem and felt even worse when my children were in school. They were told their Mom was the pathetic lame and that hurt my feelings and I would have to talk to the school authorities so my kids did not have to hear such comments.
I am forever grateful. It's a wonderful gift to receive at my age of 60, and for the rest of my life I will beg to God to eternally bless the lives of each and every one of you.
A million thanks to everyone.
In the name of my husband and kids, w
e'll see you next year.
Until then, I love you lots.
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