ATLAS - PTO Newsletter

June 2, 2024

Association of Titan Leaders Assisting Students
Calendar of Events

Monday, June 3

Last Day of School for Seniors


7 PM Titan Stadium

Wednesday, June 4

Baseball Team Send Off to States

11 AM

Wednesday, June 4

Orchestra Concert

7 PM in the Theater

Monday, June 10

Rising 9th Grade Sports Expo

6-7:30 PM in the Gym

Friday, June 14

Last Day of School

Have a great summer!

Saturday, June 15

Graduation Ceremony

2 PM in the Gym

Overflow seating in the Theater



Visit for more information:

ATLAS Website
Titan Athletics Calendar
Dominion Website
Dominion Counseling Office
Career & College Planning
Unified Mental Health Team Website


The Dominion Golf Classic was held Monday, May 20th!

This annual event is the main fundraiser for the efforts that ATLAS coordinates throughout the year.

Thank you to all that helped to support the 18th Annual Dominion Golf Classic!

There are so many people to thank for the success of this event including:

The planning committee for their time and dedication,

The Sponsors

The Auction & Raffle Contributors

The participants who played golf,

All of the volunteers who helped out,

Staff and Admins at Dominion,

Those who purchased raffle tickets and bid in our silent auction,

River Creek Club

If you wish to contribute to this event, you can still do so at

Our community has certainly demonstrated Truly TITAN behavior in its support and engagement, and we sincerely thank you on behalf of ATLAS and our TITANS!

Want to get involved! Sign up to help out at and we'll be in touch next year!

It's for the kids!

MANY THANKS to our Dominion Golf Classic Sponsors, Silent Auction and Raffle Donors! TO SEE ALL the 2024 Supporters click here.

TO SEE ALL the Silent Auction and Raffle Donors click here.


ATLAS Board elections were held during the

May 29th meeting, the following TITANS were elected to serve on the

2024-2025 ATLAS Board.

Mathew Romans, President

Adriana Radu and Christie Hines, Co-Vice Presidents

Vishal Manglani, Treasurer

Mary Florkowski, Asisstant Treasurer

Jacki Esguerra, Corresponding Secretary

Preeti Singh, Volunteer Coordinator

We still have a position to fill!

Recording Secretary

If you are interested in more information on serving on the ATLAS Board, email

Thank you to our outgoing Board members:

President - Ted Childs

Vice President – Mathew Romans

Recording Secretary - Christie Hines


Interested in seeing the world and learning at the same time? Be a part of Dominion's International Exchanges! Several opportunities around the world are available.

For more information about:

Qatar-- Mrs. Rodgers (exchange coordinator) or Mrs. Santiago (lead chaperone)

UK: Mrs. Rodgers (exchange coordinator/chaperone)

South Africa: Mr. Dunn (exchange coordinator/chaperone)

Spain: Mrs. Lupas (exchange coordinator/chaperone



Visit Dominion Titans - Official Athletic Website – Sterling, VA (


Congratulations on a wonderful season to the Dominion Marching Titans!

Please enjoy our final performance of the season:

Congratulations to the new BOPS officers installed for the 2024-2025 School Year!

President: Megan Pecorino

Vice President: Karina Andrade

Secretary: Kim Gill

Treasurer: Christina Fedak


You will find information from the Dominion Counseling Office here all year!

You can also find information and links to contact our counselors at

Dominion Counseling Office

Looking for job? Check out all the opportunities here: Jobs

Volunteer opportunities are available! Check out the link for additional information.

Summer is just around the corner. You can get information on summer opportunities here: Summer Programs

School Counseling and Career Center announcements are made on Titan TV. Scholarships, job postings, College Visits, and educational opportunities are posted in SchooLinks (See directions for accessing SchooLinks in the image). If you have questions, please contact your child's school counselor. 

You can find important links and information from the Career and College Planning Office all year long at Career and College Planning

If you are ever concerned about the emotional well-being of a LCPS student, please feel free to contact the Dominion High School Unified Mental health Team at (571) 434-4412


May 31 - Complete REQUIRED End of Year Survey and Gift Aid info. See info below

June 3 - Deadline to save LCPS content using chromebook and save items from OneDrive. Instructions here.

June 3 - Turn in Chromebook and Lenovo Thinkpad Devices

June 6 - Last Day of School for Seniors

June 6 - Senior Sunset - 8 PM at The Stadium

June 10 - Senior Awards Day & Graduation Rehearsal

June 11 - Senior Trip - 8 AM - 10:30 PM Kings Dominion

June 12 - Senior Walk (Return to your Elementary School)

June 15 - Graduation 2 PM in Main Gym


IMPORTANT!!! This is REQUIRED. There are 2 STEPS!

  1. Class of 2024 - please complete your End of Year survey in SchooLinks. This video will walk you through how to access the survey and show the questions asked. Contact your high school's Career Center or Counseling Office if you have questions.
  2. Add Gift Aid to SchoolLinks. Click here for info.
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