Wishing you a very happy 4th from the
Salisbury Business Center
Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act Approved
Recent federal tax reform legislation — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — includes incentives that help small business owners install fire sprinklers. Fire sprinkler systems are known to reduce the spread of fire in a building.

Small businesses can now deduct the expense of installing a fire sprinkler system on their federal taxes. Now, fire sprinkler installation can be expensed up to $1 million for each year of the expense. This incentive makes it possible for businesses to install, retrofit or upgrade their current fire suppression systems. Businesses can also deduct interest from loans received for this renovation.
New Supreme Court Ruling:
Internet Retailers & Sales Tax 
Americans do LOTS of shopping online, drawn by low prices, wide selection and buy-from-home convenience. E-commerce has had another edge: Many of those sales were tax-free; however, the Supreme Court recently handed states broad authority to require online retailers to collect sales taxes.

On June 21, 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that internet retailers can be required to collect sales tax. The decision is a victory for brick-and-mortar businesses that have long felt they are disadvantaged by having to charge sales tax while many online competitors do not. 
WHAT: Coffee Morning
WHEN: Thursday July 26, 2018
TIME: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Salisbury Business Center
301 S. Main Street, Salisbury NC 28144

The Coffee Morning at the Salisbury Business Center is the perfect opportunity to start your day with light breakfast fare and a bit of networking. Thursday, July 26th , join us in welcoming guest of honor Amy-Lynn Albertson, Executive Director of the Rowan Cooperative Extension to chat with her about this important organization in our community.

The Coffee Morning is a FREE EVENT, but by reservation only . To be added to our invitation list, send an email to receptionist@integro-tech.com with COFFEE MORNING in the subject line . . . then watch for an invitation in your inbox!
Building Great Places through
Small-Scale Manufacturing 
Smart Growth America is soliciting applications for a new round of free technical assistance for communities interested in using small-scale manufacturing as a strategy to create economic opportunity, and build great places.

Small-scale manufacturers have emerged as a significant force in today’s urban economy. This emerging sector can serve as a powerful tool in the effort to revitalize downtown and other core neighborhoods—while also creating jobs and connecting more residents to economic opportunity.
Work in downtown Salisbury , with proximity to downtown amenities such as shops and restaurants, Interstate access just minutes away, and high visibility.

The Salisbury Business Center has (2) key-person office spaces available: 287 s.f. and 353 s.f respectively.

You'll utilize a beautifully-furnished lobby, fully-equipped conference room, VoIP phone system, fully-furnished kitchen facilities, 76-seat auditorium, and ample parking.
A full staff, including dedicated receptionist to answer phone and receive mail, facility manager, and maintenance team are at your service. Make the Salisbury Business Center your professional home today.

Call 704.209.4589 to see the available office spaces.
You are invited to take in the newest art expo at the Salisbury Business Center ! With (14) participating artists and nearly 100 new original pieces in a comprehensive exhibit featuring 6+ years of Chickweed artists, this show has an energy of its own. To see this wonderful display, visit the Salisbury Business Center Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm.

The annual CHICKWEED - Celebrating Indestructible Women concert and art festival is Saturday July 21, 2018 5:00pm-11:00pm. Hear an all female revue of music performances while raising funding for Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.
Blood Drive August 22, 2018
at the
Salisbury Business Center
Giving   blood: Such a simple thing to do, yet makes such a
big difference in the lives of others.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday August 22nd
between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:30pm .
You can use the American Red Cross online scheduling system, or call the Salisbury Business Center at 704.209.4589 to make your appointment.
Authored by Susan R. McHugh | Salisbury Business Center