Lots of opportunities to learn more about native plant gardening!
Healing the earth, one yard at a time

June 2018 Newsletter
In this edition:

June 11 - What Ants, Cicadas and Fungi Tell Us
July 7 - Mushroom Walk
July 9 - "Wings of Life" Video Screening
August 13 - Native Plants in Urban Settings
September 7 - Creating Living Landscapes, with Doug Tallamy
September 8 - Bringing Nature Home Garden Tour



Application Now Available

2018 Classes through November






Photos above: Wood Sorrel (Oxalis), Fritillaries on Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa), 
White Milkweed (Asclepias variegata)

What Ants Tell Us
Habitat Hero Award
News from the Chapter

John Miller, Deb Tucker and Valarie Adams provided information and answered questions about native plant gardening at the Honeybee Festival in Lafayette, GA.
Wild Ones Volunteers Are Making a Difference
Members of the Tennessee Valley Chapter of Wild Ones are amazing!   This spring, our chapter has been present at many events, including the Day of Gardening presented by the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Crabtr ee  Farms Spring Plant Sale, Reflection Riding Spring Plant Sale, Garden Expo presented by the Hamilton County Master Gardeners, Spring Forward presented by the Bradley County Master Gardeners, Bee City USA Pollinator Festival on Lookout Mountain, and the Honeybee Festival in Lafayette GA.  Way to go, Wild Ones volunteers!  We're helping to "save the earth, one landscape at a time."

Wild Ones Speakers Bureau
Our chapter has a number of trained members who are available to make presentations about native plant gardening to local and regional clubs and organizations.  Interested?  Send us an email, and we'll try to get you on the schedule.

Nature Journaling Get-Together
A couple of those who attended Mary Priestley's botanical drawing class (a Certificate in Native Plants class) were inspired and have decided to meet together to nature journal. The group will be meeting Tuesday mornings starting June 19th. Sign up so they can keep an eye out for you!

Seeds for Education Grants
Is your school located in the Chattanooga metropolitan area and would you like to:
  • Attract butterflies, bees and other pollinators to your schoolyard with wildflowers and native grasses.
  • Add opportunities for hands-on science in biology, ecology and earth science.
  • Expose students to healthy, outdoor physical activity.
  • Reduce energy consumption and improve storm water management; enhance sustainability and green-school certification.
Teachers and students across the United States are expanding learning opportunities by  enhancing their schoolyards with butterfly gardens and other pollinator habitats. 

CHAPP and Wild Ones offer assistance for all aspects of such projects.  Cash grants of up to $500 are available for plants and seeds , and in-kind donations from Nursery Partners  can help stretch these dollars. We can help you locate experts and information in the Chattanooga area.  

Go to our  SFE Criteria page  to read how we will evaluate an application

Certificate in Native Plants Classes

The Certificate in Native Plants program is designed to expand students' knowledge of botany, ecology, conservation, and uses of native flora in the southeastern United States. Students will get both classroom education and hands-on application to increase knowledge and skills that can be applied at home, in the community, and at work. The course setting will provide a common ground for native plant enthusiasts to meet and connect with others who share their interests. 

The CNP is designed to benefit both home gardeners and landscaping professionals alike.  You do NOT need to be working toward the Certificate in order to register for classes.

Most CNP classes are limited to 25 participants.  They fill up quickly, so register now to ensure your place.  

Class registration is now open for all 2018 classes:

Instructor: Jon Evans, PhD
NEW DATE: Saturday, July 7, 2018
9 am - 4 pm CDT
University of the South, Sewanee, TN

Identifying Plants with Taxonomy: "The Keys to the Kingdom"
Instructor: Richard Clements
Saturday, August 11, 2018
9 am - Noon EDT
Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center

Native Warm Season Grasses
Instructor: Walter Bland
Saturday, October 13, 2018
9 am- 12 pm (EDT)
Sixth Cavalry Museum and Chickamauga Military Park
Fort Oglethorpe GA

Soils & Water
Instructor: Wyn Miller
Saturday, November 10, 2018
9 am - 4 pm EST
Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center


Gardening tips from the May Landscapes in Progress programs...
  • Patience!  While some plants take off right away (e.g., penstemon, golden ragwort, sundrops, celandine poppy, aromatic aster), it takes three or more years for other native plant plugs/transplants to really start thriving.  
  • Native azaleas in woodland and part-shade settings struggled in their early years, but after 6-8 years, they are now doing well.  Be patient!
  • Plant labeling helps remember where and what been planted. Recommended metal plant markers can be ordered from Paw Paw Everlast Label Company (E. Rose Style Plant Label - 11-1/2"h). These markers have a large 1" high nameplate.  Use a Brother P-touch label maker to print labels on 0.94" white laminated label tape.  These labels are very durable and have survived well through the seasons.
  • There are plenty of shade and part-shade plants that provide bloom color and support pollinators.  Here's a bloom time chart to get you started.  And this downloadable list includes more native plants that thrive in shade and part shade.


Evening with Experts
You can learn from Doug Tallamy, Larry Weaner and others by watching the videos posted by Grow Native Massachusetts.  This collection of videos are from a monthly lecture series presented by Grow Native Massachusetts, an organization that  believes that conservation and stewardship begin at home, and that our individual actions have an important impact on the world around us.


June 9, 16 and 30 
North American Butterfly Association
Soddy Daisy TN; Williamsburg KY, Lookout Mountain GA

Father's Day Special - 50% off any plant or gift certificate

June 23, 2018
City of Chattanooga Water Quality Program's
Order your rain barrel by June 17

July 18-21, 2018
Cullowhee Native Plant Conference
West Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC


Enjoy a few photos of 
what's been happening outdoors during the last month.

Cecropia moth caterpillar, approximately 2.5" long.
(Photo by Mike O'Brien)

Coral Hairstreak on Butterflyweed.
(Photo by Mike O'Brien)

Mating Silvery Checkerspots on Cutleaf Coneflower.
(Photo by Dennis Bishop)

Yucca filamentosa blossoms (Adam's Needle, Needle Palm, or Bear-grass).
A native, multi-suckering evergreen with heads of long,
filamentous, blue-green, strappy leaves.
They are pollinated by the Yucca Moth, and other moth species
use it as a host plant to lay their eggs.
Reportedly, the leaves, stems and roots of this plant can be used
to stun fish; the Cherokee used it for this purpose.
(Photo by Nora Bernhardt)


Become a Wild Ones Member!
Join the Tennessee Valley Chapter

See what's happening on our social media sites:

Wild Ones: Native Plants. Natural Landscapes is a national non-profit organization with over 50 chapters in 13 states that promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. Please read more information about Wild Ones at www.wildones.org.
The Tennessee Valley Chapter presents guest speakers, field trips and other special events throughout the year, as well as an annual native plant and natural landscaping symposium in early spring. 
To contact our chapter, email us at tnvalleywildones@gmail.com