This Week in School and Campus Safety

Good morning,

This Weekly Update by the Illinois School and Campus Safety Program links to the FBI video In the Aftermath, shares resources in honor of Juneteenth, and links to upcoming conferences.

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Laura Black
Program Coordinator
Illinois School and Campus Safety Program
The Importance of Aftermath

Aftermath is a "crucial element of healing" and it is vitally important that actions that occur after an incident serve to mitigate further potential trauma. The FBI video In the Aftermath discusses best practices after school shootings, and looks at the crucial 72 hours after an incident occurs. The video shares stories "from victim families, survivors, first responders, and educators who are sharing their personal journey so that we may better learn the lessons of Aftermath." Many of those stories provide insights on how a lack of organized response during reunification caused additional trauma, such as individuals coming up to victim families and providing death notifications in a harmful manner and without counselors or crisis response personnel on hand to help with grief.

Commonly referred to as "Juneteenth," June 19th is a historic day. It was on this day in 1865 that African Americans in Texas received their freedom. In honor of Juneteenth, we are sharing resources on equity, Juneteenth, mental health, and school safety.

Illinois School and Campus Safety Program