This Week at Ascension + June 7, 2023

"Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." - Psalm 96

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The First Book of Common Prayer, 1549

Evening Prayer at 6:00 p.m. via ZOOM

In-person and Live-streamed

Said Mass at 6:30 p.m.

Unction will be available for those who wish it.


Image: Inside cover page for 1549 Book of Common Prayer,

The British Library, UK

The Second Sunday after Pentecost

Corpus Christi

June 11, 2023

7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer via ZOOM

9 a.m. Sung Mass

11 a.m. Solemn Mass -

In-person & Live-streamed -

Corpus Christi Procession &

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

The 11 a.m. Order of Worship may be found here.


Click to join us VIA YOUTUBE


Can you help with our Corpus Christi procession this Sunday?

We're looking for three more people to carry a canopy above the Blessed Sacrament as we proceed outdoors. The canopy is held aloft by four volunteers on long wooden poles as we walk. Most of the time we find that this task may be easier for people of average or taller height. If you might be interested, please get in touch! Instruction and an opportunity to get familiar with the canopy will be provided before Mass. Please sign up for the "Volunteer" slots on MSP or contact MB Hwang ( with questions or to volunteer.

From the Organist

My gratitude and respect to the gentlemen at Berghaus Organ Company, the longtime curators of our fine instrument — especially Messrs. Kurt Linstead and Kelly Monette — for their extensive and detailed work, under a tremendous time-crunch, for the recent installation and voicing of our new Vox Humana. This is what is known as a "short-resonator" reed stop in the Swell Division of the organ, and is especially called for in Baroque, Romantic, and modern French organ works. It made its debut at the Trinity Sunday E&B recital, and I was very pleased with the sound and flexibility of the rank of 61 pipes. It has its own custom tremulant which actually shakes the wind-reservoir to create a "vibrato" effect, and is often heard without the tremulant in Renaissance and Baroque works.

Just some behind-the-scenes facts: This included the removal, labeling and careful storage of hundreds of pipes from the Swell Division, the installation of a separate wind-chest suspended from the ceiling of the chamber, running the new wind-line, installing and regulating the tremulant, replacing and re-tuning all the Swell pipes, expertly voicing the new stop, and buttoning-up the whole job - ALL in six days!  Fantastic.  If you want to hear it up-close, ask me for a demonstration!  Blessings to all!

David White

Thank You to the Food Pantry Crew

Thanks to all who came last Saturday to fill bags and distribute food and

personal care items. Our neighbors truly appreciate your efforts!

Not pictured: Clarissa Galaviz Lizarraga, Charles Farrell, Thomas Heard.

Update on the Quevedo Family: Abundant Blessings!

The Outreach Committee has great news to share: The Quevedo Family from Venezuela we've been supporting has found an apartment to rent which will be temporarily subsidized by Catholic Charities. Back in March, we collected some items that allowed them to cook and prepare meals in the hotel room the city was providing. Now, we are collecting home goods and some Target gift cards to assist as they set up their new home.

We encourage everyone to participate by picking up a prayer card at coffee hour after each Mass beginning this Sunday, June 11. Each prayer card will have an item* you can purchase for the Quevedo family. The items will range in size and cost so that everyone can participate, because every little gift makes a difference. Please return your donations by July 9. We thank you all for your help and generosity!

—The Outreach Committee

*Please do not purchase items that are not on the cards. Right now, we are not collecting furniture but may later as we continue to assess and meet this family's needs.

Become a Pastoral Visitor: Info Sessions June 18

Come learn more about visiting fellow Ascension members who cannot join us for Mass in person as well as caring for fellow members in their time of need. The sessions will take place following each of the Masses. The first one will take place in Wheeler Hall after the Sung Mass. The next one will take place at 12:50 pm in the Library following the Solemn Mass. You need not have any prior experience, just a heart to serve and love your siblings in Christ. Please email Mtr. Murphy-Gill if you have questions. 

Save the Date: Young Adult Retreat Saturday, July 29

Mark your calendars for a summer retreat on Saturday, July 29. This will be an opportunity to step out of your busy life for a day and spend time with yourself, others, and of course, God. More details regarding location and time are to come. If you have questions, please contact Mtr. Murphy-Gill.

Prayer Requests

Do you have a need for special prayer in your life? Whether your prayer needs are because you have an upcoming surgery, an ill family member, or you’re just feeling particularly lonely lately, Fr. Heard and Mtr. Murphy-Gill would like to know.

We’ve created a way for letting us know about your requests for prayers in a way we hope makes it easy for you to reach out, though you can always call the church or reach out to one of the priests personally. 

Share your prayer requests here.


For our prayers: Noah Riggenbach, Sgt. Manuel Arroyo, Nat Simpson, The Quevedo family, Andrew Abbott, Suzanne Dines, James Christiansen, Daniel, Nikki Shaw, Lee Gould,

John Schram, Gertrude Isaac, Thomas Wikman, MB Hwang, Juanita Malone, Oksana, Tyler,

David S. Jones, Richard Francis Tracz, Robert Browning, Natalia & Victor, Dorothy,

Victor Fernandez, Claire Green, Beth Hall, Sue Lenz, Brenda Martins


Birthdays: Pedro Illas, 6/4;

Anniversaries: The Rev. Carol Norén, UMC Ordination to the Diaconate, 6/4/1974


Requiescat in pace:

Henrene Taylor, 6/4/2002; Donald C. Rubino, 6/4/1992; Edgar F. Wells, Priest, 6/7/2020


Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them;

May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Prayer for the Rector Search Committee

Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a rector for The Church of the Ascension that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Organ and Choral Repertoire for June 11, 2023


Le Banquet Céleste [1928]

Olivier Eugène Messiæn (1908-1992)


At the Solemn Procession



Corpus Christi Sequence (11 a.m.)



At the Offertory



At the Communion

314 ADORO DEVOTE (9 a.m.)

878 (Cantate Domino)



In Procession to OLV Garden Altar IN BABILONE



At Benediction

O Salutaris:


Tantum ergo:



At the Retiring Procession

332  ST. FLAVIAN (9 a.m.)



Fuga BWV 575

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Choral Mass Setting

Jonathan Dove (b. 1959)

Missa brevis (2009)


Offertory Motet

Vytautas Miškinis (b. 1954)

O sacrum convivium (2000)

Communion Motet

Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns


Ave verum corpus in Eb


Chanted Mass Propers from the

Graduale Romanum

Between Masses, please don’t forget that The Choir of the Ascension has recorded upwards of 60 tracks that you can listen to anywhere you have an internet connection. They can be found here:

Ascension Connections
(with your click and God's help)
Participate in Ascension masses at our YouTube Channel. (Look for other connections options soon.)
Meeting ID:
792 031 7452
Password: 1133
Join-by-Phone Option: (312) 626-6799

Weekly Ascension Schedule

For connections:

via Zoom (click here)


7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer via Zoom

9:00 a.m. In-person Sung Mass

11:00 a.m. In-person and Live-Streamed Solemn High Mass



8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer via FACEBOOK LIVE

6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer via Zoom


6:30 p.m. Said Mass


The Rev. Thomas Heard, Interim Rector

The Rev. Meghan Murphy-Gill, Curate

Reach Out To Us

Wardens and Vestry of Church of the Ascension

LaVerne Rollé Saunders, Sr. Warden;

David Reeves, Jr. Warden;

Ian Barillas-McEntee, Jim Lo Bello, Ken Cozette, Marlea Edinger, Sean Hansen,

David A. Robertson, Elizabeth Simpson, Joshua Simpson, Samuel Sommers, Clerk

Susan Schlough, Treasurer

Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm BSG, Parish Office


Approved minutes of Vestry meetings are always available online to parishioners who request the link. If you would like Internet access to these Vestry Minutes, please email the Parish Office and request the link. Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Vestry meeting minutes.

The link remains live indefinitely. Any parishioner who has the link will not need to request a new link from month to month.