July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health conditions do not discriminate. They can affect anyone regardless of race, color, gender or identity. However, access to quality mental health care is not equal. Minorities have poorer mental health outcomes due to stigma and lack of access to mental health services. Below are a variety of resources to help everyone find the help they deserve. 

Resources from Mental Health America

Supporting diverse communities - AFSP

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in July is recognized nationwide to bring understanding of the mental health needs and experiences within BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities, and others who face disproportionate inequities in care, support or mental health services in this country.

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LGBTQIA+ Resources from

The Hub CT

Local Resources & Support The Gender Diversity & Resilience Program serves transgender and gender expansive youth ages 12-18 and their families. Find Gay Straight Alliance contacts and resources on this website created by the LGBTQ+ Task Force Additional Resources

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It's Ok to Ask for Help

Suicide Prevention Tips & Resources

Download Our Updated Resource Guides

There is support for anyone seeking help year-round.

Check out some of these resources.

You can download the resource guides here

and the support group guide here.

Upcoming Events

Foundations of Harm Reduction July 19th, 10 - 11:30 AM

Register now.

July 20th, 3 - 4 PM

This. is approved for EMS Continuing Education (Approval #: 1 CT-F4-193).

Dinner & a CME series

August 1st at 6 PM

Presented by Lorraine Udom from CT DCF, this mandated reporter training is a must for all EMS providers. Open to all, no cost, dinner provided. Please email ems@trumbull-ct.gov to register.

Additional Resources & Opportunities

The State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General, is seeking proposals to provide certain legal services involving representation of the Connecticut Department of Housing related to its administration of state and federal financial assistance, grant, loan, and various housing, community development and other programs with the statutory authority of the Department of Housing. PROPOSALS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. local time, as detailed in the Request for Proposals.This Request for Proposals is available online or download here

Take the Prevention Workforce Survey hosted by TTASC

This is a brief survey to gather information from prevention professionals, staff and volunteers to determine current training needs and interests. Please take the short time to complete the survey yourselves and please forward to others you feel should also give feedback. The deadline for completion is July 31, 2022.

Watch the Recording.

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT

A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Visit us online at thehubct.org

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Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC