Jump Start
First Grade
February 2020
As the winter weather holds on, please be sure your child has the appropriate cold weather gear to go outside every day! Boots, snowpants, hats, gloves, and jackets should all be labeled! This is also a great time to check their backpacks for an extra set of clothes and socks! Thanks!
Please check your MAP family mailbox for:
*Your child’s MAP Experience Report
*The February Vacation Itinerary& Permission Slip
(if you signed up)

Re-enrollment forms for 2020-2021 will be emailed at the end of the month!

Tuesday 2/4 – Early Release Day
What will happen @ MAP?  If   it is your child's normal day to attend MAP, we will be expecting them (there is no Jump Start). There is no special sign up or extra charge for the extended coverage. If your child will not be coming, please make sure to notify MAP. [email protected] or (508) 359-2165 
Half Day Kindergarten Families – Please make note that for the reminder of the school year, on Early Release Days & Conference Days, children in AM Kindergarten will not have school & children in PM K will attend the morning session of Kindergarten. Mark your calendars: Early Release Dates: 2/4, 3/12, 3/17, 4/9, 5/15 (6/15 – flips back to no PM K and AM K goes to school)
  • Jump Start - NO MAP
  • AM K & PM MAP Children in AM Kindergarten have NO SCHOOL – Children who regularly attend MAP on Wednesdays can be dropped off at MAP at 8:30 am and may stay until 2:30 or their usual pick up time.
  • AM MAP & PM K – Children in PM Kindergarten will attend the morning session of Kindergarten and be released to MAP at 11:40. Children may stay at MAP until 2:30.
  • 1st Grade & Full Day K have a half-day, and will be released to MAP @11:40. 
  • All children need to come to MAP with a lunch (and a toothbrush if you gave your permission).
Please email Meghan if you know your child is on the toothbrushing list, but you would now like to opt out.

Monday 2/17 – MAP is closed

February Vacation: Tuesday 2/18, Wednesday, 2/19, and Thursday, 2/20 - MAP will be OPEN from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. This is an optional program. Families sign up and pay separately for these special days. We are planning a fun week with a Healthy & Fit theme, as well as a field trip! There is no Jump Start MAP. If you have signed your child up for any days this week, you will be receiving an itinerary and permission slip in your MAP mailbox soon!

Friday 2/21 – MAP is CLOSED for our Program Wide Teacher Professional Day.
Looking Ahead to MARCH:

Thursday, March 12
Tuesday March 17
 What happens at MAP on these days?
See info above for February 4th

Friday March 27 - There is NO school, but MAP will be open for a special sign-up day. You will receive an email about signing up as it gets closer.
2020-2021 Registration
MAP is already planning and preparing for 2020-2021!
Please share this information with any friends who have children entering Kindergarten in the Fall.
MAP registration materials will be available for incoming Jump Start & Kindergarten children at the end of February.
To get on our list, please email  [email protected]  and in the subject line write JUMP START 2020-2021
or KINDERGARTEN 2020-2021.    
In your e-mail, please provide: your name, your child’s name, phone number and your preferred email address. Families with children currently in the program will have enrollment priority over new families. MAP will be sending out re-enrollment forms to our current families at the same time.  

Re-enrollment for current families will happen at the same time.
TOP SECRET Assignment of the Month!

Shhh...because you read the newsletter, you get to participate in a secret assignment!

Please print out this fun Valentine's activity and complete it as a family - it will be fun to take turns answering the questions!
Return the completed page to Meghan for a prize :)
Jump Start and Half-Day K at MAP

The month of January was quite the adventure. We traveled all over the world for our theme Geography! Here are some of the things we learned about:

  • Maps of our town, state, country and world
  • Our addresses
  • Favorite places in Medfield
  • North Pole/South Pole
  • Ice Hotel pictures
  • Cold Animal adaptations
  • Equator & The Sun
  • All about the Rainforest & its Animals
  • Pluto and Venus
  • Hawaii and a Hawaiian luau
  • Deserts
Session 3 Clubs
Keychain Club with Kathy and Jeanne - Key Chain Club is off to a great start! Our first week we made key chains using shrink paper that made our drawings turn into a hard plastic key chain! We finished them off with homemade bead chain! We had so much fun! Next we will be making homemade Pom poms!! I cannot wait! 

Minute It to Win it Club with Scott - Club has kicked off and the clock has started to tick down. Week one had great moments about learning how the club will work and the patience and control needed while we are actively moving in the cubby room. The first week of challenges has brought some laughter, some excitement, and a lot of encouraging cheers. The best challenges are still yet to come!

Pinkalicious Club with Megan- Pinkalicaious Club has been a lot of fun so far! We made friendship bracelets (it was nice to see all the kids working and helping one another out!) and unicorn and dragon masks. We of course have been reading some Pinkalicious stories as well!  We'll be making pointer wands - this way when the kids are reading Pinkalicious or other fun stories they can point along with each word. I am excited to explore more fun crafts and maybe even eat some PINK cupcakes! 

Dough Club with Kim - Dough club has been so much fun!! We have made a marshmallow dough, a cookie dough and a cookie dough playdough out of frosting and cornstarch! The kids have been having fun getting their hands dirty with all kinds of ingredients!

Games Club with Trish- Games Club is off to a great start. We have already learned three new games - Kaboom, Yahtzee Jr. & a Star Wars Battle Game! The best part is that the kids are teaching other kids how to play these new games!! See you next Wednesday!

Painting Club with Nancy- Painting Club has started as planned: it’s been a wonderful, messy, creative learning experience for the kids! We began by painting with q-tips, and then quickly moved to a fun mess with our finger painting extravaganza! The children started fingerpainting slowly and carefully, but it quickly turned into a squishy mess with hands full of paint! We will explore their creative process by painting with different mediums and tools — from string and utensils, to salt, glue, and broccoli!  

Viking Club with Mike - Viking Club has set sail and we have already learned a lot! Did you know the term Viking was actually a Norse verb that meant “pillage”? Did you know that the word “berserk” comes from Berserkers, legendary Viking warriors that were said to transform from men into bears in battle? We have learned some fun facts, heard some Norse mythology, and drawn some Viking dragons. We are preparing for our upcoming raids on the unsuspecting villagers!

Frozen Club with Jodi -   The year has started off with some chilly temps - but at least frozen club will see some snow! Please make sure you have all your snow gear (and maybe some extra mittens) on club days. If there is snow we will try and take advantage of it! We had fun mixing shaving cream and baking soda for some indoor frozen snow! Happy winter!
Afternoons at MAP

2020 has started off with a bang! The kids and teachers have been busy with new clubs starting, fun projects, and gym games. The kids have done still life drawings, play doh, colored on huge coloring pages, made snowmen out of toilet paper tubes, penguins out of ripped paper and snowflakes out of glue and salt. We had a Freaky Friday half day this month. Jodi made the teachers jello and turned them all into kids. Some of the kids loved it and some were trying to figure out how to turn us back into adults. Finally Professor Von Vuettenheimerschmitten arrived to make a concoction that turned us all back to normal!
It's Tax Time!
MAP's federal tax ID # :
If you need a statement for tax purposes, please be sure to reach out to Gaye:

Meghan Jackson, Jumpstart, K-1 Program Director
508.359.2165 [email protected]

Annette Gallagher, M.Ed., Executive Director

               MAP provides high quality afterschool enrichment programs and is supported by tuition & tax-deductible contributions from families, their employers, other organizations. Proudly serving Medfield families for over 20 years! A nonprofit organization.
Fed ID # 04-3061993