Share the Care, Inc

Share the Care, Inc.
Providing Services to Family Caregivers
since 1986

July 2020

407.423.5311 (phone)

Covid-19 Precautions at Adult Day Centers

Beginning on June 29, Share the Care implemented new safety precautions at our Adult Day Centers in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. No new clients will be able to start at a center. Clients who are currently attending will be allowed to continue at their existing service level. Our centers are operating at 50% of their licensed capacity allowing for social distancing. Clients who have been assessed for ADC but have yet to start, or those who were previously attending and are hoping to return will be provided in-home respite. Please call our Case Management department to arrange that care 407-423-5311.

Staff at the Adult Day Centers and in the administrative office are wearing masks, washing hands, sanitizing, monitoring temperatures, and social distancing.

If you have been following the news, you know that the number of Covid-19 positive cases are increasing. Until those numbers start to decrease, we will continue to follow the above policies. 

Remember, you are not alone! Share the Care is here for you to help in your caregiving needs. We are offering virtual support groups every two weeks and the administrative office is open M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm if you need us.

Educational Support Group Webinars for Care Givers

Facilitator - Dale Price, LCSW EMDR Certified, Incoming CCO of Share the Care

Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation Practices
Six week series, 1 hour per week
Wednesdays @ 2:00 pm beginning August 5
This series will empower participants to learn a new self-help skill that is an ancient practice withstanding the test of time. Meditation or mindfulness practiced daily or weekly offers you a way to heal the mind, body and spirit by drawing self-back to the present. Avoiding worry about what is in the past or yet to come is a great way to alleviate and avoid the accumulation of stress on our bodies and mind. Join us for this wonderful life lesson!

Register here: 
Introduction to Coping with Change Workshop      
Six week series, 1 hour per week
Thursdays @2:00 pm beginning August 6            
This series is designed to help us embrace our true nature which is that the only thing in life that is permanent is impermanence! Change is inevitable but triggers our capacity to cope and that too is part of the human endeavor. Take time to refresh yourself in what you know to be true and practice staying grounded in the face of change and even learn how to embrace the changes you face in all conditions in life.

Register here:

Click here to download webinar series schedule

Webinars will be broadcast through Zoom

Its summer and that means Hurrica ne Season is upon us. Make sure you and those you care for are prepared with a disaster preparedness plan. The Florida Department of Elder Affairs has compiled a Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders. The publication is available at
Did you know that each county in Florida has a Special Needs Registry to ensure you have access to shelters and resources which meet your needs during a disaster? Here are links for the registries for Orange and Seminole Counties. If you are caring for a loved one with special needs, you should consider signing up on the registry in the county in which you live.

In This Issue
COVID-19 Response
Webinar Series
Hurricane Season
Join us on a Virtual  Caregiver Support Group

Virtual  Groups Meet Every 2 Weeks.

Next Meeting: July 31
1:30 - 3:00 pm

Call for information and Zoom link 407-423-5311

Participation will be through Zoom. You will need an internet connection and a device with sound. Video/Webcam is optional.
Peace the Therapy Dog Visits STC Conway While Social Distancing

Sending Love from STC College Park

Thank you to the Soto Law Office and Senior Helpers for sponsoring Share the Care's first Virtual Bingo Happy Hour! We raised donations that will go toward services for family caregivers AND had a great time!

Stay tuned for information on future virtual fundraisers!

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Share the Care

1524 Formosa Ave.
Winter Park, FL 32789