Top: Our new board was inducted on May 8. Bottom left: Our dedicated members raised funding at the Visitor Industry Charity Walk on May 18.
Bottom Right: Two new members!
Assistance League of Hawaii - June 2019
Transforming Lives - Strengthening Community
Reflecting on our Amazing Fantastic Year
Reflecting back on another great year, I can recall significant changes and noteworthy accomplishments. For example, we now have a new, sophisticated website that is supported by the National Assistance League. The Outreach Program was put into action for the first time by providing shoes and clothing to children who were affected by the volcano last summer. Three of our meetings were non-business, "Speaker" meetings, which were well received with increased attendance at Regular Meetings.
In February, the Thrift Shop began closing on Fridays for a 3-month trial period due to lack of staffing. It was evaluated in May and although the reduction was minimal, the Board approved to extend the trial period and re-evaluate the closure at the end of the calendar year. We received a new grant from the Sony Open Friends of Hawaii Charities which will enable us to help more keiki next year. These were just a few significant changes our members accomplished this past year.
Peggy Monnell (left panel) and
Ronnie Wassill with me (right panel).
Congratulations to
Peggy Monell
Melvin Ah Ching
, and
Ronnie Wassill
for achieving the Chapter awards at the May General Meeting. Peggy received the
Marti Frensley Award
for her "abounding service" to Assistance League of Hawaii. She literally sleeps at the Thrift Shop and participates in OSB, OWL, and We Care. Mel was given the
Ada Edwards Laughlin Award
because he works quietly in the background (and camera). Assistance League of Hawaii could not be where we are today without him. Ronnie was the recipient of the
Kolea Award
because she gives 110% support to Assistance League of Hawaii even when she moved to Canada last June. She took over the Strategic Plan Chairmanship, was a traveling "OWL" and was helping out at the Thrift Shop whenever she was in town. She will be also developing this year's annual Community Newsletter. We miss her dearly and can't wait for her seasonal return!
Nancy Sparacino
and I just returned from the National Leadership Conference in Los Angeles. It was truly a memorable experience networking with the National Board, other Chapter Presidents and Treasurers. We can't wait to share all the new and exciting changes that were learned in the upcoming year. I encourage all of you to consider stepping up into leadership roles, as it is truly a rewarding experience.
Don't forget about our High Tea Social event on June 12 at the Vintage Cave Café in Ala Moana Center. There will be no meeting - only a lot of fun and activities at this event. Remember to wear a hat...or, per Myrtle, you'll be making one! Read more about it in the Hospitality Section.
Our programs are taking the summer off, but the Thrift Shop is still open and operating. We can really use any time you can spare because the Thrift Shop bins are continuously filled with donations that are dropped off. We will be starting the school year with Operation School Bell in August with sign-ups to
Margie Van Swearingen
Connect 2019
, our National Conference is in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand from September 4-7, 2019. The next General meeting will be Wednesday, September 11 at the Outrigger Canoe Club.
Finally, while I am proud of everything we have accomplished this year, I am especially proud of all of the members who have volunteered and worked so hard to keep the children's best interests in mind. This is evident to everyone who has been to an OSB or OWL event, or the hospitals, fire stations and organizations that We Care serves. We all have memorable stories of people who did something that immensely changed our lives. I'm sure you are all in the stories of the children that Assistance League of Hawaii has touched.
Myrtle Ching-Rappa
The Vintage Cave Café is located on the street level, makai side of
Ala Moana Shopping Center near Foodland and Shirokiya.
You're Invited to our High Tea Social
G'Day Mates, mark your calendar for the final event of the 2018-19 year
June 12
th *
Vintage Cave Café
Ala Moana Center
across from Foodland,
Between JTB and Famous Footwear
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
(make checks payable to Assistance League of Hawaii)
Afternoon Tea: Clubhouse sandwich, Quiche Lorraine, salmon rolled tortilla with ricotta, mini croissant sandwich shrimp tartar, chilled cream corn soup, homemade pickles and olives; financiers, panna cotta, petit cake, scone, blueberry jam, mascarpone cream. Tea selections: Lemon Verbena (decaf), Regal Earl Grey, and Georgia Peach (decaf)
Vintage Cave Café location is marked in blue.
A fun-filled event is planned. If you have a favorite "tea" hat, wear it (not required). Materials will be provided for you to make one. There will also be photo props available for you to pose with. If you signed up at the May meeting, you will be receiving a confirmation email. If you haven't signed up and are interested, please email Myrtle at
[email protected]
by Wednesday, June 5. You will need to select a tea at that time. Coffee is also available.
Tata. Hope to see you there!
Laurelyn Berger
Operation School Bell
Outcome Review & Preparation for Next Year
We are finishing up the year by receiving all of the outcome reviews from the schools. So far only one "no change" and all of the rest with noticed improvement. This year we have bought 8,034 t-shirts for 25 schools and have clothed 1,110 students with new clothing.
We are already planning next years projects. Our first Opeartion School Bell event will be held at Walmart, Keaumoku on Saturday, August 24th. Please let
Margie van Swearingen know if you will be able to help! Thanks so much for all your help and support for this year. A very special thank you to Andrea for without her, I couldn't have done it!! Also, to Nancy and Margie!
Nancy Sparacino
A Very Busy and Productive Year
We have had a busy and productive year financially. We have had some record-setting days at the Thrift Shop and managed to reduce our building mortgage loan to approximately $68,000. Our programs have been able to thrive, without worry of having sufficient funds to continue their good work in our community.
Thanks to all who have already paid their $70 dues for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. If sending your check has slipped your mind, please mail your $70 check made payable to "Assistance League of Hawaii" to: Assistance League of Hawaii / 1505 Young Street / Honolulu, HI 96826 / Attention: Treasurer.
Special thanks to my mentor and "Zen Master", Margie Van Swearingen, who has sat by my side as I learned the Treasurer's ropes this year. Thanks also to Sandy Wells, who has faithfully deposited our Thrift Shop money every week and handled the luncheon checks and cash box monthly. Thanks also to Ellen Wilson, who answers questions requiring someone of her expertise in accounting and helps us with the budget, Quickbooks and any number of other money-related issues. It takes a small village to keep our ALH finances chugging along so nicely.
Sharon Ehrhorn
Thrift Shop
Raking in Impressive Totals + Strange Happenings
Chairs that were donated from
a Kahala estate were sold.
In three consecutive open days at the shop we did the following: Tuesday - $4,200; (May 14); Thursday - $3,325 (May 16) and Saturday (May 18) - $2,400 -
TOTAL=$ 9,925!.
hard to believe.
Of course it helped that we were the recipient of a wonderful donation from a Kahala estate. We have done quite well being open three days a week and staffing has been easier for Nancy. One area for improvement - we need more worker bees on Friday to have new items downstairs for Saturday.
Strange happenings.... While Peggy was working upstairs she heard a man's voice but no one was around and no one had entered the store. She heard it again and it was coming from the elevator. A voice was warning us that our Social Security number needed verification and we should call a certain number. These robo-call scams invaded the phone line that is connected to the elevator!
If you lucky enough to be closing at the end of the day - please be sure that both of the entrance doors are locked. If the doors are opened during the day for furniture deliveries etc, we have to remember to re-lock the one door.
Dot Mason
"Reluctant" Secretary
Who's on Your Committee?
This is a reminder to all committee chairs that I need to know your committee make-up - who is chairman? vice chairman? secretary or scribe? members? Please email me at
[email protected]
.Thank you for doing this early and accurately.
Fiscal Year Wraps with Malama Bear Deliveries
The fourth and last Layette Packing for this fiscal year was held at my home in Kailua on Friday, May 17th. In attendance were
Peggy Monell, Pat Dixon
& friend
Joanne Stern
Vicky Fay, Shelley Carroll
Kuulei Lara Pa
i and myself. We packed 250 newborn Layettes which were delivered by
Carol Jones
& friend to Kapiolani Hospital and Kaiser Moanalua Medical Center and
Vicky Fay
Laurie Tarkelson
, Director, Birth Center Castle Hospital.
Carol Jones delivered 80 Malama Bears to Legacy for Life, 80 Malama Bears to Kapiolani Hospital Pediatrics and 40 Bears to Kaiser Moanalua.
Helen Taufa'asau
delivered 60 Malama Bears to Shriners Hospital and
Johanna Leiato
will deliver 80 Malama Bears to Wahiawa Hospital. That will complete the delivery of our Malama Bears for this fiscal year ending May 31. There is one bag of 20 Malama Bears remaining at the shop until the next shipment arrives in late October.
Pat Dixon
and friend, Joanne Stern and I purchased and delivered household items such as towels, sheets, silverware, and small appliances to two Hale Kipa youths transitioning out of Foster Care. Both of them wrote appreciative thank you letters to Assistance League of Hawaii for the items purchased for their new living arrangements.
Mary Kay Junk
and her husband,
, purchased and delivered t-shirts, backpacks, underwear items and one-way bus passes to Youth Outreach in Waikiki.
Melvin Ah Ching
Marketing and Media
Want to Learn Our Content Management System?
Gerri Migita
and others have mentioned, this past year's focus in marketing has been to revamp and maintain our website. It certainly took a lot of time and is in a constant state of maintenance and content updates.
What I want to do is to start teaching other members how to work on the website and the newsletter with the content management tools we employ - namely
for the website and
Constant Contact
for the newsletter.
I am setting up a meeting with interested member volunteers who want to be part of our marketing and media committee. If you have a passion for being online, posting content to a blog, website or social media, now is your chance to spread your talented wings.
Besides Wordpress and Constant Contact, I could also use some help with posting to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.
The meeting date will be Friday, June 7 starting at 9:30 am in the Ohana Room. I will be contacting members who have indicated an interest, but am opening this up to anyone else who want to help.
Drop me an email for more information:
[email protected].
Be Sure to Turn in Your Service Hours
PLEASE remember to turn in your service hours through May 2019. Include driving time to Assistance League of Hawaii events, meetings, and work done at home. You can do that by emailing them to me at the address below or simply call me.
Karen McClelland at
E. Dihel 9:00-12:30
K. Takemoto 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
K. McClelland 12:00-3:30
K. Kehoe & M.Monohon 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel 9:00-12:30
M. Murphy 9:00-12:30
L. Berger 9:00-11:30
P. Monell - all day
S. Carroll 12:00-3:30
Sheri Sunabe 12:00-3:30
T. Kiladis 9:00-12:30
M. Fabre 9:00-1:00
P. Monell - all day
J. Winslow 12:00-3:30
Susan & Betsy Richardson 12-3:30
N. Wang 12:00-3:30
K. Takemoto 9:00-12:30
P. Sanborn 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
K. McClelland 12:00-3:30
K. Kehoe 12:00-3:30
M. Monohon 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel & M. Murphy 9:00-12:30
L. Berger 9:00-11:30
P. Monell - all day
S. Sunabe 12:00-3:30
B. Trustin 12:00-3:30
High Tea Social
Cave Café
11:30 am
M. Fabre 9:00-1:00
J. Winslow & B. Trustin 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
L. Holmberg 12:00-3:30
H. Taufa'asau 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel 9:00-12:30
K. Takemoto 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
K. McClelland 12:00-3:30
K Kehoe & N. Wang 12:00-3:30
M. Murphy 9:00-12:30
L. Berger 9:00-11:30
P. Monell - all day
B. Trustin 12:00-3:30
S. Sunabe 12:00-3:30
M. Fabre & B. Trustin 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
N. Wang 12:00-3:30
H. Taufa'asau 12:00-3:30
S. & B. Richardsaon 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel & P. Sanborn 9:00-12:30
K. Takemoto 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
M. Monohon 12:00-3:30
K. Kehoe 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel & M. Murphy 9:00-12:30
L. Berger 9:00-11:30
P. Monell - all day
B. Trustin 12:00-3:30
S. Sunabe 12:00-3:30
M. Fabre 9:00-1:00
B. Trustin 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
H. Taufa'asau 12:00-3:30
N. Wang 12:00-3:30
E. Dihel & K. Takemoto 9:00-12:30
P. Monell - all day
S. & B. Richardson 12:00-3:30
K. Kehoe 12:00-3:30
If you are able to help out any day at the Thrift Shop, please contact
Newsletter Editor & Contact: Melvin Ah Ching