Applause...for YOU!!
Northwoods Book Arts Guild would like to thank our membership and The Folk School community for the great turn out at our joint Spring Carnival Fundraiser on Sunday, May 15. Pizzas were baked outdoors in a hand-made wood-fired oven, home-made cookies and lemonade were available indoors, and many craft and demonstration tables kept all ages happy and busy throughout the event. The outcry and silent auction donations and purchases helped us raise needed funds for our scholarship program, building the Guild's library, and general support of our NBG Studio. We are grateful for the support. We are also grateful for our partnership with The Folk School, with whom we share the mission of bringing art, craft, and nature-based education to our community. We look forward to seeing everyone at meetings and workshops throughout the year, and at next year's fundraising event!
Spray-Painted Papers
Wednesday, June 22, 6-9PM
1977 Tall Timbers Drive
Kathy Dietrich, Host
Mary Maisch, Instructor
(Rain Date: Thursday, June 23, 6-9pm)
Time to restock your supply of painted papers! This Studio Session will provide three hours of non-stop production of beautiful spray-painted papers for many bookmaking projects to come. We will set up our tables in Kathy's driveway, share our canisters of acrylic spray paints, and join in the magic of layering colors and forms on our papers.
Attendees will provide all materials. Please bring the following:
- 3 cans of Liquitex spray paint to share - available at Michael's (about $11 each)
- Papers - Canson, Arches, Strathmore, etc. We will have some Arches and Canson papers available for purchase through Paper Birches.
- Stencils
- Rubber or latex gloves
- Folding table to work on (if you have one!)
Fee: $10 (payable to instructor at the Studio Session)
Materials fee: none (attendees will bring all materials - see above)
Enrollment limited to 10
To sign up contact Mary Maisch
Gelli-Plate Printing
Wednesday, June 29, 12 - 4pm
at The Folk School
Mary Maisch, Instructor
Play with gelli plates, stencils, string, leaves, and other pattern-making materials as you cover papers with layers of acrylic painted monoprints. Your beautiful papers can be used later to make one of a kind artist books, folios, notecards, or gift boxes. Gelli plates are a firm but flexible surface used for rolling out paints or printing inks, upon which you arrange objects, stencils, or make marks that transfer to a paper when you rub it over the plate. Learn all about it! You'll take home a small gelli plate for continued experiments on your own, and learn how to make your own plates for future use. Please bring a brayer, available at Michaels and JoAnn's. Papers, paints, and an assortment of texture tools will be provided. You may also bring any stencils or non-sharp mark making tools you'd like to try, as well as any of your own papers or favorite acrylic paint colors.
Materials fee: $10 payable to instructor in class
Japanese Screen Structures
Thursday, July 14, 5 - 9pm
at The Folk School
Margo Klass, Instructor
The Japanese Screen structure is a form of board book that can be used in inventive ways. It displays easily, making a table screen that is both functional and decorative. In this workshop we will make a basic double-fold triptych structure. We will wrap the boards with Japanese papers and form sturdy hinges to join the panels allowing the screen to be opened for display or folded for storage. Techniques for adding imagery will be discussed as we look at some examples of how this structure can be used to create artist books.
Instructional fee: $40
Materials fee: $10 payable to instructor in class
Fish Flag Books
Thursday, July 21, 5-7PM
at The Folk School
Book Exchange Theme: Painted Papers
You have requested book cloth and it has arrived! Visit Paper Birches for a fine selection of paper-backed book cloth, available in quarter-yard pieces. The colors are gorgeous!
Please note - shopping at Paper Birches is one of the benefits of NBG membership. Access to this supply source is available anytime there is an NBG event at The Folk School, or by appointment with a member of the NBG Board.
Wednesday, June 22, 6-9pm
Spray-Painted Papers
in Kathy Dietrich's driveway
Wednesday, June 29, 12-4pm
Gelli Printing
at The Folk School
Thursday, July 14, 5-9pm
Japanese Screen Structure
at The Folk School
Thursday, July 21, 5-7pm
Book Exchange Theme: Painted Papers
at The Folk School
More scheduled events listed
Need bookmaking tools?
A fine selection is available at If Only...a fine store!
215 Cushman Street, Fairbanks
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!