Attend Tomorrow's Lunch and Learn
and KACERS Business Meeting
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Don't miss tomorrow's KACERS Lunch and Learn on Landslides and Funding. The meeting will be held at the Nelson County Cooperative Extension Office located at 317 S Third St. in Bardstown. The KACERS business meeting will follow.
July 12, 2023 at 11:30am EST
If you'd like to attend, reach out to Martha Horseman to get last minute details.
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July 17-21 is Rural Road Safety Awareness Week. This year's theme is “What’s Speed Got to Do With It?”
Excessive speeds are a problem across the country. In fact, speeding deaths on rural roads account for 38 percent of all speed-related traffic fatalities in the U.S. That’s over 4,000 deaths a year.
Follow along with the National Center for rural Road Safety as they discuss a speed topic related to rural roads.
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T2 Welcomes Thomas Clements and Miriam Reber | |
Thomas Clements joins us as a Research Engineer. He comes to our team with experience as an engineer for the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.
In his spare time, Thomas enjoys spending time with family and friends, canoeing, and skiing.
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Miriam Reber joins us as a Conference Coordinator for the Heavy Equipment Operator training program.
Miriam is a recent UK graduate and is excited to join the T2 team.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, playing tennis, and cooking.
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This month, you have two opportunities to join us for a free Webinar Wednesday. Our first webinar is from 9-10am on July 12, 2023, and will cover Burnout in the Workplace. A special bonus webinar from 11am-12pm will cover the Dos and Don'ts of Chainsaws. | |
Dealing With Burnout
July 12, 2023
9am - 10am ET
Professional burnout can happen to anyone in any profession and often sneaks up on us without warning. In a world of the Great Resignation, quiet quitting and compassion fatigue, it all the more imperative that we recognize and combat burnout in the workplace. This webinar will cover signs of burnout and strategies to help you help those around you.
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Chainsaw Safety
July 12, 2023
11am - 12pm ET
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Chainsaws can be useful, but it is important to remember they can also be dangerous. Every year, numerous chainsaw operators and bystanders are seriously injured and killed due to chainsaw accidents. A large majority of these statistics could have been prevented by learning and practicing proper chainsaw safety. During this presentation, we will discuss chainsaw maintenance procedures, how to select and properly use personal protective equipment, and how to safely operate the chainsaw to reduce the risk of injury. | |
July 26, 2023
9am - 11am EST
| This two-hour training will introduce participants to the Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool as well as giving an overview of why systemic screening is needed and the benefits of incorporating systemic screening into safety evaluations. Participants will be introduced to the four-step systemic planning process and be given the chance to apply each step using case studies and exercises. | |
Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool is an elective offering in the Road Safety Champion Program. Find out more about program requirements and commit to safer roadway practices today. | |
View older versions of the Link by visiting our Publication Archives. | |
To receive a hard copy in the mail,
email Brittany Cloyd.
What was your favorite article in this edition? | | | | |
August 2, 2023
Waterfront Park, Louisville. Events start at 8:00am ET.
The APWA Kentucky Chapter is sponsoring the fourth annual APWA Equipment Show & ROADeo.
The Equipment Show features some of the region's latest heavy equipment, construction, municipal, and highway products & services from top vendors.
Register to compete, volunteer, or exhibit here.
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KTC Research:
Graduated Driver
Licensing Program
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Kentucky’s 2006 expansion of its Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program improved teen driver safety by reducing the number of fatal and severe crashes involving teen drivers. However, nationwide data on normalized teen crash fatalities per 10,000 licensed teen drivers shows that Kentucky ranks near the bottom of all states. Because parents and guardians are the primary partners in guiding teen drivers through the licensing process, including them in decision making about the GDL program will be critical. Public outreach activities targeting parents and teen drivers and raising public awareness about the need to improve Kentucky’s GDL program may open a forum for discussions on adopting specific best practices.
Learn more about these GDL program findings.
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Learn more about Graduated Driver Licensing Program findings. | |
Come Train With Us In Person | |
For more training dates later in the year, visit our calendar page here. | |
In May, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) launched its first national Our Roads, Our Safety Week, a new annual observance dedicated to educating all road users on sharing the road safely with large trucks and buses. The Agency and wider safety community shared tips, resources, and materials that help improve road safety and directly support the National Roadway Safety Strategy. | |
From speeding and distracted driving to moving fraud protection, FMCSA is responsible for communicating with large truck and bus drivers—as well as other road users—about key safety issues that may impact road travel. They are committed to providing informational and educational materials that can help keep our nation's roadways safer. | |
Put Your Safety First During the Summer Months | |
Check out last month's Webinar Wednesday recording
on Work Zones for Local Agencies.
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Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
There you will find past Webinar Wednesdays, presentations, tutorials, and more. Make sure to like and subscribe below to catch all of our updates and new videos.
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