Touring the Green Mountain State Since 1986!

Saturday June 12 Annual New Member Welcome Meeting
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Double Tree Hotel, South Burlington
RSVP Today -

We know that the Covid pandemic has affected us individually in a variety of ways. To a lesser degree the same can be said for the Green Mountain Region (GMR). One particular effect has been the inability to hold our New Member meeting since early 2019. As a result, we have a substantial number of new members -- including those who transferred to GMR from other PCA regions since May 2019 -- who have not been formally welcomed. Believe it or not that number is over 80 new members to GMR.

On Saturday, June 12 the GMR will host the 2021 New Member Welcome meeting at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel in South Burlington. There is no organized tour for this event: members may draw up their own interesting drive to and from South Burlington! (Note: the hotel is offering a discounted rate if you wish to stay overnight the night before, June 11 at $119. Mention you want the "Burlington Business Rate.")

In recent years this annual event has drawn upwards of 70 attendees consisting of “newbies” as well as established members. The 2020 event was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic resulting in the unprecedented number of new GMR members to welcome in 2021. We are pleased to be able to schedule an in-person event for this year. However, the State of Vermont’s Covid restrictions compel us to limit the number of attendees to no more than 100 participants. 

While we expect to have a good showing of new members, this event is open to all members. A breakfast buffet will be provided at no charge to you, and will be followed by an informal meeting to update members on club activities and opportunities, as well as the chance to visit among the members.

Event: New Member Meeting (no tour)
Date: June 12, 2021

Location: Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, 870 Williston Road, South Burlington, VT 05403

Time: 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (The breakfast buffet will be served at 10.00 a.m.)

Cost: FREE

Attendees: Limited to the first 100 registrants. This includes members and their spouses/partners.

RSVP: Email by 5.00 p.m. on June 4th. 

See you in South Burlington!

Alessandro [Al] Iuppa 
President, Green Mountain Region PCA
It's not just the cars --- it's the people!
2021 Season

Save These Dates!

Saturday, June 12.. New Member Welcome Meeting - See above for details.

Saturday, July 10. Our Vice President, Dave Whittall, will be leading a tour in south central Vermont. The route is expected to commence in Grafton and conclude with a luncheon in the Manchester area.

Friday/Saturday August 13/14. Bob Rubin is planning an overnight tour in southern Vermont.

Saturday,September 25. Stu Friedman is putting together another ( his 4th for GMR) drive through Adirondack Park in upstate New York.

October. Date TBA. GMR Annual meeting and Fall Foliage Tour

December. Holiday Party -Date TBA- GMR's 35th Anniversary Gala
Welcome New PCA Members!

Please say hello to the following new Green Mountain Region Porsche Club members who have joined PCA here, or moved and changed regions recently or allowed their membership to lapse and then rejoined. If the latter, welcome back!

(Updated May 26, 2021)

Ian Jordan, Waitsfield, 1989 911 Carrera

Kurt Rhynhart, Hopkinton, NH, 2020 911 Carrera S (Transfer from Northeast Region)

Bill Edgerton, Gaysville, 2002 Boxster S

Stephen Gavosto, Waitsfield, 2002 911 Turbo

Name Tags: We recommend that new members and their spouses or partners purchase "official" Green Mountain Club name tags for use at all GMR events. Please email to request them for you and your spouse or partner, and our treasurer, Christina McCaffrey, will try to get them for you in time for the next event. The cost is $15.00 per name tag.

Member Feature:
Send us your photos!

We have started a feature highlighting a different member in the GMR Mountaineer with his or her Porsche. If you would like to be featured in future newsletter please submit some photos of you and your car along with a paragraph or two explaining why you joined the GMR, your favorite drives or whatever!

Please reply to this email with your photo and information.

Sandy Gilmour
Check out our GMR website and Facebook page for event updates and club news.
Your Green Mountain Region Club Officers
Alessandro Iuppa
Dave Whittall
Vice President

Christina McCaffrey
Susan Eastman

Sandy Gilmour
Communications Chair

Carl Wulfestieg
Past President

Don Jones

Brad Kennison
Membership Chair

Peggy Larson

Albert "Duffy" Miller

Ann Pettyjohn

About These Email Communications: 

Replies to these newsletters come to me (Sandy Gilmour), not the entire membership; however, I can forward to our president and other board members if needed or you may email the president, Alessandro Iuppa, directly at We welcome any comments on ways we can improve communications.

Join Green Mountain PCA -- If you are receiving this email as a "friend of Green Mountain Porsche Club," please consider joining PCA. You get a great magazine, Panorama, and membership in Green Mountain Region is included in the annual dues of $46 a year. Go online at, or simply call headquarters in Maryland at (410) 381-0911‬.

We welcome any submissions to this newsletter and to our website by members who have some fun experiences, photos, tech stuff and other adventures to share! Email me at

Remember also, it's a volunteer organization. Any help you can provide -- especially with event planning -- is most appreciated by all!

"It's not just the cars; it's the people."

Sandy Gilmour ('99 Boxster)  
Communications Manager
Green Mountain Region
Porsche Club of America