Contact your local elected officials using the format below, edited to your voice:
Dear [insert elected official name]
My name is [insert name] and I am a constituent of [Insert your District #].
I am writing to you to voice my concerns over the comments that emerged from the Committee on Parks and Culture on July 18th that degraded preservation and threatened the future of the Mitchell Park Domes. The Domes are a city-wide treasure with intrinsic historic value and significance. They are not merely an iconic structure utilized by suburbanites, but a stunning historic landmark that is visited by people from around the globe.
I urge you to stand for the preservation and reconstruction of the three existing Domes, as the most sustainable building is the one already standing. The Domes are a National Treasure, and their contribution as an example of stunning Mid-century Modern architecture goes unmatched anywhere else in the country.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
[Insert Name]