In this Issue:

The boat Launch at Westport boating facility will be closing for construction!

Do you have your 2022 cruise schedule ready? Here's what to know.

Coon Island Clean up follow up - A message from Mike Kondrat

Some Great News - Abandoned and Derelict Boat updates


  1. Poker Run - August 21st
  2. Golf Tournament - Sept. 18th

CRYA Website with links to events and local information on boating including Cruise Guide. CRYA Website

The Columbia Press - News Release

Work to begin at county's newest Park.

Westport Ferry Dock shown at right.

The public boat launch site at Westport, OR will close July 1st for much needed repairs when Clatsop County starts construction on its long-awaited new boating recreation facility.

The closure will affect the boat ramp and adjacent parking area and is expected to last through November.

The county project includes construction of a new boat ramp as well as a 300' short term tie up dock and kayak launch. Plus paved parking and restrooms. A second phase of the project includes construction of a picnic area and playground. Along with funding from Clatsop County and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the project is also made by possible with funding from the Oregon State Marine Board, and of course a bit from your CRYA.
Have you gotten your 2022 Cruise Schedule Ready?
Submissions begin at 12am on August 1st.

A message from Jolene Coats-Walsh - Cruise Schedule Coordinator-Media Liaison.

Hello, this is just an early reminder that 2022 Cruise Schedule submission date is approaching quickly. They can begin submission on August 1st at midnight, and they will be processed first come first serve as in years past. You have until the November General Member Meeting, but for everyone's best chances of getting dates requested, along with time to modify conflicts early is always better.

Please submit them in MS Word Document format preferably. My email and is also noted below and the place to send them when the August 1st Date comes.

If there are conflicts, I will let you know as soon as possible to work it out with another club.

Safe and Happy boating,
Jolene Coats-Walsh, Publisher email:
Island Creative Printing & Publishing, LLC
Freshwater News
NW Waterfront Living tm • NW Sailing News tm
PO Box 954, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
503.283.2733 • Fax: 503.283.1904 • Cell: 503.575.5702
JJ Collins Marine Memorial Park
Coon Island clean up

On Saturday June 19, members of three yacht clubs joined in with Columbia County personnel to tidy up the trails and restrooms in JJ Collins Marine Memorial Park (Coon Island). Amid the sounds of chain saws and weed eaters were boaters having a great time sharing stories and having fun working on cleaning up the island so any boaters no matter what their affiliation is can enjoy it. The yearly cleanup is hosted by NOTS Boating Club who provided sandwiches and water for everyone that was working on the trails. Grand Banks Boat Club also participated and covered part of the lunch cost. We also had Sauvies Island Yacht Club represented. With over 35 people helping to clean up the trails, work was done in a record breaking 2.5 hours.
10 boats stayed for the entire weekend to enjoy the beautiful trails.
We encourage all clubs who use this facility to participate in next year’s clean up cruise.
Mike Kondrat
NOTS Cruise Director
A Million Dollars to be available to the Oregon State Marine Boards Abandoned and Derelict Boat funds.

This is a recap from Stan Tonneson, the driving force behind getting this funding possible. He worked with CRYA and WOOO to help get public support to the Legislature. A big Thank You needs to go out to Stan for his work. It is described here:

Our legislation to get funding for the removal of abandoned and derelict boats took many twists and turns this year. Our original bill SB740 which added a $5 fee to all boat registrations did not move out of committee as the Senators did not feel it was equitable charging all boats in the state for a regional issue. Senator Taylor of District 21, SE Portland and including the Willamette from the falls to Downtown Portland introduced her similar bill, SB 840, which would have allowed each county of the state to create and manage their own ADV program and charge each boat up to about $6 a foot. Our groups spoke loud and clear against the added bureaucracy since we already had a functioning program at the OSMB that we were already paying for. Senator Taylor withdrew SB840 based on our input and introduced SB 859 which was a really simple bill that increased the amount of money that the OSMB can provide into their budget for the ADV account from $150,000 to 1 million per biennium. In addition, Senator Taylor vowed to find 1 million dollars to put into the program. SB 859 did pass the Senate but sat in the legislature rules committee and did not pass.
Senator Taylor worked on getting some of the federal 1.9 Trillion dollars from the ARPA fund and succeeded to get her promised $1 million dollars to kick start the clean up of ADV's and to work on a program and future legislation with more effective programs and permanent funding.
A big shout out and thank you to Senator Taylor.
The OSMB will be in charge of the money and yes they can take and use this money. There are a lot of details, guidelines and requirements and this will take a while for OSMB to figure out. It is hopeful that some of the money can be spent on the Columbia River in Multnomah County. Very soon Ross Island is going to do a major clean up on their own dime. Of the 60 or so boats around their island, many will move to other areas but they will be successful in having a major impact.
Lots of good news. 
Thanks for everyone's support and advocacy during this 2021 legislative session. We may try for a bill in the 2022 short session but most likely we will wait for the long session in 2023 giving us plenty of time to work on better programs.

Stan Tonneson
Rocky Pointe Marina
Poker Run 2021 - August 21st

Columbia River Yacht Club will be hosting the opening and closing events for the day of the Poker Run. A big thanks for their help in that! On the website is the sign up form, and information on what the day will have in store for you. The CRYC Galley will be open for lunch from 11 to 1, and there will also be a special Saturday night buffet available as we add up our hands to find the winners, and of course the best loser for a prize as well. We look forward to having a great day. Please, if you or your business has a prize of some sort to donate let us know. Go to the website and see what is going on by clicking HERE
The 2021 CRYA Golf Tournament
Saturday Sept. 18th, 2021 at Wildwood Golf Course
Sponsored by: Sheffield Marine Propeller

Sign up sheets are ready, and sponsorships are now being solicited to help make this a great and fun event for CRYA. The website is now up and running and much of the needed information can now be found there. Our Hole in one sponsor this year is Rocky Pointe Marina! Thank you for that. If you or someone you know would like to be a hole sponsor, golf ball sponsor, or any number of other possible sponsorship items please let us know. Profits from the Golf Tournament are used for making up the difference of club dues to cover operating expenses of the organization, but also to fund projects such as the Martin Slough docks, and other future boating facility upgrades.

Sign up HERE for Team or individual sign ups.
Our Premium Sponsor for the September 2021 Golf Tournament
Please support our generous sponsor
Sheffield Marine Propeller, Inc.
Kim, Brian and Crew are always there for you!
Click the logo to go to their website.

Columbia River Yachting Association