June 14, 2017
Table of Contents:

Ida B. Wells-Barnett Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship

We invite applications for the Ida B. Wells-Barnett Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship. The fellowship is housed in DePaul's African and Black Diaspora Studies Program.

The Wells-Barnett fellow is expected to teach three courses over the academic year (usually one each in Fall/Winter/Spring quarters). Teaching experience in a higher education setting is strongly preferred. Specific courses to be taught will be ultimately be determined in dialogue with the department.

Fellows will also be expected to present their research to the DePaul and local community and participate meaningfully in the life of the African and Black Diaspora Studies Program, its students, and the affiliated Center for Black Diaspora. The individual who fills this position will also have opportunities to work with faculty in other departments and programs, centers and institutes at DePaul.

The ideal candidate's scholarship will substantially and meaningfully reflect Wells-Barnett's spirit of advocacy. Eligibility is restricted to those who have received their PhD no earlier than 2013. Applicants should have a strong and clearly defined research agenda.

Appointment of the Ida B. Wells-Barnett teaching fellow will be for the academic year 2017-2018. The fellowship may be extended for a second year, based on review and budget availability. DePaul University will provide the fellow with office space and modest funds for travel and research. This is also a benefits-eligible position.

Review of applications will begin  July 5, 2017  and will continue until the position is filled. Early submission is strongly encouraged. Applications must be submitted through DePaul University's Faculty Opportunities website. The application portal, along with a more detailed job description may be found at  https://facultyopportunities.depaul.edu/postings/1289

(Updated) Call for Proposals: The ICTM Study Group on African Musics 2ndSymposium, hosted by the University of Ghana's Department of Music,  August 9 - 12, 2018

Theme: "African Music Scholarship in the Twenty-first Century: Challenges and Directions."

Keynote Speaker: Professor V. Kofi Agawu (Princeton University, USA)

New deadline for submissions: August 1, 2017

The International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on African  Musics is pleased to announce its Second Symposium on the theme,  "African Music Scholarship in the Twenty-first Century: Challenges and Directions." The symposium will be hosted by the Department of Music, School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, Legon  August 9 - 12, 2018.  Professor V. Kofi Agawu (Princeton University) will be our special Keynote Speaker for this event. [

This second meeting hopes to build on the successes of the first, which was held in 2015 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Several sub-themes will be addressed at this symposium. The symposium is open to all researchers, scholars and interpreters of Africa musical traditions and those of the African Diaspora; participation from Francophone and African Diaspora scholars are particularly encouraged. Some of the sub-themes to be addressed include the following: 
  • African and Afro-Diasporic collaborations and exchanges
  • Representations and the Francophone presence in African music scholarship
  • Music education: Philosophies, pedagogies of African music
  • Interdisciplinarity and African music historiographies in critical perspective  

New analytical approaches to contemporary African art music traditions
While English will be the general medium for the symposium, submissions and presentations in French are welcome; abstracts in both French and English are highly encouraged, especially in the case of Francophone participants.

A schedule of several performance and special cultural events are being planned as significant aspect of the Ghana symposium, drawing on the rich and cultural and artistic events and venues in the Accra metropolitan area. Details about these events-including conference updates and accommodation--will be made available at:  http://afmusgroup.beaconpros.com. (The official website for the African Musics Study Group is at http://www.ictmusic.org/group/african-musics)

Call for paper and panel proposals
Proposals for individual papers must include the following:
Title and an abstract not exceeding 250 words;  full contact information including address, phone and e-mail.

Fully formed panel proposals must include the following
a. The Panel: Title and a short abstract not exceeding 250 words;
contact information including address, phone, fax, and e-mail for the panel chair.

b. Individual Papers: Each panel must submit, for each participant, title and an abstract not exceeding 250 words and contact information including address, phone, and e-mail.

The program committee encourages panel submissions with three or four 20-minute papers.  Participants may present only one paper, but may serve as a chair on another panel.

Important Dates :
Deadline for all individual papers and organized (i.e., fully formed) panels is AUGUST 1, 2017.
Deadline for notification of acceptance: Notifications will be sent by OCTOBER 1, 2017.

Submit proposals by August 1, 2017 to avorgbedor1@yahoo.com, with copies to Patricia Opondo, paopondo@yahoo.com.
Committee members:
  • Daniel Avorgbedor (Chair)
  • Sylvie Le Bomin
  • George Dor
  • Birgitta Johnson
  • Patricia Opondo
Local Arrangements Committee :

App Due Thursday! - 2017 Columbia University Summer Institute - Black Activist New York

Last chance to apply! The FINAL application deadline is Thursday 15 June...APPLY TODAY!

Columbia University
2017 IRAAS Summer Institute: "Black Activist New York" 
The Columbia University Institute for Research in African-American Studies (IRAAS) is now accepting applications for its 2017 Summer Teachers and Scholars Institute (STSI). Convening for one week between Sunday July 9 and Friday July 14, 2017.

July 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Harlem's historic "Silent Parade," when over 10,000 Black New Yorkers marched in protest of anti-black lynching and other forms of violence. In commemoration of that event and the larger movement it represented, and in recognition of the historical trajectory from it to the current moment and movement for Black Lives, the theme for the 2017 Summer Teachers and Scholars Institute (STSI) will be  "Black Activist New York." 

While the theme of our STSI focuses on activism in New York City, we will have in-depth discussions concerning how the histories of Black activism are deeply embedded in cities throughout the country. It is our hope that our STSI will resonate with the narratives of activists and scholars in New York and beyond.  We encourage you to apply! 

This Summer Institute offers what few others are able: 
  • The opportunity to study how New York has been and continues to be a center of people of color feminist and queer political organization, African-American public health activism (HIV/AIDS and environmental justice organizations), and policing reform, among others
  • Attend seminars facilitated by today's leading scholars in African-American Studies and Activism
  • Visit and tour historical landmarks and institutions around the city
  • Receive instruction in the latest research methods and,
  • Enjoy afternoon and evening cultural excursions throughout New York City.

The fee for the STSI is $1,800 and a limited number of partial fellowships are available.
Please go to   www.columbiastsi.com   for more information or contact us at   stsi@columbia.edu .

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