Greetings – Through its Child and Family Well-Being program area, The Duke Endowment works with public agencies and private organizations to ensure that all children in the Carolinas grow up in families safe from maltreatment and supported by nurturing parents and caring adults, enabling them to live successful lives.
Information shared through this periodic e-newsletter is intended to help inform policies and practices that enhance the lives of children.
Please let us know how we can assist you.
Phil Redmond, Director; Tamika Williams, Associate Director
Child & Family Well-Being, The Duke Endowment

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Child and Family Well-Being Insights
The South Carolina Depart­ment of Social Ser­vices is building its prevention services. By pro­vid­ing ear­li­er sup­port and ser­vices to families through the multi-year program Thriving Families, Safer Children, the department aims to avoid involving the child pro­tec­tion system in family problems.
Predictive analytics, or the use of historical data to forecast future outcomes, is increasingly used in social services and education to identify people who could most benefit from targeted interven­tions. MDRC, a research organization, and Child First, a home visiting pro­gram that provides therapeutic support and services to families with young children, studied how predictive analytics could improve home delivery services.
In the News