
June 2022 - By Mediator Tom King

See legal cartoon & jokes at bottom!

Mediation CLE Webinar

Register for Texas' most attended CLE for the 3rd year in a row! 5,000 attendees can't be wrong! 20 hours of free, online, on demand 24/7. Over 200 of Texas most knowledgeable and diverse legal experts are featured presenters. Starting next year, our CLE webinars will be certified for all 50 states, Canada and other countries across the globe. RSVP here.


Mediation Forms

See our preparation and post mediation forms in Microsoft Word file formats for you to edit as you see fit. For more information, click here

Mediation Helpsheets

See our Mediation, Legal Technology and Family Law helpsheets. Click here.

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Mediation Software

See our free Legal & Mediation Toolkit software platform. Download here.

Mediation County & City Information

See our new mediation resource pages for all 254 county and over 60 cities in Texas. Includes clerk, family violence, court and mediation resources. Click here.

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Mediation Services: Tom King, J.D. 

Attorney and Mediation Law Professor Tom King offers half-day mediations at 9 am, 1 pm and 6 pm for $400 per party. Tom also offers Drive-By Mediations for completed MSAs in 30-minute sessions at $150 per party. Tom resolve 92% of all mediations on final orders. See our mediation preparation, payment and online booking online here


Mediation Interns 

We have mediation interns. Join our mediations and help law students observe mediation best (and worst) practices! We also have more Zoom-powered mediation internships. Share this opportunity for any students planning to or attending law school.

Legal Technology: Cellular & Wireless

Do you need fast, cheapy, easy office/home internet? We have been blown away by T-Mobile's high speed, 5G, WiFi Hotspot at only $50 per month with no contract and the hardware is free. We use it to power 7 devices in our office. See more info here.

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Legal Technology: Toolkit.law App

New month we launch the new Toolkit.law App starting with our new website and mobile apps. Browser extensions, desktop applications and other resources will follow later this month. We thank all of you for help us improve our technology over the past two years as we prepare to take a massive leap forward over this summer! For more info, click here.

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Legal Technology: Technology CLE Webinar

Last year, our free, 20 hour Legal Technology CLE Webinar was the most attending legal technology CLE webinar in North America. We launch the free 2022 version in August! For more info, click here.


Legal Humor

Q: What happened to the banker who went to law school?

A: Now she’s a loan shark

Q: A man walked into the local Chamber of Commerce of a small town, obviously desperate. Seeing a man at the counter, the stranger asks, “Is there a criminal attorney in town?”

A: To which the man behind the counter immediately quipped, “Yeah, but we can’t prove it yet!

Q: Why did the lawyer’s chicken cross the road?

A: He had an easement.

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