June  2017
Dear ones,
Well and Spring almost summer is here at last!  It is a joy to watch the flowers come to life, feel the warming sun, and watch the earth renew itself. So much is going on; Thay Z has opened a new temple in Texas, Suco Chodren (a nun) is living here, we're teaching a mindful course at a local facility, we have a new weekly meditation group in Hood River as well as a twice a month study group, we're sponsoring an 11th step meeting based on Buddhist, and all is well.
   May you be well and happy........   Kozen
Thich Minh Thien's Column
Thay Z at the ocean
We all have certain calendar dates that represent moments in time.  Some we all share together like holidays and some are more personal like birthdays, anniversaries and the like.  These dates become important in our lives as they remind us of something that we don’t want to forget.  May 17, 2017 will become one of those dates for me.  It was on this date that the first group of people, potential Sangha, met in my home for the first time, for meditation and sharing.  It also marks another step along the path I chose to follow a few years ago; that of a Buddhist monk. Though I have been following the practice of Buddhist meditation for a dozen or so years, it was the decision to accept the gift of service through ordination as a Mahayana Buddhist monk that has been the focus of my life for the last few years and will be the calling I hope to follow the rest of my time in this world.  Many monks undertake this journey by joining a monastery at a young age with study and training in the Dharma that our ancestral teacher, the Shakyamuni Buddha gave mankind so long ago.  I admittedly have done little in my life that might be considered traditional, so it is no wonder that my journey to becoming a monk had little of that traditional monasterial training and study.  I of course have a wonderful Teacher, which in my mind is crucial.  There was reading and discussions and retreats, along with exposure t o temples and the practices of many traditions of Buddhism.  But as my practice grew, it was heavily weighted in individual practice versus Sanghapractice. Mount Adams Zen Buddhist Temple was what I claimed as my home base, though Trout Lake Washington is a long way from Arlington, Texas.  Towards the end of 2016, I got to spend a considerable amount of time at Trout Lake and participated in a practice that felt much fuller, much richer than the practice I had in Arlington.  And admitting to that judgement I was making about my practice moved me to realize that this Sangha experience and sharing the practice with others was what I was called to do.  So, clearing out the formal living and dining area in my house, establishing an atmosphere of respect in this space for meditation, resulted in the creation of “Budding Dharma Sangha”.  On Wednesday evening, May 17, 2017, with my Buddhist flag proudly waving outside in my front yard, I opened the door of my home and now also my temple, to others who might be interested in sharing meditation practice.  Six very nice people showed up and we sat, we walked and we shared.  This was Sangha and it would occur now every Wednesday evening. Mount Adams Zen Buddhist Temple is still and always will be my home.  Budding Dharma Sangha now becomes another extension in offering the gifts of Mindfulness, Compassion and Loving Kindness that I have experienced through my Teacher and association with Mount Adams Zen Buddhist Temple.  It also represents a deepening of my commitment to this journey of being a monk.  The date, May 17, 2017 is now officially logged on my calendar.
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa  

you can reach Thay Z at [email protected]

Thay Z has opened Budding Dharma, a new temple, in Arlington Texas
The term budding: (of a plant) having or developing buds. (of a part of the body) becoming larger as part of the process of normal growth. (of a person) beginning and showing signs of promise in a particular career or field.
Help Us Build A Temple
Donate today!


and we need your help

We have started on our plans to build a temple on our 23 acre farm.  Our temple proposal has been approved for up to 4000 sq. ft by the Klickitat Planning Commission, now all we need is the money to start building.  Please help us by donating to our building fund.

1. Donate directly to the temple (Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple PO Box 487, Trout Lake WA 98650

2.  you can donate on line at www.gofundme.com/ywdqkc .  
3.  Buy on Amazon at  http://smile.amazon.com/ch/30-0468937
Whenever you order from Amazon.com use this link and your regular passwords and the temple will receive a small amount of the purchase price.  
We are a 501(c) 3 organization and donations to the temple may be tax deductible.

We've been here for 8 years.  Our retreat area is complete, our gardens are complete, now is the time to start on building a temple.  We have been approved for a 4000 square foot structure by the county and we want to raise $275,000 to build a Dharma Hall.  This will be one of the very few Buddhist Temples in our county. 

Venerable Master   Thich Hang Toan conducted a meditation retreat here.  we had many day and group visitors

Women's Heart Retreat 

June 10th and 11th 

Please join us Sat June 10th at 10am and stay the night in the meditation huts.. We leave Sunday between 2 and 4pm. This retreat will include Relaxation, meditations, simple qui-gong and silent periods with walking and sitting meditations. We will eat a vegetarian lunch and dinner and end with an Abbey breakfast. Please let us know your dietary needs and any other questions or concerns you may have. Write to [email protected], sign up online with the Abbey. Troutlakeabbey.com

Cost$45 for overnight retreat.

(Please be prepared to make an offering to the Temple and to the teacher)

Su Co Chodon

Venerable Chodon is a Buddhist nun who has been teaching since 1990. She has studied and taught Dharma throughout the U.S. and internationally. She received her Bhikshuni ordination from Thich Nhat Hanh. As a teacher, Ven. Chodon uses gentle humor and practical examples to help others benefit from the application of Buddhist wisdom to daily life. Contact her at [email protected]

Sangha Retreat at Trout Lake Abbey July 7-9, 2017

You are cordially invited to attend a weekend of silent practice and mindful living with local Sangha members in beautiful Trout Lake, WA. Trout Lake Abbey is a Vietnamese Thien Buddhist Temple, bed & breakfast, retreat center and organic farm with plenty of space to relax and abide peacefully in the moment. It features an exquisite view of Mt. Adams and is very rural. This retreat is being organized by Portland Thursday Night Sangha and will be led by Sangha members; the Sangha will be the teacher.

Accommodations and Costs:

There are bunk bed rooms inside the main house (aka the hostel), which have easy access to a shared restroom in the room.
There are also meditation huts outside (aka the huts), which can accommodate one person but require a walk to the restrooms. The meditation huts are small but have windows, heaters and a futon mattress.

There is also a larger meditation hut (aka Hut Shanti), which has bunk beds and can sleep 8 people.

The cost for any of these are $100 for the weekend. Linens are pillows are provided unless you want to bring your own.

Another option is to stay in the B&B, which has 4 private bedrooms. The bathrooms are shared with 1 or 2 other people, except for the master suite. The cost for the B&B varies from $95 to $125 per night. Contact the Abbey directly to reserve.

Camping is another option if you prefer to do that and that will reduce the price to $40 for the weekend.

You do not need to decide on your accommodation at the time of registration, unless you wish to have a private bedroom in the B&B. Contact the Abbey directly to reserve a room and let us know. It would be helpful to let us know if you have a preference or particular need in regards to your accommodations so we can be aware of that.

Meals (and Costs):

This retreat will be not be catered and participants will buy the food and cook the meals together. We estimate the food will be approximately $25-$50 for the weekend, but will depend on what you choose to bring. When you register, please indicate a preference for cooking breakfast, lunch or dinner and also please let us know about any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

To Register:

Space is limited to a maximum of 20 participants, and is first come, first serve.

To reserve your spot, please send a check for $100 to Mary Buckley, the treasurer for Thursday Night Sangha, NO LATER THAN MAY 20. Please include your phone number and email address in the registration. This is refundable up to 2 weeks prior to the retreat, but after that date (June 23) we can only refund 50% of that amount. Unfortunately there are not any scholarships available for this retreat and we cannot offer reduced fees unless you elect to camp in your own tent.

Please indicate with your registration which meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) is your first preference to cook and also any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Send your registration to: Mary Buckley
6525 NE 36th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 503-282-2590

Any questions?

Contact Jeff Kerr, the retreat coordinator at 971.322.9422 or [email protected]

Wonderful Quotes

“Compassion is language the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. ~Mark Twain  

“Kindness is in our power even when fondness is not”. ~Henry James  

“Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true”. ~Robert Brault  

“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody,it saves so much trouble”. ~Rudyard Kipling  

“There is one word which may serve as a rule for all one's life: reciprocity”. ~Confucius  

“The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway”. ~Henry Boyle  

“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people”. ~Abraham Heschel  

“Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak, because someday in your life you will be all of these”. ~George Washington Carver

Bathing the Baby Buddha
Celebrating the Buddha's birth 
Spiritually Based Healing 
A dear friend, Sylver, will be starting a new program at the Abbey. He will be here once a week to help with Spiritually Based Healing.

He is a retired Chiropractor who has been on a journey of spirit and awareness for some time and is willing to share his healing energy with others.

He is doing this by donation (suggested minimum is $20.00) and will be at the Abbey on Tuesdays from 10am - 2 pm. You can set up an appointment with him at 352.284.9588.

He has been helping Kozen recover from his knee surgery.
"Sylver's work is kind and loving, he has helped me a lot". Kozen

If you have chronic or acute physical problems, give Sylver a call and see if there are perhaps some psychological or spiritual components that he can help with.
This is not 100% complete. An undated  schedule will appear each month    
3-4 Master Thích Minh Hải will be Guest Master for an open retreat here in English and Vietnamese
7 Buddhist Festival - Portland
10-11 Woman's Heart Retreat - Here - with Suco Chodren
15-22 Yoga / Astrology Retreat - Private
24-30 Kozen on Retreat -temple open

1-5 Ziikr Retreat - Private
7-8 Thich Nhat Hanh group retreat
13-16 Eight Winds Festival (Druid Event)

12-18 Vedanta Retreat housing only
19-20 Precepts Retreat by Buu Hung Monastery - here
23-28 Beyond The Gates (Druid Event)
27 - Ullambana - Buu Hung Monastery - Vancouver
31 - 3 Sept  Xinglin Institute Private

31 August - 3 September Xinglin Institute (private)
23 Autum Equinox (Druid Event)
29- 1 October  NUNM Private

Sept 29-Aug 1 NUNM (Private)
13-15 Fall Retreat Zen - here

11-12 Woman's Heart Retreat
Private retreats welcome

9 Bodhi Day - meditation 11:30 pm - 12:30 am
meditation 11:30 pm - 12:30 am

Weekly Temple Services 
Monday -Friday 6:30 am Meditation
Saturday  9am full service + meditation 

Mt. Adams Zen -  outside of our temple
1st Sunday of the month, Buu Hung Monastery at 3pm
17808 NE 18th St.  Vancouver WA 98684   
contact Venerable Su Co Hue Huong, [email protected]
Every Monday - Trinity Sangha, at Trinity Natural Medicine at 12 noon
1808 Belmont Ave, Hood River, OR 97031
1st and 3rd Wednesday Evenings - Trinity Sangha Study Group 
Time   6:30-8:00pm
Where: first meeting at Withers residence, 1829 5th St., Hood River (Sieverkropp Development behind Rosauer's)
Book to be studied: Peace in Every Breath by Thich Nhat Hanh
11th Step Recovery Meeting - A Fresh Step Forward in Recovery Sunday evenings 6:30pm at Bethel UCC Church in White Salmon, WA. Contact Dick Withers: [email protected]; 414-587-4065
The Noble Eight fold Path which leads us into a life of peace and awakening
May the Infinite Light of Wisdom and Compassion so shine within us
that the errors and vanities of self may be dispelled; 
so shall we understand the changing nature of existence and awaken into spiritual peace.

Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple    46 Stoller Rd., Trout Lake WA 98650  509.395.2030     www.Mtadamszen.org