Weekly News - June 17, 2022
Celebrant/Homilist Schedule
Feast of Corpus Christi

Saturday, June 18, 5:30 pm
Fr. Martin Linebach, V.G.

Sunday, June 19, 9:30 am
Fr. Martin Linebach, V.G

Sunday, June 19, Noon
Fr. Martin Linebach, V.G

Sunday, June 19, 5:30 pm
Fr. Martin Linebach, V.G

 Please note: Celebrant/Homilist schedule subject to change.

Did you know?
During Sunday 9:30 Masses,
should a parent feel the need to step out
to calm a child, you are welcome to view
the Mass live-streamed in the Undercroft.

It's tomorrow! You may also call
502-657-5222 to reserve tickets.
Corpus Christi
Procession this Sunday!
Archdiocesan Corpus Christi Procession
This summer marks the beginning of the Eucharistic Revival, a 3-year process initiated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to renew our devotion to and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The inaugural event of the Eucharistic Revival will be a public procession with the Blessed Sacrament on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 19, 2022. We invite all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Louisville to join us at the Cathedral of the Assumption for this procession immediately following the Sunday noon Mass. The procession will proceed through several blocks of downtown Louisville. This will be followed by a time of adoration and prayer in the Cathedral and will conclude with Benediction at 3 pm, followed by an ice cream reception. Parishes, schools, and other Catholic organizations are encouraged to carry banners in the procession.
A message from Archbishop Fabre
Social Concerns
Help Needed
Once or Twice a Month

Before the pandemic, Phoenix Health offered free services to our daily lunch guests once a week in St. Louis Hall during the time of our lunch program, 12:15-1 pm. A volunteer would sit in St. Louis Hall where patients were seen by Phoenix Health Team. 

At some point in the future, there will be a mobile unit for this. Until then, in order for Phoenix Health to return, we would like to find 2 or 3 volunteers to divide the visits among themselves to assure someone will be on site each week in St. Louis Hall when the Health Team comes. The volunteer is there only to make sure the health care workers have their area set up and to assure that this activity does not interfere with the lunch time volunteers and staff so both events happen seamlessly. It is not exciting work, but it does allow the Cathedral to be a site for healthcare for those who would not receive it otherwise. If you have an interest, please call Angela, 502-657-5213.  
June 28, 7:30 pm
of the
Pipe Organ
Concert by Nathan Laube
Although this event is part of the program for the National Pastoral Musicians Convention, Cathedral parishioners and the public are warmly invited to attend the concert free of charge. 
Nathan Laube bio:
In addition to serving as Associate Professor of Organ on the faculty of the Eastman School of Music, and his new position as International Consultant in Organ Studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, UK, Nathan Laube’s extensive recital career includes major venues spanning four continents, with appearances at the Vienna Konzerthaus, Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Berlin Philharmonie, Dortmund Konzerthaus. Highlight performances in the USA include the concert halls of Philadelphia, San Francisco, Dallas, Seattle, Nashville, Kansas City, and Los Angeles.
Night Out for Nativity Academy
Wednesday, June 29th

Please support these participating community restaurants: Come Back Inn, Swan Street; First String Bar and Grill, New Cut Road; The Irish Rover, Frankfort Avenue: Patrick O'Shea's Downtown; Pat's Steak House, Brownsboro Road; Porcini, Frankfort Avenue; Troll Pub Under the Bridge, West Washington Street; and Hoops Grill and Sports Bar, Strawberry Lane. Gather your friends and family, pick a restaurant, and be sure to say "We're here for Nativity." 

Proceeds from the Night Out Event will go toward the educational costs and programs offered to our students. Thank you for your support of Nativity Academy and our mission! 

Visit https://nativitylouisville.org/night-out-for-nativity/ for more information about this event.

Thank you to our generous Sponsors: Air Hydro Power and Horton Fruit Company.
Please join us for a powerful concert
Two American Giants,
A Musical Tribute
on Thursday, June 30th at 8:30 pm. Under the direction of Archdiocese of Louisville conductor and composer, Teresa Tedder, these uplifting and inspiring choral masterworks honor and celebrate the lives of President Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  While Lincoln's emancipation proclamation came decades before MLK Jr's "I Have A Dream" speech, their connection represented through this concert will bring healing and hope to all people.
Date: Thursday, June 30 at 8:30 pm. 
Location: Galt House Ballroom 
For more information and to purchase tickets, see:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/two-american-giants-tickets-345759835977
Fanfare for the 4th
Musical Visions of America
Multimedia choral cinema presentation of the founding, expansion, and refinement of America.
Enjoy this American historical retrospective and revel 
in the power of stirring patriotic songs and visuals.

Ruth Newman, Multimedia Specialist
Saturday July 2 at 3 pm
Beargrass Christian Church
4100 Shelbyville Road
$23 General; $20 Senior; $5 Student
Cultural Pass event: FREE for Cultural Pass holders + 1 chaperone
Show each Pass to cashier and receive free tix. Doors open 2 pm.
The KY Arts Council, the state arts agency, provides partial operating support to Louisville Chorus with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.
The Saint Serra Club of Louisville
Laverne Ferguson, President of the Priests' Parents Club, will be our speaker at the next meeting of the Saint Serra Club of Louisville, which will be held 11:45 am on Monday, June 20, at the Golden Corral, 4032 Taylorsville Road. The Serra Club promotes religious vocations. The luncheon cost is $12 for members and $15 for non-members. For more information, call Chuck Lynch at 502-244-2752.
The Gift of Aging:
Moving from Role to Soul
Spiritual Retreat for Maturing Adults
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
9 am - noon
Followed by lunch
St. John Paul II Parish Life Center
3521 Goldsmith Lane, Louisville

“Throughout our lives we take on many roles and responsibilities. At a certain point in our lives, we begin to let go of these, if not completely then to some degree. This letting go offers a freedom from past roles and responsibilities to a greater and clearer sense of our true self and the opportunity to live more authentically from our own souls.”

Ginny Schaeffer,
Director of Angela Merici Center for Spirituality
Please register prior to workshop to ensure availability.
Contact Denise Puckett at dpuckett@archlou.org or 502-636-0296, ext. 1268.

Cost is $20 per person and includes continental breakfast and lunch after retreat. Makes checks payable to Archdiocese of Louisville Family Ministries Office.
Offerings from the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center

Juneteenth Celebration
June 20, 6:30-8 pm

The Passionist Earth & Spirit Center invite you to celebrate Juneteenth with us. We invite you to join us and our guest Lamont Collins, founder and curator of Roots 101 African American Museum, as he talks about Being a Good White Ally. The Roots 101 museum's mission is to make each of us "better ancestors" by understanding our shared history and working together for a better future.
We hope you will join us on Monday, June 20th from 6:30 - 8 pm. PLEASE NOTE: This event will take place in the parish center of St. Agnes Catholic Church. See details tab below.  
Offered in partnership with Louisville Metro Governments’ Lean into Louisville, ListenLearnAct.org, and St. Agnes Catholic Community.

Camp Odyssey Scholarships Available
8 weeks of camps available through August 5
The Passionist Earth & Spirit Center believe that camps should be available for all children regardless of your income. We have scholarships available for summer camps at our center. Called "the coolest summer camp in Louisville," Camp Odyssey immerses children entering grades 1-6 in the three main aspects of the Earth & Spirit Center mission: spiritual practice, compassion for others, and connection to the Earth. As they explore the woodlands and meadows of our 27-acre nature sanctuary, work and play with our artists, garden and environmental educators, chefs, yoga and meditation instructors, and musicians, kids come to understand how ecosystems work, where their food comes from, and how to be more mindful and compassionate toward themselves, others, and their surroundings. There's plenty of time for yoga, meditation, games, laughter, creative projects, singing, and eating super-healthy snacks whipped up from our organic gardens.

Louisville Young Catholics - Distilled Doctrine Pub Night
Join Louisville Young Catholics for a “Distilled Doctrine” night on Monday, July 11 at 7 p.m. Distilled Doctrine is a pub night talk series for Catholic young adults (ages 21-40) hosted by Louisville Young Catholics. We will meet at 21st in Germantown (1481 S Shelby St. Louisville, Ky. 40217). The topic is “The Dominican Option,” and the speaker is Fr. Pier Giorgio Dengler, O.P., an associate pastor at St. Louis Bertrand Parish in Louisville, Ky. Fr. Dengler will propose a Dominican alternative to Rod Dreher's “Benedict Option” on how to live the Catholic faith in a post-Christian world. For more information about the event, email us at louisvilleyoungcatholics@gmail.com
For more information about Louisville Young Catholics, visit our webpage at louisvilleyoungcatholics.org. The event is free, and no reservations are required.

12, 13, 14

Cathedral Parish Mission
for the Whole Household
Fr. Jim Sichko
60 Minutes for Jesus

Fr. Jim Sichko is a full time preacher, evangelist and motivational speaker based in the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky.

In February of 2016, Pope Francis commissioned Fr. Jim as one of his Papal Missionaries of Mercy of which there are only 1000 in the world, 100 in the United States.

Fr. Jim uses real life experiences and ties those experiences into the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Known for his presentations entitled "60 minutes for Jesus," each talk is geared for all in a family household with no exceptions.

More details later.
The Norton Healthcare Sports and Learning Center is located at 3029 West Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40212.

Donations Needed for
St. John Center
St. John Center is in need of men's crew socks (size 6-12), washcloths, and disposable razors. If you'd like to contribute, donations can be received at 700 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Louisville, KY 40202, between 10 am and 4 pm daily (between 10 am and 2 pm Wednesdays). Contact Jim Fulkerson at jfulkerson@stjohncenter.org or 502-398-3505, or you can donate through Amazon by visiting the wish list at https://a.co/dJQb2rP.
The Schuhmann Center
is in desperate need of men's shorts, sizes 30 to 36.
If you can donate call Jim Nix at 502-589-6696. If you reach the voicemail, please leave a message. The Schuhmann Center provides clothing and emergency food and is an outreach of St. Martin of Tours Church in Louisville.
Special Disciples of Jesus Mass
We invite all Special Needs families and friends to St. Margaret Mary on Sunday, June 26 at 3 pm. We know Mass can be a struggle for many families, so we hope to have a beautiful, unique celebration together where all feel welcome. Just come as you are! Your family will be welcomed with open arms and will hopefully meet other families in similar situations. The Mass will be shorter and geared towards our children. We hope to foster a Catholic community here with fellowship following Mass, so stick around to meet other families and kids. Immediately following Mass you are invited to join us for a cookout sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The Knights will be grilling hamburgers and hotdogs (they are quite tasty) along with potato salad and baked beans. Chips and drinks will also be provided. You are invited to bring your favorite dish or dessert to share.  
***To help with the planning and ordering of supplies for the cookout, please respond to tmattingly@stmm.org if you will be attending after the Mass with the following information: # of adults______ & # of children_______ eating. In the meantime, should you have any questions, concerns, suggestions please feel free to contact 502-690-2851 or tmattingly@stmm.org 
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Parish App from your
apple or android phone. 
Simply download and choose your parish. You can access pertinent information from the palm of your hand. Be sure to subscribe to receive push notifications. Beyond Cathedral information, you can also look up other parishes throughout the United States who subscribe to the same platform.