June 10, 2022
A publication by Gloucester's Department of Community Engagement and Public Information
Gloucester Real Estate and Personal Property Bills Mailed
The Gloucester Treasurer’s Office mailed out the first installment 2022 real estate and personal property tax bills May 31. Bills are due Thursday, June 30.
The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors voted in April to reduce the tax rate for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and a few categories of trailers, as allowed by State Code. “So, even though vehicle values are higher across the board than they were last year, the reduced tax rate brought the actual tax bill closer to last year’s amount,” said Gloucester Treasurer Tara Thomas.
Thomas pointed out there is an issue on certain bills with travel trailers that qualify for the reduced tax rate, which was not identified until after the bills were mailed. “While the item is listed, the tax amount is missing on the bill, so it appears that the total is incorrect,” Thomas said. “The total due showing on the bill is correct even though some of the item amounts are missing.”
33 Local Businesses Receive Honors
Join us in congratulating the 33 Gloucester businesses that received top honors in Virginia Living Magazine's 2022 Best of Eastern Virginia Businesses!
The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors and the Gloucester Economic Development Authority would like to congratulate local winners of this year’s Virginia Living Magazine’s best of Eastern Virginia awards. In the highly competitive Eastern Region of Virginia, which includes all of Hampton Roads, Gloucester businesses garnered awards in 30 different categories. "
New Tourism Coordinator Strives to Showcase Gloucester’s Attributes
Gloucester resident Susan Ammons started recently as Gloucester’s new Tourism Coordinator. In her role, her main passion is to showcase all the attributes that Gloucester County has to offer.
Ammons hit the ground running, immediately working to revamp Gloucester Tourism’s social media platforms. Those who follow “Visit Gloucester Virginia” on Facebook or “visitgloucesterva” on Instagram may have already noticed quite a bit more content being posted on the channels – all highlighting upcoming events or some of the activities the County has to offer that may be of interest to residents and visitors.
Symphony Under the Stars Scheduled for Tomorrow
Symphony Under the Stars featuring the Virginia Symphony Orchestra will return Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 8 -10 p.m. as part of the Gloucester Arts Festival. The performance will take place on the corner of Main Street and Walter Reed Way. It is sponsored by the Cook Foundation and is free and open to the public.
History Camps for 4th and 5th Graders Being Offered in July
Looking for something fun and educational for your 4th and 5th grader to do this summer?
Gloucester Parks, Recreation & Tourism is holding Civil War Camp July 11-14 and Explore Gloucester History Camp July 18-21. Camps will include trips to museums and historic sites including Mariner’s Museum, Fort Monroe, Rosewell, Ware Church, the American Civil War Museum, the Virginia State Capitol, and Hollywood Cemetery. To sign up, visit gloucesterva.info/civicrec and click the “camps” tab. Look for “Civil War Camp” and “Explore Gloucester History Camp.”
If you have questions, email Robert Kelly, Museums Coordinator at RKelly@gloucesterva.info.
RCC Offers Course on Taking Better Photos
Rappahannock Community College’s Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Learning (RILL) is holding “Getting Your Photography from Good to Great,” June 16 and 30 from 10 a.m. to noon via Zoom.
This course is for students who use traditional or smartphone cameras. The first two-hour Zoom session illustrates how visible elements like composition, the effects of weather, time of day, or point of view strengthen your photos. You’ll also see how to create more compelling images by including mystery, humor, and emotion in your pictures.
The second two-hour Zoom session will be interactive. Students can share their photographs—and what they learned in session one—for a group discussion and critique with the instructor and the class.
Howard Clark, instructor for the course, is a professional photographer with over 55 years of experience. He is involved with two camera clubs and two art associations, and exhibits in 31 different galleries. Since June 2020, Clark has been an adjunct professor at Frederick Community College, teaching life-long learning photography classes.
Advance registration, with a tuition payment of $25 is required. For more information on “Getting Your Photography from Good to Great” and other RILL courses, or to register, call Brittany Abdul-Malik at 804-333-6707 or e-mail bjenkins@rappahannock.edu. You can also register at www.rappahannock.edu/rill.
For more information, to apply, and review full job descriptions, please visit https://www.gloucesterva.info/347/Job-Opportunities
Gloucester, Virginia 23061