At the close of the virtual Annual Meeting on June 27, 2020, Jim Waechter will hand over the gavel of moderator, virtually speaking, to Cindy Bacon Hammer. One of the good things about our Annual Meetings is the chance to say “Good-Bye” to folks who have worked so tirelessly for the NACCC. We cannot do that in person this year, so I want to take this opportunity to say, “Farewell to Jim.”
When I started as Executive Director in 2015, Jim Deline was Moderator with Laura Hamby as Vice-Moderator. In 2016, I was delighted when the Nominating Committee chose to approach Jim Waechter to see if he would be open to serving in the roles of Vice-Moderator and Moderator. I had worked with Jim in the strategic planning and implementation process and knew how much he loved the NACCC. I am grateful he agreed to take on this responsibility.
Over the last 4 years, the NACCC has grappled with prickly issues. In all of them, I have appreciated Jim’s leadership in seeking to broaden the conversations by getting more people involved. This approach helps us look at the question from another perspective and reach a better decision.
Jim is deserving of our gratitude for his service. Please take the time to reach out to him.