In The Life We Are Give, it reads "...don't forget to appreciate the miracle of the human body in motion. No matter what its present state of conditioning, this body is the culmination of an incredible evolutionary journey, the repository of the experience of aeons, the harbinger of adventures yet to come." In this context, our ITP commitment to accomplish at least three hours of aerobic exercise every week, in increments of no less than 20 minutes, is an invitation to experience the extraordinary.
Engaging in physical activity can look differently for each of us as practitioners, but at its core, the exercise factor is a key ingredient to our integral transformation. This month's newsletter features a number of resources to explore and inspire consistent exercise within our personal practice. We hope the tools below offer ways to deepen your connection and commitment to moving your body not just for the goals of a faster running time or weight loss, but "for its own sake."
As always, thank you for your wholehearted participation in this community. Your support and enthusiasm help to shape and evolve this practice in profound ways.
Wishing you blessings of good health and peace!