A Note From Raymon
Howdy Folks.
THANK all of you who wrote comments on my Facebook Page supporting me and alerting others, of an advertised "on line” event that was apparently a BAD misunderstanding.
THANKS to Heather in Australia for calling it to my attention. Strange that so many of you received this notice but I didn’t.
It apparently has been settled and you folks that signed up, got your money back. If not, ask Pay Pal to refund it.
Seems like my journey through life has been filled with solving problems.
Not many are mine ~but because I wrote 3 books and made a LOT of videos, people think I can solve ‘their' problems.
To a degree, this may be true but many of you have health problems that I have NO knowledge of.
You send me emails describing the health or mental problems of your family with long words and I have NO idea what they mean. I will NOT go online to learn the meaning of these illnesses.
I usually respond with ‘I have no idea what this means and can’t help you~ and it is not fair to take your money.'
Then some will write back asking WHY I can’t help them. Have learned the purpose of the ‘delete’ key in the upper right side of the computer.
Seems the folks who talk about the Illness of others, have a lot of illness themselves~~so I decided to NOT learn about them.
The last time I had a physical check~up was when I left the Army in the Winter of 1966.
Have been THANKFUL to help many people but made NO claims to cure the world.
People seem to think that since I built myself a new knee~ and made a video of it~~I can cure every crippled person on the planet. Life don’t work that way. What works for one person may or may not work for another.
Last month I mentioned working for a doctor for the past 6 months and according to him, we have very good success.
Since he has knowledge of big words and a variety of illnesses~and I have a way of correcting inherited problems, we have made an effective team with satisfied patients.
If you have fairly simple problems like a haunted house or dangerous people, I can likely help you.
If you have complicated medical problems, then you might want to consult Dr. Michael Rankin and we can work together to help you. Here is a bit of information about him.
"It has been an amazing camaraderie between Raymon and me. I have people with very Advanced cancer and brain trauma, molestations and rapes and many of those things manifest in horrible illnesses and together we can test for those things and I can help them turn around the physical and together Raymon and I can do the rest with tremendous results.
To see a woman's tumor the size of a basketball shrink in a matter of weeks after the molestation of her childhood is eliminated combined with the therapies that we can do in the test that I can run is truly remarkable. There are so many like this it's hard to describe them all but it's very exciting.
I worked with hundreds of practitioners throughout the last 30 years and the work that we have done together has affected people more quickly than anything I ever imagined!"
With Best Regards,
Michael Rankin
Best email is clinic@testingcancer.com. Web site www.testingcancer.com.