June 2018
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Monthly Newsletter
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
Rev. Stephen Glauz-Todrank, Pastor
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a. m.

Message from Stephen
Dear Skyland Friends,

Since I will be retiring this month, this is my last Minister’s Column. I decided to include a picture taken at the Law’s home of me, age 39, an eager candidate for the position of minister of Skyland Church. That was in 1990! These have been wonderful years for me and I hope also for you, full of love and lots of good ministry together.

I hope you will join us for my last sermon and a party on June 17th and then on the 24th, a service with communion, words of blessing and releasing and a time to say goodbye.  

I also want to remind you that during the interim period, the protocols for a retiring minister require me not to have any planned meetings with anyone at Skyland and, if we meet, to not discuss any business of the church. This will make it easier for you to make a good transition to your relationship with your interim minister and later with your new settled minister. At some point, when your new settled minister is here, I hope to come back to see you.

If you would like to meet before I leave, please contact me and we will set up a time. I will also be present in the church on Monday mornings, the 4th, 11th and 18th from 9-9:30 am if you would like to have a time of silent prayer or meditation time together. 

Thank you for all you have done to make my life here as your minister a daily joy.

With love and many blessings to each and all of you,
Margretta Dollard Retiring After 34 Years As Music Director
Margretta Dollard is retiring after 29 years of Music Ministry at Skyland Church. At 98 years of age, Margretta has devoted over one third of her adult life to bringing beautiful music to enhance Skyland Church's worship services as well as many special services. Both she and Stephen will be honored at the potluck on June 17th.
June 2
11 a.m. Memorial Service for Don Law

June 3
10:30 a.m. Communion Worship Service
Missions Board Meeting after Service

June 4
9:00-9:30 a.m. Meditation/Silent Prayer Gathering
in Church Sanctuary

June 10
10:30 a.m. Family Worship Service
Choir Appreciation
Congregational Budget Meeting after Service
Trustees Meeting after Budget Mtg

June 11
9:00-9:30 a.m. Meditation/Silent Prayer Gathering
in Church Sanctuary

June 12
11:30 a.m.Skyland Church Women's Group Picnic
At Nancy Jo Lopp's, bring salads and desserts

June 17
10:30 a.m. Family Worship Service
Fathers' Day
After the Sunday service on June 17, we will gather to honor Stephen and Margretta in Whitaker Hall. Please join us for a potluck lunch and a special cake to celebrate their service to our Skyland Church community.

June 18
9:00-9:30 a.m. Meditation/Silent Prayer Gathering
in Church Sanctuary

June 24
10:30 a.m. Service of Blessing and Releasing
Communion for all
Deacons Meeting after Service
Church Council Meeting after Service

Church Council Spotlight
The Church Council met in the evening on Tuesday, May 22. A draft financial plan for the next fiscal year was discussed, amended, and approved for consideration at the annual budget meeting to be held on Sunday, June 10, after the service. The plan has been distributed via Constant Contact and is also posted in Whitaker Hall.

Jackie Seymour provided an update on the search for the interim minister (see below). Anne Evans described the changes to be made to the church website during the process.

The Deacons are in the process of identifying substitute ministers to lead the services during the time between Stephen’s retirement and the interim minister’s arrival.

Preparations are underway for the celebration of Stephen and Margretta to be held after church on June 17. It will be a lovely gathering, and we hope to see you all there. 

Deana Arnold updated the council on the Harvest Festival preliminary organization meeting held May 6.

One reference that might be helpful for understanding the guidelines for Stephen and for us, the congregation, during this transition can be found here:  UCC Departure Ethics

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Church Council.  


Interim Search Update

An email went out on May 13 informing everyone of the process for finding an interim minister.  

Since that email, Daniel Ross-Jones has been reviewing applicants that might be a good fit for us. He expects that he will have the required 4 – 6 applicants to forward to us by June 1 st at the latest.

Meanwhile, the search committee has been compiling a list of questions that will be asked during the interview.  Once we get the list of applicants from Daniel we will arrange for interview dates and then start the interview process.

Daniel expects that the earliest start date for the new interim minister will be August first, though it could be longer.  

To learn more about the Interim period, the progress in the search for the Interim Minister and other transitions at Skyland please visit the Transitions page: http://skylandchurch.com/ transitions/

To read a message from Stephen, please visit the Message from Our Minister page:   http://skylandchurch.com/ our-minister/

Flowers for the Altar
Several Sundays during the summer are open for floral gifts. Please sign up on the calendar in Whitaker Hall. You can check the calendar in the links at the end of this newsletter.

amaryllis buds
burst open--at last!--each bloom
a scarlet tuba. 

haiku by John Heyes
Missions Board Delivers!

Africa Library Project
We will be adopting a primary community library in Sierra Leone. Please start collecting books for preschool- 8th grade and put them downstairs in the Skyland Church room with the copier. Donation boxes have been added to the local schools.
We will be packing the boxes in June and July on T/Ths, starting June 19th. We'll need lots of help! For more info see:  http://www.africanlibraryproject.org
Contact: Cindy Siwajek

Local Support
Mental Health Community Action Network in Santa Cruz helps those transitioning into homes. 
We are collecting socks, coats and sleeping bags. If anyone has a diaper changing table we are still looking for one. 

Contact: Shannon Edwards

Thou will show me the path off life;
In Thy presence is fullness of joy;
At Thy right hand there are pleasures forever more.

Ps16:11 (Scofield Reference Bible)

 NOTE From Your Treasurer
Pledge income for our fiscal year is $492 above commitments. A significant Offering and Other Income gifts were received this month but Offering income is still far less than our financial plan, -$5,386 for our fiscal year. However, our significantly reduced expenses result in an operating net of +$5,899 for the fiscal year.
Reminder to renew your pledge for next fiscal year, June 2018 through May 2019. Please consider increasing you commitment if possible.

We are able to accept credit card payments for pledge, general and special offerings if that is more convenient than check or cash. See either Jan Swayne or myself after service for these transactions.

Here are our operating finances as of May 30 for our 2017-18 fiscal year:
Summary of Operating Finances
__________May 2018
Income___$ 15,802___ $ 10,400
Expenses $ 10,506____$ 10,469
Net______$ 5,296____ $ (-69) 

Jun 1, 2017 to May 30, 2018
Income____$ 182,161___ $180,757
Expenses _ $ 176,262___ $187,375
Net_______$    5,899____$ (-6,618)

Note: These fiscal year actuals do not include non-budgeted special and local Mission gifts and outreach.
The proposed 2018-2019 financial plan (budget) elsewhere in this newsletter includes the actual of all Mission funds. In 17/18 fiscal year special outreach for fire recovery used fire funds available from previous years.

Gerald J. Alonzo, Treasurer
Photo Montage of Skyland Church Over the (mostly) Recent Past
Skyland Community Church, United Church of Christ
25100 Skyland Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408-353-1310
USPS mail: Skyland Church
P.O. Box 245
Los Gatos, CA 95031-0245
email: [email protected] | Website http://skylandchurch.com