The June 2015 e-newsletter includes information on the following: Sno-Dak News, Increase Your Club Memberships and ACSA Equals Access Fundraiser.
Sno-Dak News
It's time to gear up for the 2015-2016 season of the Sno-Dak News. Together with MSPN and DesignHub, SND is looking forward to bringing you the latest in snowmobile information and products. The October 2015 issue will kick off the season. Articles and ads are due August 25th. For more information on rates click here! Increase Your Club Membership Snow Goer magazine has partnered with MnUSA and the Midwest Chapter to create the "Spread The Good Word About Snowmobile Clubs" Campaign. For $49 clubs and associations get a listing showing the group's name, address, phone number and website in an ad in the December 2015 Snow Goer magazine. Club listings will be organized under the state snowmobile association. If more than 40 clubs sign up within the Midwest Chapter, the ad will be repeated in the January or February issue of Snow Goer at no additional charge. Plus, club listing information will be posted in the Digital Edition of Snow Goer magazine including live links. SND is in, so contact our office to join the campaign in creating snowmobile club awareness! For more information click here. ACSA Equals Access Fundraiser ACSA is the national organization uniting the snowmobile community and promoting snowmobiling as a safe, fun and environmentally friendly family sport. It has never been more critical to support organized snowmobiling! You can now support ACSA and snowmobile access by getting that YETI cooler you have always wanted. For every cooler purchased, YETI donates 20% of the purchase to ACSA. For more information click here!
- Online trail signing and trail grubbing courses can be found at
- Please remember shop with Amazon Smile and to support Snowmobile North Dakota financially
- Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
- Every time you shop online at; Snowmobile North Dakota earns cash. Signup for a free account today and start getting paid to shop with their #CashBack program. To learn more about the #CashBack program click here!