Annual Conference Ice Cream Social

The Mission Rivers ice cream social at Bonsack UMC was a success with 55 people in attendance. It was a great time to meet people of our district participating at Annual Conference in Roanoke and to share with our District Superintendent. Thanks to all who came and those who made it happen!

2023 Annual Conference wrap-up

The 241st session of Annual Conference has wrapped!

You can still give to Annual Conference Offering

The goal of the offering for 2023 is $150,000. This year, you are invited to the initiative to #nurture leadership worldwide! The Virginia Conference will support Refugee Resettlement, Food Insecurity in the Commonwealth, and Partnerships of Hope’s leadership programs in Brazil, Mozambique, Cambodia, Native Americans, Haiti, and Vietnam through this offering. You can mail offering to: P.O. Box 5605 Glen Allen, VA 23058 (Memo: AC 2023 Offering) or give online.

Is your church interested in 5G Business Internet?

It was announced in the Board of Communications report at the 2023 Annual Conference session that the board has partnered with T-Mobile to offer access to 5G Business Internet. They are excited to offer this opportunity for both rural and urban churches in this conference to have internet access.

All churches are encouraged (whether you think you are in a good location or not) to fill out our interest form. This will allow board members to cross reference churches with the list from T-Mobile, and send the information to get churches set up with T-Mobile.

Even if you already have internet this could be an opportunity to save some money, or evaluate your current internet service provider. If your location is not serviced by T-Mobile (or you don’t think it is) please still fill out the interest form as they are continuing to expand their 5G service, and the board is looking forward to work with Verizon toward the end of this year for a similar deal. Fill out interest form...

'Next Steps' campaign seeks to address needs of members seeking to stay UMC during local church disaffiliations

For those whose congregations have voted to disaffiliate, but who wish to remain United Methodist, the Virginia Annual Conference and the Cabinet offer Next Steps, a website with resources to remain connected as they discern where God is calling them. At Next Steps, individuals and churches may

access resources for small group gathering and other means of discipleship.

As part of this Bridge Churches offer one possible next step for persons who choose to remain United Methodist after their church disaffiliates, providing pastoral care, assistance in gathering, and invitations to share in ministry opportunities with their congregations. These churches are not recruiting members; they offer a safe space of support, nurture, and opportunities for connection during this time of transition. Individuals may choose to join Bridge churches, on their terms and at their own pace of discernment; or they may choose to join elsewhere. Learn more...

Volunteer musicians wanted! Tabernacle UMC in Poquoson is starting a contemporary worship service and is looking to form a praise band. Time commitment is approximately 3 hours on Sunday mornings. All instruments and skill levels welcome. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Ed Dwyer at 757-262-7063 or

Vacation Bible School at Bellamy UMC

WHEN: Starts: 07/17/2023

Ends: 07/21/2023

Times: 6pm-8pm

Where: Bellamy UMC 4870 Chestnut Fork Rd, Gloucester VA 23061  

Light Dinner provided nightly 

Contact Jennifer Hart 757-784-8944 for more details

July 28 – 30, 2023

In person (register by June 27) or online classes (register by July 15)

1.      Living the Kin-Dom: Exploring the Lord’s Prayer as a Spiritual Practice for Social Transformation

Instructors: Rev. Jason Stanley, Rev. Josette Franklin, Rev. JaeHaeng Choi, Rev. Ileana Rosario

2.      Climate Justice: A Call to Hope and Action

Instructor: Rev. Pat Watkins

3.      God’s Mission and the Spirituality of Relationship

Instructor: Rev. Denise Honeycutt

Find all information and registration at:

Ebenezer UMC Stafford

161 Embrey Mill Rd., Stafford, VA 22554

Bus Trip to Sight and Sound Theater, Lancaster PA

Moses – Live on Stage

Experience one of the Bible's most epic stories as MOSES comes to life with massive sets, special effects, and live animals.

2 Day Trip

August 15-16, 2023

Trip includes: One hotel night, Smorgasbord dinner, Breakfast buffet at hotel, Tour of Amish Farmlands and a stop at an Amish Quilt and Craft Shop.

Cost ranges from $350-$445 per person

Trip departs from Trinity UMC, 5428 Richmond Hwy, Tappahannock, VA 22560

For more information contact:  

Laurie Andrus at

Sign up for virtual August Lay Servant Academy

The next Virginia Annual Conference Lay Servant Academy will occur virtually on August 18-19, 2023. Online course offerings will be:

• United Methodist Heritage (Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson, instructor)

• Basic Course (Richard Speirs, instructor)

• Spiritual Gifts (Joseph Plemmons, instructor)

• Leading Well in Conflict Transformation (Sarah Calvert, instructor)

• Called to Preach! (Nathan Decker, instructor)

• Introduction to Simplified Accountable Structure (Instructor TBD)

• Certified Lay Minister Orientation (Joanna Dietz and Jennifer Robinson-O'Brien, instructors).

Cost is $35 for all courses except CLM Orientation, which is $15. For more information, follow this link. To register, click here. Contact Tianna Durbin, Lay Servant Academy Director ( if you have questions.