July is ADA Celebration Month
Now is the time to Fill Out DRCT's
Priorities Questionnaire
Dear Disability Rights Connecticut Clients and Constituents:

My name is Deborah Dorfman. I am the Executive director of Disability Rights Connecticut (often referred to as DRCT). DRCT is an agency that helps to protect the legal rights of people with disabilities so that they can live better lives. DRCT looks for the wrongdoings in the systems and corrects them for people with disabilities. This past year alone, we advocated for people with mental health issues in prison, were able to extend special education services for students until their 22nd birthday, and advocated that people with disabilities in Connecticut be prioritized to receive the COVID 19 vaccine, among many other advocacy efforts. 

DRCT needs your help to understand and address the most pressing needs of people with disabilities in Connecticut. DRCT has created the attached questionnaire that I hope you will fill out. We will use your answers to guide us in setting future priorities.
If you look at the questionnaire and find you want to add a critical issue, please describe the situation to us in the space provided. And, if you don’t see your important issue listed or it does not fit into a specific category, we want to hear about it, so please feel free to write it in wherever you see the word “Other.”
If you need assistance filling out this form or would prefer to talk to someone about your ideas or maybe some of the topics listed are new to you, and you would like more information, please call us at (860) 297-4300 (voice), (800) 842-7303 (toll-free CT), (860) 509-4992 (videophone) or email us at info@DisRightsCT.org and someone will get back to you promptly.
And let us know if there is another person or organization you think should also fill out the questionnaire.
Thank you!
Deborah Dorfman
Executive Director
Do You Receive Vocational Rehabilitation Services?

Contact the Client Assistance Program (CAP).

Watch our new video explaining Disability Rights Connecticut's Client Assistance Program for people who are interested in receiving, or already using vocational rehabilitation services from BRS or BESB. This video is presented in American Sign Language, with a voiceover and open captions in English.
Contact: Disability Rights Connecticut at 800-842-7303 (toll-free CT),
860-297-4300 (voice), or 860-509-4992 (Videophone).
You can also email us at info@DisRightsCT.org.
Job Announcements
Join our Team

The Legal Director provides leadership to help DRCT achieve its overall vision of a society in which persons with disabilities have equality of opportunity, full participation, and the ability to exercise meaningful choice. The Legal Director is responsible for the quality and delivery of DRCT’s legal services.

COVID-19 Vaccine in Connecticut

Clinics are taking walk-ins for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Find out if you're eligible and access support to help you get vaccinated against COVID-19. If you are experiencing disability-related accessibility barriers, please call DRCT at (800) 842-7303.

Need a ride? Transportation is available for people who want the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Call the Vaccine Appointment Assistance Line at
(877) 918-2224 to schedule your COVID vaccine appointment AND get connected with a ride to and from your appointment.

The Vaccine Appointment Assist Line can also provide assistance to those who face language and technology barriers and those who are Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, or DeafBlind. 
Frequently Asked Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine

What is COVID?

What if I need a Vaccine, but I can't go to a clinic?

Where is the nearest COVID Vaccine Clinic?
Want Text Message Alerts on COVID-19 in CT?
Residents can also subscribe to text message alerts from the state by texting the keyword COVIDCT to 888-777.
Other Updates
Join the REV UP
Connecticut Coalition
The American Association of People with Disabilities (AADP) is working to expand the REV UP (Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!) voting coalition in Connecticut. If you know people in Connecticut that may be interested in joining REV UP, email laluri@aapd.com!

Check out DRCT's webpage voting rights page! Contact us if you want us to mail you a free REV UP sticker.
Community Engagement
DRCT works with individuals with disabilities, their families and community partners to understand common goals, priorities and visions. DRCT staff provide outreach and training to establish and maintain community relationships, and implement strategies that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

DRCT can provide training, upon request, on issues related to our focus areas. If you believe you, or a group you are a member of, could benefit from training, please contact our Community Engagement Advocate, Michael Whilby at 860-856-4158 or Michael.Whilby@DisRightsCT.org
Deborah Dorfman,
Executive Director

Disability Rights Connecticut