5879 Wyoming Trail
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Wyoming, MN 55092
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
An Evangelical Lutheran
Church of America

Our mission is to 
Share Christ's Love
with Joy!

Pastor Sarah 

Worship for 
Sunday, June 21

9:00 am Drive In Outdoor  Worship Service

In This Issue
Quick Links

Friday, June 19, 2020
Beloved of God, 

SPLC's Safety Team and Congregational Care Team are both up and running! These folks are going to help us all walk these unknown days ahead of us so we can safely care for one another and be together even when we're physically distanced. There is more information below, and if you'd like to get in on these ways of serving, please let me know. 

I am especially grateful to the Safety Team because they have a big task ahead. I don't know if you've read through the Guidance for Faith Communities from MDH, but it is
thorough!! There are items there that may be a surprise to many of us. A few that took me by surprise are: 
  • Food should not be shared communally and drinking fountains should not be used;
  • Hymnals cannot be effectively cleaned so they should not be used;
  • And indoor singing and communal speaking such as the Lord's Prayer should not take place, possibly until there is a vaccine;
These are only three of the many guidelines to wade through for worship and for returning to the building in other ways. 

I ask that you please pray for the Safety Team, for wisdom and steadiness. Also, ask questions and offer your support. The team members so far are: Katie Fetterly, Dave Haselbauer, Jerry Nelson, Arlie Post, Jon Quale, and myself. 

There is no way to know yet when we might return to "business as usual." But I do know that our God is walking with us through all of this and that we have a faithful congregation who will work together for the good of us all. 

In peace, 
Pastor Sarah 

Join Pastor Sarah for the Book of Acts Bible Study. You don't need to attend ever week's Bible Study.
Pastor is looking forward to exploring one of her favorite books of the bible with you.

Dates:  Wednesdays in July 
 Time:   7:00 pm 
 Meet:   via Zoom 

Sign up  here to learn more and join the conversation! 

In Case of Severe Weather...

If there are thunderstorms, and we cannot safely worship outside, worship will be live streamed from the sanctuary. A notice will go out via email, put on the church's website & Facebook account and personal phone calls will go to those who do not have internet connections. 
Sunday's Worship Service is streamed live... 
We can all worship together -- You choose if you will join us for  drive-in worship or live on our Facebook page. 

The worship service will still be posted on the website for you to watch anytime. 

Worship Readings

The readings for Sunday, June 21st are:
  • First Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-13
  • Second Reading: Acts 4:32-5:11
  • Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39

Call 651.371.5421 to hear this week's  sermon. 
Please read all the ways our church is working toward the next steps in the COVID-19 process.
  • COVID-19 Updates on the website
  • Sign-In and Sign-Out SheetIf you are in the building, please sign in and out. This is a recommendation from the Safety Team based on MDH and the CDC. This sheet will allow us to care for each other in case of COVID-19 exposure. The sheet is on the Welcome Table in the Narthex. 
  • SPLC's Congregational Care Team: In addition to fellowship hour and phone calls, the Congregational Care Team will plan ways for us to be in fellowship while physically distanced. Please let Pastor Sarah know if you'd like to join this team. 
  • SPLC's Safety Team: This team will research and make recommendations for the safe return to the building. Please let Pastor Sarah know if you'd like to serve on this team. 
  • Contact Melissa and Pastor Sarah via email or phone. 
A Note From Dee:

My heartfelt thanks to my St. Paul Lutheran friends and Pastor Sarah for their prayers, phone calls and cards when hearing of the tragic death of my grandson Justin. I am at peace knowing that Justin is now with our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Your friend in Christ, 
Dee Wilkinson
June's Council Minutes are available on the website or you can
What is the next step in calling a settled call pastor?

St. Paul Lutheran needs to create a Ministry Site Profile (MSP).  The MSP provides congregations a single, common form to use to describe their mission and their search for a rostered minister.

The Church Council has tasked the Ministry Site team with completing this profile by early fall. A Ministry Site Profile team has been formed to work with the congregation on creating this profile. The team consists of: Julie Coozennoy, Bob Olson and Brandy Timmons. 

Continue to watch your weekly email for updates.

Have a question? Ask a question directly on the website: ask the Pastor, ask the Executive Council or ask the Entire Council. 

Click here to ask a question!

We are looking for volunteers to clean our church as we transition back to "drive in" worship.  If you are able to help, please sign up here.  We would like to limit it to one family unit at a time, and please wear a mask and gloves. 
  • Share Prayers and God Sightings here or by email
Click on  SPLC Zoom Room to join by internet
Or connect via phone by dialing 312 626 6799 
Meeting ID: 528 018 344
Password: 5212

We are blessed to have knowledgeable and caring nurses in our congregation! They have some words of advice for us: 

We are encouraging everyone to have a living will. These can be written by anyone 18 years of age and older.  A living will is a document that explains YOUR feelings about end of life decisions. You do not have to make a blanket decision about end of life determinations regarding incubation or resuscitation, but it explains who would make those determinations if you were unable to speak for yourself.  This is why anyone over 18 years of age should have one. 

The younger generation usually doesn't have time to think about it, as it is most frequently a traumatic occurrence that necessitates  such a decision being made. Having talked with your decision maker about resuscitation and giving some thoughts about permanent vegetative state and organ donation  will assist your family in making difficult decisions. 

A form to help you navigate this process is available here.  
Remember to pray for these nurses and all those on the front lines fighting the coronavirus. 
In order to make our worship services successful, we need your help. We are looking for volunteers in the following areas:
  • Hospitality Table: This will be a new area for our church. Beginning Sunday, June 28 we will have a Hospitality Table. This is a place to get a mask, communion kit, a bulletin or some hand sanitizer. Two Hospitality Ministers per week are needed. 
  • Reader: Read and pray in outdoor worship 
  • Usher: Help folks know where to park and count worship attendees on Sunday
If interested, please contact  Melissa   or Pastor Sarah 

Sunday School Survey

Please take a minute to complete the Sunday School Survey you received via email. This survey is asking for f eedback from both Sunday School parents and members of the congregation. The survey will help prepare for fall classes as well as address COVID-19 concerns.

If you did not receive an email, and would like to participate in the survey, please contact the office administrator.

Watch the adventures of Flat Jesus around our community. Have you seen him? What is your Flat Jesus doing?

See where Flat Jesus has been here.

One of our very musically talented members had a very fun adventure with Flat Jesus: 

"Flat Jesus and I are building a washtub Bass today ... Ohhhhhh the fun we have had and what lies ahead! I am grateful that Jesus was a carpenter and is guiding me today. I have used a few power tools so far and have all my fingers and eyes! Hopefully this project will be done today and I can play it tonight!"
Questions: Contact Council 
Treasurer, Chris Timmons at [email protected]

As of 06/18/2020
Over / (under) Budgeted $
Year-to-Date Totals
$  74,539.15
$  77,819.67
$   3,280.52  
Sunday, June 21, Father's Day 
9:00 am      Drive In/Outdoor Worship
Sunday, June 28
9:00 am      Drive In/Outdoor Worship