June 2019
Marianist Family Prayer Book, Five Silences Resources, New Podcast

If you haven't had a chance to checkout our updated website c lick here.

After much anticipation the second edition of the Marianist Prayer Book is available in our bookstore.

Click here for new resources on the Five Silences from the participants of MSP 2.0 2017/18.

To hear our latest podcast highlighting several MSP 2.0 2017/18 participants click here.

Deadlines are quickly approaching for MSP 2.0 2019/20 (July 1, 2019) and our Marianist Charism webinar (July 15, 2019). Keep scrolling for more information.
Now in its second edition, The Marianist Family Prayer Book contains the richness of the original work but expands it with the inclusion of more than 60 new prayers crafted by members of the Marianist Family. This new second edition is an essential resource for those inspired by the Marianist approach to spirituality. From the initial glow of daybreak to one's last moments before slumber, there is a prayer in this new edition for every moment of one's day.
To purchase click here.

Several participants in the MSP 2.0 2018/19 program share their reflections about their experience in the program and reflect on what they discovered about Blessed Chaminade's Five Silences and the gift of Marianist Mindfulness in the 21st century. To listen click here .

“Marianist stability is seen as remaining in a Marianist community as a spiritual home, where we are formed and to which we return time and time again. Throughout history the way stability has been lived in the Marianist Family has varied, but the spirit of the practice has remained the same. Stability is our consecration to the Marianist Family: to make Mary known, loved, and served. The goal is to  incarnate Christ where ever it is we are in life, meeting the needs of those who are around us, in our time and in our place.”  (Things Marianist, Cawley and Cada)
The seeds of Marianist Stability were planted when Blessed Chaminade began the Bordeaux Sodality in 1801. Today, Marianist Sisters and Brothers and some Lay Marianists take a vow of stability that continues to support, strengthen, and challenge the Marianist Family.

In the 2019/20 Marianist Studies Program (MSP) 2.0 we will return to our roots and discover why and how the vow of stability has supported the Marianist Charism for over two centuries. The final projects will explore how we are being called to “incarnate Christ where ever it is we are in life” now and into the future.

To download the application or find more information click  here.

This webinar was first offered by NACMS in 2018 and includes content presented by Fr. Fleming for several years at the International Marian Research Institute (IMRI) at the University of Dayton. Topics include: The Starting Point: Southern France under Napoleon; A Developing View of Mary in Chaminade and Adéle; Marianist insights into Mary after the Founders and Beyond France; and The Relevance of this Charism in the 21st Century.
The webinar is available to anyone with internet access via Zoom Video Conferencing. A very limited number of spaces will be available in-person at NACMS. The cost of the webinar for all participants is $100 payable to NACMS by the registration deadline, July 15, 2019. (To register contact Patti Gehred at [email protected]).

Click here for more information.
Summer Prayer -
Sun's Embrace
The warmth of the sun's embrace, 
the gentle breeze swept in by incoming tide,
the rhythm of seasons, 
of new birth, 
death and recreation.
All these speak so clearly of your love, 
your power 
and your beauty. 
All are expressions of your creativity, 
and more importantly of yourself.
As an artist might share their personality 
within each brushstroke, 
so within the myriad colours of a butterfly's wing 
you share the exuberance of your love.

North American Center for Marianist Studies
Dayton, OH 45430-1083

NACMS Office Hours are T-F 9 AM -3 PM (ET). If you'd like to make an appointment
outside of office hours, please call 937.429.2521.

NOTE: The NACMS office will be closed for our MSP 2.0 June Workshop from June 10-14, 2019.

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