July 2022
July 4th
The library will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
New Print Books
New Ebooks
Featured new additions to our ebook collections:

  • Transpersonal Leadership in Action: How to Lead Beyond the Ego by Duncan Enright et al. | Access via O'Reilly

  • GPS for Success: Skills, Strategies, and Secrets of Superachievers by Barry A. Franklin | Access via O'Reilly

  • Digital, Diverse, & DIvided: How to Talk to Racists, Compete with Robots, and Overcome Polarization by David Livermore | Access via O'Reilly

  • Beer: A Global Journey Through the Past and Present by John W. Arthur | Access via OSO

  • Purpose-Driven Learning: Unlocking and Empowering Our Students' Innate Passion for Learning by Adam Moreno | Access via Taylor & Francis

*OSO, Wiley, Springer, and Taylor & Francis titles are available while connected to the RHEC network. To access O'Reilly titles select your institution as "Not Listed" and enter your academic email address ending in .edu
Featured Resource:
Gale Literature Resource Center
Gale Literature Resource Center provides up-to-date analysis, biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods, and from around the world. The database brings together materials that support interdisciplinary approaches, information literacy, and the development of critical thinking skills. Students in literature, history, arts, gender studies, or cultural studies can use this resource to analyze authors and works throughout time.

How to access: if you're using the RHEC network, via wired connection or wi-fi, you automatically have access.
This Month's Book Display:
Graphic Fiction & Non-Fiction
July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month! The library is featuring our collection of fiction and non-fiction graphic titles to celebrate.

Graphic and illustrated books are incredibly diverse and include memoirs, history, biography, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and more. They can also be experimental, impactful, controversial, and expressive in ways different from prose alone.

Have reservations? Challenge your preconceptions about what graphic novels can be and check these titles out today!
Staff Pick of the Month
by Mira Jacob
(PS3610.A356415 A46 2019)

Good Talk is a unique, humorous, and touching graphic memoir that explores difficult conversations about race, sex, politics, and family. The book is inspired by the author's popular Buzzfeed piece "37 Difficult Questions from My Mixed-Raced Son." In this memoir, she answers increasingly difficult questions from her six-year-old, Zakir, while also exploring her own past through conversations with family, friends, and strangers.

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