The Messenger
June 1, 2021
Welcome Michael and Austin!
When the Madison schools returned to in person learning, students from Memorial High School were able to safely join Anne and Heather in the office once again. Michael and Austin are part of the post-secondary transition program and come to the office once a week to practice their job skills. They excel at all of their tasks including preparing mailings, sorting and organization our materials, and cleaning the office up. They are so fun to be around and the highlight of our week.

Stay tuned to future newsletters to learn more about Michael & Austin, their fellow students and teachers, and why having work site experiences are so important.
New Report Finds Wisconsin’s Limited DMV Access is a Barrier to the Ballot

From Disability Rights Wisconsin:
"Since passing one of the most restrictive photo ID laws in the nation in 2011, Wisconsin has made it harder to obtain an ID needed to vote. This report shines a light on the barriers to DMV service centers – especially for people with disabilities, older adults, and people of color — many of whom are nondrivers.
Our democracy works best when everyone participates. Limited access to DMV services, along with Wisconsin’s restrictive photo ID law, creates barriers to the ballot for tens of thousands of Wisconsin voters. To protect and expand our freedom to vote, we must ensure full and equal access to these services. The report provides concrete recommendations to ensure all Wisconsinites can access the DMV to obtain an ID to vote, regardless of who they are and where they live."

If you are a federal employee and parent of a child with special needs, you may be able to apply your government survival benefits to your child. This includes a wide variety of employees. Please read the article from the Special Needs Alliance newsletter for more information
Get involved at The Arc-Dane County!
It is so exciting that we are able to start our in person gatherings again. We are moving slowly and safely to take care of all of our members, self-advocates, and the Dane County community. Here's what you can do to help support us keep our social and educational programming available to everyone in the Dane County area. Join us at the community awards, golf, or donate to our silent auctions.

Your support is necessary to make these events successful.
Together with your support, we can accomplish great things.
Join us at the 2020 & 2021 Community Awards Celebration
We look forward to you joining us for an evening of honoring those who have made a difference in the lives of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Dane County. We will gather for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and socializing at Quivey's Grove before recognizing the award winners from the past two years.

For more information or to register for the event, contact us at 608-833-1199 or
We are in search of great golfers and great sponsors!
Registration IS OPEN-Everybody's Golf Tournament is September 17th.

Our fun-filled event to raise funds for The Arc-Dane County will take place at The Meadows of Sixmile Creek in Waunakee.

You can support The Arc-Dane County by:
  • sponsoring this event
  • making a donation to the silent auction
  • joining the planning committee
  • and getting your team together

To become one of our great supporters contact Heather at or use this form.
Thank you to these 2021 Golf Sponsors!
Donate to our silent auctions and raffles!
Looking for an easy and fun way to help The Arc-Dane County?
Do you own a local business, have creative skills, or know people who do?
You can support us by donating items to be used in our silent auctions and raffles that take place at our Community Awards and Everybody's Golf Tourney! Great items include gift certificates and items from local businesses, sports memorabilia, themed baskets, and experiences. If you would like to make a donation or have questions, please contact Heather at and she will help you out.
Keeping All Students Safe Act

Chairman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-Va.), House Committee on Education and Labor, Representative Don Beyer (D-Va.), Representative Donald McEachin (D-Va.), Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), reintroduced the Keeping All Students Safe Act,(S.1858H.R.3474), legislation to protect students from dangerous seclusion and restraint discipline practices in school. The legislation would ban the use of seclusion and dangerous restraint practices (e.g., physical restraints that affect breathing, chemical restraints) in any school receiving federal taxpayer money. Additionally, KASSA would provide schools with training on evidence-based positive behavior supports and require states to monitor the law's implementation.

Plain language:

  • Congress is working on a bill that would protect students from being punished in a a way that can hurt them. 
What this means to you:

  • Most students that are punished in a harmful way are students with disabilities.
Action steps:

Celebrate the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Turning 31 with us!

Get Registered Today for the
One Voice Wisconsin for Disability Rights Virtual Run, Walk, Roll, and Bike!

One Voice Wisconsin for Disability Rights will bring together community members with and without disabilities from across the state to move with a unified voice in support of disability rights. Participants can choose to run, walk, roll, or bike for one mile, a 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles), or simply move for exercise at any point during July 23 – 25, 2021. Participants can complete their race individually, with family and friends, at a park, their backyard, or even inside! Be sure to check with your local chapter for event details.

Proceeds go directly to the chapter of The Arc Wisconsin network you choose at registration to assist and advocate for people with disabilities and their families who continue to experience impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, from loss of services and extreme social isolation and concern about the ability to return to the full life they once had.

Be sure to select The Arc-Dane County as your chosen network and have fun running, walking, rolling, and biking!
Follow us on social media for updates and information!
The Arc-Dane County

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