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We are in an immediate CRUNCH TIME to defeat the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Senate leadership is continuing its push for a vote on the bill before the chamber breaks for the July 4 recess. Senators sent their revised bill to the Congressional Budget Office and a score could come as early as Monday. Debate on the Senate floor could begin Tuesday (despite many Republican senators not knowing what's in the bill) with a vote before the end of next week.

Because the Senate is using the budget reconciliation process, the bill will only have 20 hours of floor debate before a vote. We must all act NOW to prevent this bill from passing the Senate.

While the Senate originally said it was starting from scratch, at least 80 percent of the House bill is the same. That is the bill even the president called " mean, mean, mean." Here's what we've heard the Senate bill proposes:
  • End Medicaid expansion (the Senate may end it later than the House bill but it still ends!);
  • Reduce the growth rate for per capita caps from the medical CPI to "regular" CPI after 2026 - further ratcheting down federal spending on Medicaid;
  • Allow states to waive essential health benefits, allow exclusion and discrimination against individuals with pre-existing conditions, bring back annual and lifetime limits, allow states to add work requirements to Medicaid, and much, much more.
The Senate may have put some window dressing on the House bill but it still will cut millions from insurance, decimate Medicaid, and leave millions at risk of paying more for less care.

There really is NO TIME TO WASTE! Despite all the work we have all done over the past six months, we must step it up another notch. We know we are asking a lot but we all know what is on the line. We must stop this bill!

Here are some ways to act:

1. Call your Senators TODAY (and all week) and tell them to vote NO on AHCA! And get your colleagues, friends and family to get engaged, make their voices heard, and call their Senators!
866-426-2631 (English)
877-736-7831 (Spanish)

2. Attend state-based events this week and weekend - see (and if you're near D.C., join NHeLP and others at a rally at the Capitol on Wednesday, June 21 at 11am)

3. Forward this email to your contacts and share it via social media and use hashtags, such as #ProtectOurCare, #SaveACA, #SaveMedicid, #KillTheBill, and #ShowUsTheBill. 

4. Sign up here to receive our email updates.
Talking Points 

NO   to any bill that does not protect individuals with pre-existing conditions from being charged more or getting less services
NO    to any bill that caps or cuts Medicaid
NO    to any bill that ends or harms Medicaid expansion
NO    to any bill that repeals the ACA
NO   to any bill that cuts health care for women
NO   to any bill that cuts health care for children
NO   to any bill that cuts health care for people with disabilities
NO    to any bill that increases health care costs for the elderly
NO   to any bill that allows health insurance companies to drop essential health benefits
NO   to any bill that decreases the number of individuals who have health coverage
Mara Youdelman 
Managing Attorney - DC Office
National Health Law Program
(202) 289-7661 ext. 302
NHeLP advocates for the rights of low-income and underserved people to access quality health care.

NHeLP is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization.  All contributions are tax-deductible.  
We rely on generous donors like you!  

National Health Law Program  |  1444 I Street NW, Suite 1105  |  Washington  |  DC  |  20005