June 12, 2020 Updates from LWVLA
Today, Friday, 6/12, is the Last Day
Please Submit Your Annual Meeting Ballot
You can access the Annual Meeting video by clicking  here . If you would like to view the video with subtitles, click on the  cc  in the bottom right corner of the YouTube screen. The video is also available for viewing on our website,  lwvlacrosse.org .

We are asking you to participate in our Annual Meeting by completing the survey linked at the bottom of the invitation you received on Monday, 6/8, and also available as a link on our website here . That survey will function as your ballot for the business portion of our Annual Meeting. Documents necessary for review before voting are located as links within each of the questions on the survey. Simply 
  • read each question, 
  • click on the embedded link to read the relevant document,
  • click on your preferred answer, and 
  • click on "Finish" at the bottom of the survey to submit it. 

A link to the entire Annual Meeting Report is available for you to read, download, or print ( here ). If you would like to receive an electronic copy of our League's member roster--usually handed out at our Annual Meeting--please send a request to  lwvlawi@gmail.com . In order to respect our members' privacy, we ask that you do not share that document with others.

Thank you for your participation.
LWVLA Annual Membership Drive
League Membership Runs from July 1 to June 30
League Membership Dues are:
  • Student Member: free
  • First-Year Member: $35
  • First-Year 2-Member Household: $70
  • Member Renewal: $70
  • 2-Member Household Renewal: $105

The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area (LWVLA) annual membership dues of $70 are allocated as follows:
  • $32 supports the LWV of the US;
  • $30 supports the LWV of Wisconsin;
  • $8 supports our local League.

The LWVLA household annual membership dues are allocated as follows:
  • ​$48 supports the LWV of the US;
  • $45 supports the LWV of Wisconsin;
  • $17 supports the LWVLA.

Membership options in addition to the standard annual dues are:
Student Membership:
The LWVUS, the LWVWI and the LWVLA offers free memberships to students, hoping to gain new life-long members with "the energy and passion of the next generation. "

First-year Individual Option Trial Membership:
The LWVLA offers a first-year trial membership for $35 or $70 for two new members living at the same address. For members joining under our first-year reduced fee membership option, LWVWI waives fees paid to the state in support of expanding the diversity of League membership." 

You can join League or renew your membership using one of the following methods:

  • Go to the Join/Renew page on our website (here) and follow the prompts.
  • Complete either the new member or renewal form and submit it.
  • Pay your dues via the PayPal options located below the forms.


Mail a check made out to the League of Women Voters to:

League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area
P.O. Box 363
La Crosse, WI  54602-0363

  • Along with your check, send us your name, address, phone number(s)--home and/or cell--and your email address. Renewing members, please let us know if any of your contact information has changed.
If you have any questions, contact Kathy Mulliner (Membership Chair) at kmulliner@prodigy.net 788-9209. Please leave a message if no one answers.
News & Events of Interest to Members
Hometown Conversations: Race and Police

In an effort to use its platform to host meaningful conversation among those in our community working toward positive progress, News 19 introduces Hometown Conversations.

In the first edition, Candace Price and Dustin Luecke sat down with Cecil Adams and La Crosse Police Chief Shawn Kudron. Adams helped create the  African American Mutual Assistance Network  in 2003. Kudron  became chief of police in 2019  after serving in the department since 2000.

The idea is to give different community members a chance to get together with local leaders to share their experience, what they would like to know from each other and what we all can do to listen, learn and continue the conversations.

You can listen to the entire 30 minute conversation as it happened here or on News19's  YouTube channel .
Report on Civic Health in Wisconsin Published This Week

Earlier this week, a coalition of nonpartisan Wisconsin-based organizations, in partnership with the National Conference on Citizenship, released the first-ever report on Wisconsin’s civic health. With the publication of this report,  Civic Health in Wisconsin: Connectedness in Context , Wisconsin joins 30 other U.S. states in measuring civic health and laying the groundwork for tracking changes and improvements.

“Civic health” is a term that refers to the degree to which citizens participate in their communities, from local and state governance to interactions with friends or family. Civic health also relates to the overall well-being of neighborhoods, communities, states, and the nation.

This publication also marks the beginning of a Wisconsin civic health initiative, which will mobilize these data to strengthen and catalyze civic engagement efforts in Wisconsin communities.
2020 LWV of WI Virtual Annual Meeting
June 13, 2020
10:00am to 11:30am
Our local League will have nine delegates representing La Crosse at the state League's Annual Meeting. If you are interested in joining the meeting as an observer the Zoom link and further information is available here .

This year’s virtual Annual Meeting is designed to answer questions related to voting issues, present the annual Meg McLane Advocacy Aqard and Membership and Leadership Development Awards, share reports by board committees and issue coalitions, and give thanks to all members and friends of the League for their amazing work and support over the past year.
Registration for delegates and non-delegates to the LWVUS 2020 Virtual Convention is open through June 15th.

The LWVUS 2020 Virtual Convention will be held June 25-27. Current League members can  register as observers . Registering as an observer will allow you to view the sessions as a live stream on Youtube. A detailed agenda can be found at the  League Management Site . General convention information can be found at  lwv.org/2020Convention  on the League Management Site.
Ethical Leadership During Crisis:
Leadership in Higher Education
(a virtual webinar)
Tuesday, June 23
6-7 PM
Dr. Jeff Rafn 
President, Northeastern Wisconsin Technical College
Dr. Rafn will connect his experience as the leader of a successful, "team-based, customer-focused organization" to his thoughts on the "essence of ethical leadership."
This webinar is free, but registration is necessary to receive the access code. More information and registration forms are  here .  Click on poster to enlarge it.
The League of Women Voters of the L aCrosse Area
Visit our website: lwvlacrosse.org