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Cheese & Charcuterie Specials: Viva Italia! )
June 2012
  • June Cheese Specials
  • June Charcuterie Specials
  • Greetings,

    While some of the most popular dishes associated with the Italian culture include a tempting slice of pizza and a heaping plate of pasta, there is much more to the world of Italian food. Throughout the many regions in Italy, the distinctive cuisine of the Italians shines through in a wide-range of eating habits, styles of cooking, and selection of local ingredients. Cheese has been around for thousands of years. It has been a great way to preserve the nutritional value of milk, and also tends to taste very good. Cheese has its origins in the Middle East. The Roman Empire adopted cheese from them and refined the process of making cheese into a fine art. Today Italy is responsible for a large part of the world's cheese production.

    The specialty products of Italian charcuterie are glorious and numerous all characterized by unique elements, as well as by common factors such as the quality raw ingredients. They have invented several of the cheeses and cured meats that we offer on a daily basis, in which I am forever grateful. Please stop by this month as we all settle down for the summer. Look for our Grab & Go Cheese and Charcuterie Plates with this months selections.

    Thank you so much and we appreciate your business.

    Perry Soulos

    Italian Cheeses

    June Cheese Specials: Please see below for details.

    • Moliterno Pecorino al Tartufo Nero
    • Oro Italiano
    • Pecorino di Pienza Nero "Corsignano"
    • Casa Madaio Pecorino Paglierina
    • Parmigiano-Reggiano D.O.C
    • Blu del Moncenisio
    • Provolone Picante
    • Asiago d'Allevo (Aged Asiago)
    • Gorgonzola Dolce
    • Taleggio D.O.P.


    June Charcuterie Specials: Please see below for details.

    • Prosciutto di Parma
    • Prosciutto di San Daniele
    • Speck Alto Adige
    • Fra'Mani Handcrafted Salumi
    • Leoncini Mortadella with Pistachios
    • Scalia Italian Anchovies in Olive Oil
    • Tonno Genova Yellowfin Tuna

    June Cheese Specials
    Moliterno Pecorino al Tartufo Nero

    Moliterno Pecorino al Tartufo Nero
    Quickly becoming the new "it" cheese on our cheese counter. Strikingly beautiful, yet powerful and distinct, dangerously addictive, if you love truffles this cheese will blow your mind. Produced on the island of Sardinia off the coast of Italy, Pecorino Moliterno al Tartufo is a raw sheep's milk cheese shot through with thick veins of truffle. Unlike most truffled cheeses, the truffle paste is infused after Moliterno has been aged so that the cheese develops its own character before the truffles are injected.

    Though the truffles are only visible in the "veins," the truffle flavor permeates throughout the entire paste of this amazing cheese. During the aging process, oil and vinegar are applied to the cheese's rind to prevent weight loss. Once cut, the dark paste oozes out of the crevices of the cheese like trickles of water from a craggy cliff. Both delicious and intriguing visually, this cheese is a show-stopper. Enjoy this pecorino with a big, earthy Italian red with enough muscle to stand up to the truffles.
    Regular Price $35.99/Lb. This Month $28.99/Lb.


    Oro Italiano
    We have tried a lot of cheeses over the years, sometimes good, sometimes great, sometimes not. This cheese is definitely in the great category. This Italian treat was introduced to us by one of our great customers and we are so happy they asked one day if we could get it for her family. Quickly growing into one of our most popular truffle cheese this cheese is great on it's own, melted over some bread or shredded into risotto and other recipes. From the creator of the customer favorite Sottocenere al tartufo, Oro Italiano is the fantastic creation of Sergio Moro.

    Tradition and innovation mingle to create Oro Italiano (Italian Gold), a cow's milk cheese from Friuli which combines prized Saffron d'Aquila with aromatic Umbrian black truffles. Another of Sergio Moro's creations, it is a true winner. Creamy and smooth, the saffron and truffle explode into a glorious symphony in your mouth.
    Regular Price $29.99/Lb. This Month $25.99/Lb.

    Pecorino de Pienze Nero Corsignano

    Pecorino di Pienza Nero "Corsignano"
    Pienza is a small town located at the heart of the Chianti region's main production zone, not too far away from the towns of Montalcino, Montepulciano and Chianciano Terme. In 1459, Enea Silvio Piccolomini became the Pope, under the name Pio II, and in the same year he subsequently decided to build an entire city in his own honor. He chose to develop his city in Valdorcia, a settlement which surrounds the Corsignano Castle. Of course, there must a been a good reason behind Piccolomini's final choice of location, as it would in effect be responsible for carrying his name throughout history.

    The most famous product of the area is without a doubt its pecorino, which has a sweet, aromatic yet slightly spicy flavor. What makes this area so good for cheese? The fantastic flora that grows all around Pienza leading for a very high quality flavorful milk. Pecorino Corsignano falls in the middle for age in the world of pecorino, not to hard not to soft. Its taste is exceptionally good when accompanied by a good red wine. Other less traditional combinations include mixing the cheese with fresh fruit (particularly pear), jam and honey.
    Regular Price $25.99/Lb. This Month $20.99/Lb.


    Casa Madaio Pecorino Paglierina
    A sheep's milk cheese aged six months with a white to pale yellow interior. Its mild in flavor, but with a great depth and magnificently long finish. Italian pecorino offers a rich and diverse world to discover- each region and locality offering a wealth of stories, traditions and flavors. Over the centuries, pecorino has maintained its authenticity, and in many instances, the quality has even improved. Today pecorino still plays a fundamental role in the Italian diet and culinary traditions- greatly impacting the economy of local communities and, in some cases, entire regions. In recent decades, this cheese has acquired worldwide recognition and success; pecorino is the oldest cousin of two international celebrities-parmigiano and grana, the two other favorite cheeses.

    Simplicity is the essence of pecorino. Italians usually eat it just as it is, accompanied simply with olives. It can also be served with preserved vegetables-such as artichokes or eggplant-or raw vegetables, like fava beans. Other common parings include various salumi, such as prosciutto, salsicce (sausage) or local salumi. Pecorino is often married with fruit, such as pears or homemade marmalades. Usually pecorino is not used with cream sauces or risotto-or other dishes associated with northern Italy where pecorino is not produced. Its taste is exceptionally good when accompanied by a good red wine (maybe even a Chianti or Nebbiolo. Limited Quantity.
    Regular Price $27.99/Lb. This Month $25.99/Lb.

    Aldo Molilna cracking into a wheel of Parmigiano

    Parmigiano-Reggiano D.O.C
    At Arrowine we take Parmigiano cheese seriously. Traditional methods on how to cut and sell Parmigiano taught to me by long time friend/mentor and in my eye's "Mr. Parmigiano," Aldo Molina. We cut fresh pieces several times every week and now offer grated and shredded as well.

    Emilia-Romagna, Italy's most important food region and birthplace to the worlds greatest cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano. This territory of Italy is divided into 8 provinces that are each about the size of Rhode Island. Reggio nell' Emilia is where our friend originally hails from. Today however Parmigiano is produced in 6 closely guarded and monitored provinces between about April 15th and November 11th when the grass is freshest. Aged a minimum of at least 14 months or it can be aged up to 7 years old, the taste varies greatly. Weighing around 80 lbs. you can imagine the amount of skill that goes into cutting these big wheels, but that's half the fun, and seriously if you catch us splitting a wheel make sure to grab a taste it will change your life. Without question the worlds greatest cheese!
    Regular Price $19.99/Lb. This Month $16.99/Lb.

    Blu del Moncenisio

    Blu del Moncenisio
    Blu del Moncenisio was born in the mountains of Piedmont in the area of the Moncenisio Pass, in high Val di Susa, on the border of Italy and France. This gourmet cheese is clearly similar to the family of the French 'Bleu'. An obvious difference can be found in the fact that the Italian cheese has a green shade while the veins in the French cheese are predominately blue. This cheese has a firm, moist texture; its ivory paste is smooth, dense, and speckled with considerable bluing. Blu del Moncenisio has a pungent, peppery, and luscious flavor. There are notes of wood, straw and nuts, with a balanced constant blue presence. Pair this cheese with Muscato or another sweet wine, dried fruit and bread.
    Regular Price $19.99/Lb. This Month $16.99/Lb.

    Provolone Piccante

    Provolone Picante
    Some refer to Provolone as Italy's national cheese. It was originally produced in Campania in the southern part of the country. Curiously Provolone production is now centered in the north in the Piedmont and Lombardy. Like mozzarella, Provolone is a pasta filata cheese, meaning that it is produced by stretching fresh curds into a taffy-like consistency. In the case of mozzarella, the cheese is sold and served fresh. For Provolone, the stretched curd is molded into a pear or torpedo shape, then tied with rope and hung in an aging cave for 3 to 12 months.

    The Provolone Piccante available at Arrowine is the authentic imported-from-Italy version, aged for 12 months and offering a sharp, spicy flavor that tickles the tongue. It is excellent as part of an antipasto course, paired with olives and red wine. Provolone is an all-purpose cheese used for cooking, dessert purposes and even grating, it is generally considered as a table cheese. Provolone Piccante is sharp and spicy with a strong pungent aroma and lingering taste and flavor. Provolone Piccante is at its best when savored alongside slices of fresh pear, olives, raw vegetables or salami. It is often added to gnocci, omelettes, small tarts, and potatoes. Pizza, bruschetta and sandwiches all benefit from a melted smothering of Provolone.
    Regular Price $15.99/Lb. This Month $12.99/Lb.

    Asiago d'Allevo

    Asiago d'Allevo (Aged Asiago)
    An Italian classic that according to the different aging can assume different textures. Asiago d'Allevo - whose flavor is reminiscent of sharp Cheddar and Parmesan. The aged cheese is often grated in salads, soups, pastas, and sauces while the younger Asiago cheese is sliced to prepare panini or sandwiches. It can also be served with hearty bread, salami, or such fruits as fresh figs or pears, and it goes well with a wide variety of red wines.

    To make fresh Asiago cheese only whole milk is used. The milk is then aged for approximately 40 days. Aged Asiago - Asiago d�Allevo cheese is prepared differently in which partially skimmed, not whole, milk is used and the cheese is aged for a much longer period of time - for about three months to up to a year depending on the flavor and texture the producer wants to reach. Asiago d�Allevo cheese also contains small to medium holes throughout its body. Its texture also varies from semi-firm to firm depending on the time it was aged. The only "official" Asiago cheese is produced in the alpine area of the town of Asiago where its name derives from. The city is in the province of Vicenza in the Veneto region. It is now also made in the Alpine region of Trentino which has become part of the DOP area for Asiago cheese production.
    Regular Pricie $19.99/Lb. This Month $16.99/Lb.

    Gorgonzola Dolce

    Gorgonzola Dolce
    Dolce Gorgonzola is a younger, therefore milder, version of aged Gorgonzola. Dolce, by nature of its shorter aging time, is moister and more ivory colored than Gorgonzola Naturale, which is drier and whiter and tends to have bluer streaks. It has a soft, spreadable texture and slightly salty aftertaste. In days of old, gorgonzola was a stracchino cheese, meaning it was made with the milk of stracchio or "tired" cattle that were milked while on their way to (or back from) their seasonal pastures. The herds would stop for a rest in the Lombardy town of Gorgonzola, resulting in Gorgonzola being flush with milk twice a year, the excess was used to make cheese.

    Today, Italian law and tradition dictates that Gorgonzola can only be made in either Lombardy or Piedmonte. Serve along side some dried fruits and nuts with a nice Prosecco or robust Italian red wine.
    Regular Price $15.99/Lb. This Month $12.99/Lb.


    Taleggio D.O.P
    Taleggio shares a history with Gorgonzola in that it was also originally a product of the tired or stracca cattle that needed to be milked after returning from the long climbs down from summer pastures. The making of Taleggio is believed to go Back to the tenth or eleventh century, with the first documents mentioning the cheese, along with grana, in the year 1200. The cheese is listed among the foods served at the banquet for the coronation of Pope Clement VI in 1344, and was also served at the wedding of Francesco Sforza to Bianca Maria Visconti in 1441.

    The rind in an intense burnished orange-brown color with several molds and the stamp indicating it is a true Taleggio. It is a wonderfully distinctive cheese with a wide range of flavors including a meaty richness, accented with yeasty, fruity qualities and a tangy, salty bite. When ripe it should be creamy with a very pungent aroma. Taleggio pairs nicely with Italian Nebbiolo wines, as well as a wide range of reds and whites.
    Regular Price $17.99/Lb. This Month $15.99/Lb.

    June Charcuterie Specials
    Prosciutto di Parma

    Prosciutto Di Parma
    Prosciutto di Parma marks one of the high points of the Italian culinary tradition. Renowned and appreciated throughout the world, the history and traditions go far back in time. The special environmental, ecological and climatic conditions provide the key to how this culinary delight originated. The first step in the making of an inimitable Prosciutto di Parma consists in the careful selection of prime-grade raw material, namely the hog. The meat must then be treated and seasoned using traditional methods carried out in a strictly delimited area of production within the province of Parma. The ham is aged for at least 12-16 months. Just one single ingredient, salt, may be used in the treatment of the meat. This is why Prosciutto di Parma is an absolutely natural product that manages to be delicious, easily digestible and nutritional all at once.

    The Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma (Parma Ham Consortium of farmers and producers) protects and assures the quality and authenticity of the product and enforces full respect for tradition. A genuine Prosciutto di Parma may be identified by the trademark used by this consortium: a ducal crown. This crown is the only guarantee to consumers that the product they are buying has all the qualities that have made this ham justly famous throughout the world. The meat will range in color from pale to deep rose. The fat surrounding a slice or running through it should be white or rosy in color. Prosciutto di Parma typically has a rich, sweet-salty fragrance and flavor. Longer-aged hams are likely to have a deeper, meatier flavor. Thin slices should be supple and velvety in appearance, with a slightly chewy consistency.
    Regular Price $23.99/Lb. This Month $19.99/Lb.

    Prosciutto Di San Daniele
    Prosciutto di San Daniele is cured in the same fashion as Prosciutto di Parma, and the Tuscan Prosciutto Crudo. Pork thighs are selected and suspended in well-ventilated or refrigerated rooms for 24 to 36 hours. The fat and hide is then trimmed, and the salt curing process begins. Prosciutto makers massage and apply salt to the meat, repeating the procedure once a week for a month. The hams are then washed, brushed, and dried either in sunlight or indoors, where temperatures never exceed 59� F. Once the prosciutto are dried, they are inspected for flaws and are coated with a mixture of flour, lard, water, and pepper.

    The next step is the aging period: San Daniele hams must be aged for at least 12 months, but some are aged for up to two years. During this time, the Prosciutto lose up to 30% of their original weight. While the ingredients and conditions that go into the production of Prosciutto di San Daniele are identical to other types of Prosciutto Crudo, it is the unique climatic conditions of the Friuli region, with its higher altitudes and drier air, that give Prosciutto di San Daniele its unique flavor and texture. Another feature that distinguishes Prosciutto di San Daniele from other types of prosciutto is the fact that it is cured with the bottom part of the leg bone in, a feature that makes for a very rustic-looking ham.
    Regular Price $26.99/Lb. This Month $21.99/Lb.

    Speck Alto Adige

    Speck Alto Adige
    In the old days, great care was taken to preserve foods in a simple and natural way. Careful craftsmanship and the experience of many generations led to the development of an excellent product. Resulting from choice raw materials, a special blend of spices, an elaborate method of dry curing, gentle cold smoking and maturing in clean mountain air are key elements for producing top quality ham. In Alto Adige speck has always been considered good and healthy food for young and old and the noble city dweller enjoyed it just as much as the simple farmer.

    Speck is the first product of the region of the Alto Adige that has received the GGA label of certified origin. Try speck on your next sandwich, wrapped around figs or shrimp, or wrap a chicken with speck for a full smoky rich experience. One item everyone on the staff can agree on is that Speck is delicious every time.
    Regular Price $22.99/Lb. This Month $19.99/Lb.


    Fra'Mani Handcrafted Salumi

    Soppressata, Nostrano, and Toscano

    Fra' Mani Handcrafted Salumi, based in Berkeley, California, was founded by nationally-recognized chef Paul Bertolli. Fra' Mani brings the art of traditional Italian salumi to America's discriminating palates.

    Fra' Mani handcrafts salumi in the finest pastoral Italian tradition. Their pork comes from family farmers committed to the well-being of their animals and their land. The hogs are never given antibiotics, artificial growth hormones, growth-promoting agents or meat by-products. They eat only the finest grains and natural feed. This old-fashioned way to raise hogs produces pork of outstanding quality, which is the essential ingredient in all Fra' Mani salumi.

    Salame Nostrano
    Nostrano, meaning "our own." Coarsely ground, mild and "sweet" in flavor. A natural with melon or figs. About 14 inches long, 2 pounds. Slice paper thin.
    Regular Price $29.99/Lb. This Month $25.99/Lb.

    Salame Toscano
    Deep burgundy color, green peppercorns, with salt slightly more pronounced in the Tuscan tradition of pairing foods with unsalted breads. Sliced paper thin.
    Regular Price $29.99/Lb. This Month $25.99/Lb.

    Their largest salame, modeled after the sopressa vicentina from the Vicenza province of Northern Italy. Very coarsely cut and scented with clove. Moist and full-flavored. Sliced paper thin.
    Regular Price $29.99/Lb. This Month $25.99/Lb.

    Leoncini Mortadella with Pistachio

    Leoncini Mortadella with Pistachio
    This authentic Italian Mortadella is a traditional example whose recipe dates back to the 15th Century. This sandwich meat was first created in a monastery in the center of Italy, near the beautiful city of Bologna. It is characterized by a unique flavor and an exceptional fine texture. The secret of its unique characteristics lies in the selection of spices, these ingredients are stuffed in an oversized casing and hung to slow roast in brick ovens for up to 12 hours. . Made from only the finest ingredients, this premium quality meat is made from Leoncini's original recipe dating back to 1918.

    Mortadella is comprised of finely ground select cuts of pork folded together with cubes of rich jowl fat and nutty pistachio slices. O.K., let's admit it: American baloney has things that Mortadella does not -- corn syrup, modified food starch, sodium lactate, sodium phosphates, sodium diacetate, sodium erythorbate (made from sugar), sodium nitrite, flavorings, and extractives of paprika. Mortadella also doesn't have a catchy jingle. The chance a Mortadellamobile will be found roaming the streets in your neighborhood, a billion to one. On the other hand, you probably won't need a wine pairing suggestion for baloney, whereas we recommend a nice Sangiovese or Lambrusca with Mortadella. A true masterpiece with its rosy hue, savory flavor and fantastic aroma, Mortadella is ideal eaten as a Panini on rustic bread. Sliced to Order.
    Regular Price $10.99/Lb. This Month $8.99/Lb.

    Italian Anchovies

    Scalia Italian Anchovies in Olive Oil
    The anchovy is a small, bony, schooling fish that lives in the warm waters of the South Atlantic. Imported from Italy, these hand-filleted flat anchovies are perfect for antipasto and salads. Not overly salted like some others we have experienced, Scalia brand anchovies have a superbly balanced flavor and a subdued aroma. A classic tapas that can be enjoyed anytime you need a little kick to your party buffet. A fabulous Mediterranean dish that can be use on pizzas, antipasti, or pasta sauces and is ideal for caesar salad dressings. Flat fillets that are easy to serve and look great on any dish you create, like this recipe from Saveur Magazine.
    Regular Price $3.99/2.8 oz. jar. This Month $2.99.

    Salade Nicoise

    Tonno Genova Yellowfin Tuna
    Wild caught from deep waters, Genova select yellowfin is all natural with no additives or preservatives. Packed in the Mediterranean tradition with olive oil, it has a delicious flavor and is a healthy food that is naturally rich in omega-3. Salade Nicoise anyone?
    Regular Price $3.99/5 oz. tin. This Month $2.99.

    Thank you so much. We appreciate your business.

    Perry Soulos

    Thank you for your support of Arrowine and the work that we do.

    Doug Rosen

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    Monday - Saturday: 10 - 8
    Sunday: 11 - 5

    phone: 703.525.0990