Graduate and International Student Teachers - OLLI at University of Minnesota
New England Colleagues Gather - OLLI at Granite State College
Listening to Women Draws an Audience - OLLI at Ringling College
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Greetings from the NRC    Jun 2019 15
This month, we have thought-provoking stories from the Osher Institute Network that feature some fascinating folks: a superstar instructor in Minnesota; a group of enterprising OLLI directors in New England; women with stories of ground-breaking success in Sarasota; and, a spotlight on the new digs in Denton for OLLI at University of North Texas in our monthly "Spaces and Places" feature. Enjoy and be inspired by all of these people and their stories.
Speaking of inspiring, I want to share one of my personal inspirations. My dear Maine neighbor Sue Ewing was proof of the power of "word of mouth" marketing for an OLLI. Sue was both neighbor and friend to my family for seven years in Portland's West End. When I retired from my original career with hopes of working at a University, Sue immediately insisted I join OLLI at the University of Southern Maine. At that point, she was an active woman in her 80s, having raised eight children and continuing to live life to its fullest. She loved her OLLI courses (a member since the earliest days of OLLI) along with lots of other enriching activities. She was active in non-profit and social justice causes as well as intellectually and spiritually engaged. As Sue prepared to walk the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage Trails in Spain in her mid-80s, she asked me to walk with her as she trained. She was as adventurous and involved in learning then as she was as a Radcliffe undergraduate in her youth. Truly an inspiration to my wife, kids and I, Sue made you want to be like her. I'm glad I followed her lead.
As Sue passed away last month, I share my warm memories of her to inspire all you Osher Institute members. Express your innate curiosity and love of learning by heartily recommending OLLI to your friends and neighbors. Sometimes people are looking for just the right community to join or for ways to stay mentally and socially fit. OLLI is the perfect complement to a well-lived life. Your gift of advice could make a positive difference in someone else's life. It did for me.
With gratitude,
Steve Thaxton, Executive Director

OLLI at University of Minnesota
When Fulbright PhD scholar Astrid Schmied teaches courses at OLLI at the University of Minnesota, she readily acknowledges the profound life experiences of her students. "There's no way I can call them my students...they might not know about the content that I teach, but they do know about life," Astrid says.
Astrid is a biologist and neuroscientist with master's degrees from her native country of Chile and from the University of Minnesota (UMN). Currently, she's pursuing her PhD but also finds time to teach for OLLI. She was connected to OLLI through the Culture Corp program, run by International Student and Scholar Services at the UMN. She teaches courses related to brain science, with emphasis on how the brain changes over the lifespan, including after brain injury or cognitive decline. Astrid is also considered an "OLLI Scholar", a specialized program of OLLI at UMN. The OLLI Scholars program recruits and honors outstanding graduate and post-doctoral students with a $1,000 stipend, asking Scholars to present a course on their area of study.
Astrid has a particular appreciation for the teaching practice that allows her to stretch her English language skills. OLLI students love the passion she brings to her classes. And staff at OLLI appreciate added contributions she makes in helping them develop teacher training materials and by running workshops for peer instructors and graduate students in the OLLI Scholar program. After teaching at the K-12 and undergraduate level over the course of her career, she has now gained unique experience in teaching older adults.
OLLI at UMN program manager, Taki Andrianakos, sums up the overall value of the work of Astrid and others like her, saying, "OLLI members LOVE courses taught by our OLLI Scholars and Culture Corps students!  They love the variety that these younger instructors, many of whom are international students, bring to our course selection. They love that they are deep into the latest research into their field and wildly enthusiastic about all they are learning.  And Astrid has been one of the best!" 
To read more about Astrid Schmied, click here.
Submitted by: Peg Lonnquist, Executive Director,  OLLI at University of Minnesota

OLLI at Granite State College
New England Colleagues Gather
On April 4th and 5 th, OLLI at Granite State College hosted the first meeting of New England OLLI Directors. This meeting brought together OLLI representatives from the University of Rhode Island (Executive Director, Beth LeConte), University of Massachusetts Boston (Director, Jim Hermelbracht), Berkshire Community College (Executive Director, Megan Wilden), Granite State College (Program Director, Jane Fletcher) Dartmouth University (Program Manager, Lisa King), University of Southern Maine (Program Coordinator, Rob Hysongg) and University of Vermont (Director, Cathi Cody-Hudson) for a meeting of the minds. The impetus for this gathering was a result of the 2018 Osher Institutes National Conference, where the group connected during Regional Roundtables and agreed that a formalized meeting would be beneficial to all involved. Thus, it was decided that they should meet to learn more about each other and consider opportunities for collaboration.
One of the greatest results of this gathering was awareness. The New England representatives learned that they differ in terms of curriculum, fees, travel opportunities, registration systems, volunteer engagement and even staffing patterns. Nonetheless, they recognized that because the individual OLLIs' missions are similar, no matter how they deliver their programs, OLLI members and volunteers across New England share a love of learning and camaraderie.
The New England OLLI Directors took advantage of every minute they had together to gain new ideas and develop a camaraderie of their own. They examined topics ranging from diversity to fundraising to classroom management. They shared many ideas and effective practices. Furthermore, since the group did not get to all the topics they had hoped to address on the agenda, the New England Directors plan to meet again in October. The next meeting will be held at Berkshire Community College to continue exploration of topics, and to visit another OLLI campus.
Submitted by: Jane Fletcher, Program Director, OLLI at Granite State College

OLLI at Ringling College
Listening to Women Draws an Audience
Holly Freedman, Chair of the Curriculum Committee for OLLI at Ringling College, recognized a challenge: attracting more women instructors to OLLI. Her first step was to invite a group of eight women (OLLI students and volunteers) to lunch. The meeting became the "ultimate networking" session as this new team brainstormed ideas on how to develop new and meaningful courses that would encourage women to be instructors and attract more men and women to the OLLI program.

After six months of planning, the "Listening to Women" series debuted on March 14, 2019. The 12-week series featured women in Sarasota and Manatee counties who have broken barriers and overcome cultural or systemic obstacles. These women have achieved success in a variety of fields such as classical music, writing, art, film, science, entrepreneurship, media, sports, government policy, biology, and higher education.

From the beginning, there was great enthusiasm for the project. "Every woman said 'yes' when asked to participate," Freedman said, and each designed her own presentation format.

A total of 21 women took part in the series, including a filmmaker from California via FaceTime. A Ringling College of Art & Design student designed the "Listening to Women" logo. The series appeared in a four-page spread in the Spring/Summer course catalog; subsequent promotional campaigns included press releases, flyers, Facebook, and e-blasts. As word of the series spread, Freedman and other speakers were featured on local TV and radio programs.
The success of the series became evident from the very first session. A capacity crowd of women and men attended. Lively and provocative questions and answers became a staple of each session.
Freedman said the "Listening to Women" series, not only brought attention to the incredible women, but has drawn both current students, and significantly, others in the community previously unfamiliar with OLLI and its offerings. "'Listening to Women' exceeded my expectations. Giving women this opportunity to tell their stories enhanced the depth and breadth of the OLLI at Ringling College community," Freedman said.

Submitted by Sheila Reed, Project Coordinator, OLLI at Ringling College

Osher NRC 2019 Webinar Series
Mark your calendar for the next webinar on June 19, 2019 beginning at 2pm Eastern/1pm Central/noon Mountain/11am Pacific/10am in Alaska and 9am in Hawaii.  Register for the webinar here.

The Volunteer - Staff Partnership
Osher Institute member volunteers and staff share in their commitment to OLLI's mission, and each play a vital role in achieving that mission. In this webinar, Sheri Wilensky Burke from Energize, Inc. will present ideas to help foster better working relationships between staff and volunteers. She will explore how a better understanding of volunteer motivations and work styles can help create strong, lasting partnerships. Sheri will explain techniques that can build stronger relationships and a culture that is more inclusive, appreciative, and effective for both volunteers and staff.
Sheri Wilensky Burke comes from Energize, Inc., an international training, consulting and publishing firm specializing in volunteerism. She has 30 years of experience working with national non-profit organizations. Sheri's diverse background and expertise enables her to empower organizations to develop volunteer-based projects and volunteer leaders, working closely with staff and volunteers to best meet an organization's needs.  Sheri provides a common-sense approach to volunteer engagement, breaking down complex issues into simpler, manageable parts. Read Sheri's full bio here.

If you have interest in being a presenter or have ideas for future webinars, please contact Kevin Connaughton ([email protected] ). 

Spaces and Places of OLLI SpacesAndPlaces
University of North Texas
OLLI at the University of North Texas (UNT) recently moved into its own dedicated building for the first time in the program's history. When the program started in 2009, its members met in a rented room on the 4 th floor of the University Union. In response to OLLI at UNT's recent sustained growth, UNT President Neal Smatresk arranged for the program to take up residence in a building located just over a block from campus with nearly 3,400 square feet of space. Members now attend classes in this facility, enjoy complimentary coffee while perusing the free library in their member lounge, and conduct committee meetings around a large conference table that previously belonged to the journalism school. Thirty parking spaces are available in the building's private lot (including one spot by the front door reserved for faculty). Overflow parking is available across the street thanks to the generosity of Mr. Chopsticks restaurant, which also offers OLLI members a 15% discount on their meals.
The relocation project was completed at a cost of approximately $30,000, half of which was funded by the President. The university also contributed furniture that was being held in storage. New furniture and equipment were only purchased as needed. The facility was previously occupied by a daycare, so UNT's design specialists came up with creative ways to partition the open floor plan into separate areas. Monthly in-kind rent for the space is approximately $5,400. Five staff members also work out of the facility, which now serves as OLLI at UNT's home base.
"President Smatresk shows his support for OLLI at UNT in so many ways," said Director Stephanie Reinke, "but to be gifted with our new building has shown his support knows no bounds. The move occurred over an 8-week period this winter and was ready to go when spring classes began on February 3 rd.  Feedback demonstrates that our new OLLI home is a member favorite due to its warm and welcoming atmosphere, access to staff, and of course, the convenient parking. Having this beautiful dedicated space has further cemented our place in the community at large and we are so grateful."
OLLI at UNT divides the 350+ courses it offers each year between its new building and four other satellite locations: Robson Ranch Texas, Good Samaritan Society Lake Forest Village, the Flower Mound Senior Center, and the Frisco Senior Center. OLLI at UNT's membership recently surpassed 700 and is steadily growing each semester.

Want to see your own distinctive "Space or Place" in this newsletter? Please send it to [email protected].

An Advice Column for Osher Institute Staff and Volunteers
dearolliDear Olli
Dear Olli ,
I am a volunteer serving on my OLLI's curriculum committee. Currently, we are reviewing our class materials policies. Do you have any guidance on the correct copyright rules and regulations for classroom use?
Concerned on Osher Policies for the Year
Dear COPY,
Although you are asking specifically on copyright policies, your question expands beyond just this topic. As the NRC is not a governing body, we do not provide "official" policies and procedures for the Institutes to follow. For topics like copyright regulations, conduct policies, or accessibility issues (just to name a few) - we encourage each Institute to formulate their own policies and procedures, so please be sure to check with your host university/college. Most universities/colleges have policies and procedures that can easily be adapted to the needs of your Institute. Additionally, as most OLLI's operate as a department of the host university/college, you do want to align with your school's policies. In the case of copyright rules and regulations, a great place to start is with the dean or director of libraries at your university/college. Often, they are the experts on copyright regulations.

Have a question for Olli? Please send it in care of Kevin Connaughton ([email protected]). 

Educational Travel Ideas from the OLLI Network
The OLLI Traveler OlliTraveler
OLLI at University of Massachusetts Boston
Romantic Villages of Alpine Europe
Tucked in the valleys of the Alps lie some of Europe's most charming villages, which you can discover on our comprehensive Alpine Europe tour. Each has a style all its own: You can unwind in graceful Stresa, Italy's garden-filled resort on the shores of Lake Maggiore; or relax in Interlaken, a Swiss vacation spot set amid two crystalline lakes and surrounded by stunning Alpine peaks. Enjoy the charm of Seefeld in Tirol, Austria and the bustle of the Bavarian metropolis of Munich, Germany. As you journey across international and cultural borders, our exclusive Discovery Series events will enhance your explorations, with discussions about food, heritage, and history.  Learn more about this trip to Europe.
Dates: October 12 - 27, 2019

OLLI at University of Utah
Japan: Chasing the Cherry Blossoms
Go Learn is going back to Japan, this time during the cherry blossoms! Join University of Utah School of Architecture Professor and Chair Mimi Locher as we travel from city to town to village, exploring the buildings and gardens of Japan. Mimi teaches courses on Japanese architectural history and materials and construction technology in Japanese architecture for the School of Architecture. In no other country is history, culture, and the perception of life so anchored and reflected in its architecture as it is in Japan. This trip will leave you inspired with an in-depth knowledge of Japanese concepts of space, purpose, and way of life, culture, and history - all reflected in its gardens and architecture. Learn more about this trip to Japan.  
Dates : March 20 - April 1, 2020

OLLI at West Virginia University
Discover South Dakota 
This trip is offered through partnership with Collette. Highlights include: Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, Badlands National Park, Wall Drug, Devils Tower National Monument, Black Hills Gold, Needles Highway, Custer State Park, Deadwood, and the High Plains Heritage Center.  Learn more about this trip to South Dakota .
Dates: October 4 - 10, 2019

Quick Tips for Helping Operate an Osher Institute
didyouknowQuick Tip - OLLI Bookshelf
Many Osher Institute members are avid readers. OLLI at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign has created a unique system for sharing favorite books on a variety of topics with one another. Each month, their newsletter features the OLLI Bookshelf where members can see books recommended by their fellow students.

  Career Openings in the OLLI Network
jobboardJob Board
Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Program Coordinator for Continuing Education

Administrative Assistant I, OLLI

OLLI Audio-Visual Coordinator

Academic Program Assistant, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Is there a staff opening at your Osher Institute? Please send it to us at  [email protected]