Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church |  www.cedarheightspres.org
July 2014
In This Issue
Photos from Day of Discipleship

Children, Youth & Young Adult
Children's Ministry Happenings


Thank you to all the volunteers who came out to our "Presbyterians United" VBS/WEE Camp to have fun and extend God's love to our children. The enduring smiles and echoes of happy giggles testify to the impact of the week.





Jr. High (6th-8th Graders)


Great Escape: Plan to meet in the CHCPC parking lot at 8:15 AM on Monday, July 7th. We will pack up our van and head off to Green Lake, for a week full of fun, faith, and fellowship. Please pay any outstanding balances as soon as possible. Checks can be made out to CHCPC with "Great Escape" in the memo line.


Great Escapers will need to pack:

--Enough clothes for the week

--Old clothes and shoes that you won't mind getting muddy or throwing away at the end of the week

--A Bible

--Snacks to share

--Toiletries (soap, shampoo etc.)

--Towel for the beach

--Money for lunch, both going and coming home, and snacks at camp ($50.00 should suffice)

--Sunscreen & Hat

--Swimsuit (girls: one-piece please, modesty is enforced)



Contact Pastor Eric with any questions.


Sr. High (9th-12th Graders)


Summer Hang Out: Join Pastor Eric on Friday, 18th from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM at the Cedar Falls Starbucks. We'll chat, play some UNO and have a grand time. Let Eric know, if you need a ride. 


Adult Education


Adult Forum:
 During the month of July, Adult Forum will provide opportunities to reflect upon and discuss various actions taken by the 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) which convened in June (See: http://oga.pcusa.org/section/ga/ga221/ and  http://pres-outlook.org/category/general-assembly-2014/.  They provide helpful background information to decisions made and actions taken by this General Assembly). At the end of the month, Pastor Jay will begin a four week series.



July 6th: No Adult Forum.

July 13th: GA Conversation

July 20th: GA Conversation

July 27th: Pastor Jay


Oxygen:  Plans to take the months of July and August off, returning in September. 


Men's Bible Study: Meets weekly, at the Cedar Falls Panera on Friday mornings at 7:00 AM for a time of bible study and fellowship led by Pastor Eric. This month we will continue studying lectionary passages. Please contact Eric with any questions.


Women's Book Club: Plans to take the months of July and August off.  Read ahead for September: God's Hotel: A Doctor, A Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine 

by Dr. Victoria Sweet.


Interim Pastor's Note ~ Dr. D. Jay Losher


Here in Iowa, we know all about corn, corn products and even corn by-products.  Yet there is one major corn product with which most of us might be unfamiliar.  Some of us (maybe Snowbirds) may have knowledge of it.  How many are familiar with grits?  Now don't tune out.  Grits can tell us something important about God. 


A Northern tourist was visiting the Deep South for the first time and wondered about a strange sounding item on the menu, the "Bubba Breakfast."  Under the rubric of "when in Rome" he decided to order it.  When it came he recognized the biscuits and gravy, the eggs and bacon.  Being from Iowa, he was totally familiar with the sausage, but there was one thing on the plate he didn't recognize at all.  He asked the waitress what that gray, mushy substance was on his plate. 


"They're grits." 


"What are they?  I didn't order them."


"Honey, grits is grits.  You don't order grits.  They just come." 


Don't be shocked, but God's grace is just like that ~ it is there for us and free whether we know we need it or not, whether we ask for it or not.  That is how our God, the God of the Bible works.  That is what God brings to relationship with us ~ pure, unadulterated, unlimited, unconditional, undeserved grace.  That's God's "gritsy" grace. 


At Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church, we're in the business of sharing God's "gritsy" grace with everyone whatever their station, whatever their condition, no matter whether their walk with God is close or far away. 


"Honey, grits is grits."  Friends, grace is grace. 


We're in this place to let everyone know:  "Ready or not, the grace is here ~ and free!" 


In Jesus' service,
Pastor Jay


Associate Pastor's Note ~ Rev. Eric Sunderland


"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." ~Isaiah 43:19


Dear Friends,


The presentation of videos produced by five new worshipping communities was one of the most inspiring events at last month's 221st General Assembly. Communities of faith are providing music programs for children, meals and assistance for workers in the hospitality industry, and opening the doors of community and formation through connections that happen only over a cup of coffee. There are faithful Presbyterians the world over responding to God's call and offering the gift of God's love to those around them.


Our very own congregation was even highlighted in the Mission Year Book, a daily prayer resource intended to expand the vision and scope of our intersessions, on June 23rd for our growing partnership with the Bihembe Parish in Rwanda.  Each step of this transformational journey is the result of people entrusting themselves to God's love and faithfulness.


In a continuing season of transition and discernment, it can be easy to lose sight of the new things God desires to grow in our midst. Yet, God will do a new thing with us. God will continue to use our faithfulness to produce an abundance of love and grace.


What new things are sprouting up in your life?


Where is God making a way for our congregation?


Let us ponder these questions together. Let's have them stir up the holy passion and love of God within us.


Grace & Peace,

Pastor Eric



Life of the Congregation


Pastor Nominating Committee Update


Please continue praying for and with our Pastor Nominating Committee.  Their continue to meet as a group and take the next steps toward finding and interviewing candidates.  They will be ready to offer a more specific update to the congregation soon, both in worship and by all-church email.  

Special Note on Pastoral Coverage


We are blessed to have Rev. Christine Kaplunas providing pastoral coverage for our congregation July 7th. Pastor Eric will be away with our young people first on a mission trip and then to camp and Pastor Jay will be away on vacation and study leave. Should any immediate needs arise, please contact Pastor Christine through the church office.


SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Due to the various times off for staff (vacations, study leave, youth trips, days off, etc...) there will be times that the church is locked.  We're sorry for the inconvenience.  Please call the church at 319-268-0153 to leave a message. 

Prayers, Letters & Thank You's


PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY:  Lois Woodman, Ken Caquelin, Jacki Stalberger and also her son, Mark; for Janet Ekstrom's mother; for Kathy Orr's sister; for those serving on ourPastor Nominating Committee:  Barb Dowd, Carrie Elser, Kyle Henderson, David Knock, Mikaela Mallin, Nicki McGowan, and Mark Witmer; for those who are traveling this summer.



  •  Eric Christensen on the death of his mother, Marie, on May 28.
  •  Bob & Cathy Cooper and Chad, Kim, Makayla, Michael, & Mason Abbas on the May 31 death of Bob's brother and Kim's uncle, Curtis Cooper.


Thank you:

  •  ...so much for the adorable outfit, ball, book, wipes and toy cups.  Mason can enjoy all of it!  We fee truly blessed to have such a great church family!  Hope to see you all soon!  Thanks again, Matt, Steph, & Mason Good
  •  ...I am beyond thankful for all of the love and support these last 4 years.  It can be a challenge to leave home and find a church.  I am blessed to have found a home and a great group of people to call family.  The friendships I have made are long lasting.  I am so excited to be back in the fall to continue getting to know you all better and continue on the journey of life.  Thank you all!  Much love, Stephanie Ehlers
  •  ...on the day of Discipleship with clouds, thunder and rain, much work was occurring in my yard.  Through planning, preparation and planting a beautiful flower garden was formed.  Thank you so very much for this blessing.  I will enjoy it the entire summer.  Pat Taylor


Volunteer Schedule




July Birthdays

Dr. D. Jay Losher, Interim Pastor

Rev. Eric Sunderland, Associate Pastor of Christian Education

Rev. Christine Kaplunas, Outreach & Web Design

Rev. Robert Roof, Pastor Emeritus

Sue Feltman, Director of Music

Janelle Darst, Early Childhood Christian Education

Stephanie Ehlers, College Intern of Children's Ministry

Kim Latch, Office Administrator

Shelly Mallin, Accounting

Cindy & Tim Klatt, Custodians

Jessica McEvoy & Sofia Seliger, Nursery Attendant 



Cedar Heights Community Presbyterian Church | christinekaplunas@cfu.net | http://cedarheightspres.org/
2015 Rainbow Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613