October 2020 Newsletter
Program Highlights
Working to End Homelessness Service Guide!
Check out the Service in Schools online resource page, featuring remote resources for carrying out service-learning at home. Access Service in Schools’ new project guide, Working to End Homelessness. Learn about how you can help support housing insecure individuals and families in your area. Also access other project guides on topics including how to reduce food waste and help fight hunger in your community.
Enjoying our project guides? Reply to this email and let us know what topic you would like to see us cover next.
Seal for Recognition of Service
The NYC Department of Education offers a locally approved diploma seal of recognition for youth service. The Seal of Recognition for Service, or Service Seal, recognizes high school students who accumulate a minimum of 100 hours of service over their high school years. Service hours may include community service completed independently or as part of service-learning and/or a school-led service program. 

For further guidance on the Service Seal, teachers and school-based staff can refer to the Seal of Recognition for Service guidance document behind login on the InfoHub. For questions, email ServiceinSchools@schools.nyc.gov.
School Spotlight
We Want to Hear from You!
Calling all students, educators, and families! Service in Schools is looking for stories of NYC public school students who have been supporting their communities over the last seven months to feature in upcoming editions of this newsletter and on Twitter and Instagram. We know that youth have been stepping up during these unprecedented times by assisting elderly neighbors, supporting community-based organizations, and raising awareness on issues that impact their communities. If you know a class, club, or individuals in grades K-12 who have done amazing acts of service, let us know at ServiceinSchools@schools.nyc.gov!
Virtual Opportunities and Resources for Youth

I’RAISE Girls & Boys International

I’Raise Boys & Girls International is a holistic program that aims to improve the socio-emotional well-being and educational outcomes for youth ages 4-19 years. This fall, they are offering free virtual programs that cover tutoring, mentoring, entrepreneurship, STEM, and more. Students can sign up for free virtual programs by October 21, 2020. I'RAISE also partners with NYC Department of Education schools, and offers school social work services for grades K-12 (counseling, case management, family sessions, parent support, and teacher support). I’RAISE provides a COVID-19 resource and support hotline for parents. For more information, email schools@iraiseinc.org.
 Educational Resources for Students, Educators, and Families
Green Beetz

Green Beetz is an education non-profit organization on a mission to teach kids about food, health, and the environment so that they can make healthier choices for their bodies and for the planet. Their free digital curriculum, Green Beetz Direct, allows students to learn about food and the environment while learning remotely. Green Beetz also has a Teacher Portal which gives teachers and families free access to their standard, in-classroom curriculum that can be implemented for blended learning. The Portal also provides training videos, curriculum slides, and additional resources. No application is required to participate in and/or teach Green Beetz—their goal is to make food education accessible to all!
Zinn Education Project

The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. Based on the lens of history highlighted in the best-selling book A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, the website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles organized by theme, time period, and reading level.
Contact the Service in Schools Team
Does your school have a great service project to share? If so, the Service in Schools team wants to know!

Invite the Service in Schools team to visit your service project. We want to see your students and school community in action. Email the Service in Schools team at ServiceinSchools@schools.nyc.gov with two weeks’ notice, and we’ll schedule a visit to your school to learn about your project and see the impact you’re making on the community. 
Follow @ServicenSchools on Twitter and @ServiceinSchools on Instagram to receive program updates, upcoming service opportunities, resources, and more. We encourage students who use social media and are interested in service opportunities to follow us.
Mission: Service in Schools strives to expand the number of NYC students engaged in transformative community service and service-learning experiences that enable them to use their voice, skills, and critical thinking to strengthen communities.