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The Father's Day Song. A funny song for Dads.
The Father's Day Song.
A funny song for Dads.

Rabbi's Message

Jerry Cutler
T his month our Rabbi's Message is from Rabbi Herb Freed, Rabbi Jerry's confidante,  advisor , and invaluable friend for over 50 years.

Rabbi Freed's Post for Memorial Day, 2019

Every year on this day, I think of my brother, Captain Arthur Freed, U.S. Air force, who died when his plane went down in September, 1962.

At Arlington, he was remembered as the pilot who left Law School at Ohio State when Kruschev threatened to annihilate the U.S. with nuclear weapons from Cuba.

In gratitude for the country that welcomed his father from Russia and his mother from the Ukraine, Art, father of three small children made the supreme sacrifice
This Memorial Day, 2019

   ...what we were, who we are, what we are capable of and what lies ahead?

Our primal forbears discovered that survival depended upon protecting fellow humans. We zigzagged through the millennia to build the most advanced civilization of all time, learning to understand and love our fellow women and men.

So, what the hell happened to our country and much of the "civilized" world? In America, currently we are on the precipice of destroying the great achievements of the founding fathers. Words are no longer gauged by what they mean, whether true or false, but by who says it on TV. With the introduction of evil in high places, our democracy is crumbling into power struggles between brothers and sisters, who not too long ago were considered the Greatest Generation. We proudly cared for the needy. We marched across the country with banners proclaiming liberty, freedom, opportunity to all people regardless of race, creed, place of origin.

Then, came the malaise: The Present. At first, things seemed to be moving along nicely. The danger of financial collapse at the beginning of the 20th century was deflected by groups of sane, honest, like-minded people from both political parties who sought to solve problems for all the people. There were some who did much to destroy our financial system, but reason carried the day. The guilty were punished and the economy began an upward trajectory that continues to this day.

Then, it happened. Some people, hungry for power discovered that truth was not nearly as effective as fear. Words were no longer judged by whether or not they were true, but rather, by who tweeted them. Lies continued to stack up around these daily announcements, but there is no dialogue as there once was, where people of different views talked to one another. Now, whatever someone tweets - no matter how untrue, how filthy, outrageous, damaging - becomes the unquestioned gospel for followers.

Beware, sisters and brothers. There are looming dangers to avert the truth with every tweeted lie. It happened in Germany, Italy, Russia and in scattered regions across the globe a century ago. Tragically, there was a return to barbarism that destroyed the lives of millions upon millions of our brothers and sisters.

How will the world look on Monday, May 25, 2020?

Rabbi Herb Freed
For over 50 years Rabbi Freed has been Rabbi Jerry's confidante, advisor, and invaluable friend. Rabbi Freed's most recent book, "Love, Faith and A Pair of Pants" is available through Amazon. Rabbi Cutler's review stated that it is 'a highly entertaining semi-autobiographical book, about a young rabbi's entrance into the Rabbinical world."

Our Next Shabbat Service

7:30 pm on Friday, 
June 7, 2019 
Why?  Tradition!

Going west on Wilshire as you approach Warner Blvd., one long block west of Beverly Glen, turn into the driveway that has the sign "Church Parking" and park on levels P2 or P3. Take the elevator up to P1 (which is also the lobby). Services are in the Town Hall room directly across from the elevator.

Arne's Corner

To June Graduates Everywhere

I would like to introduce you to some of the most  remarkable people ever, people you might want to thank on your  graduation day - your parents and grandparents.

Let me tell you about them.

These, your elders, are the people who within five  decades have by their work increased your life expectancy considerably,  and who, by cutting the work day by a third, more than doubled per  capita output.

These same people have given you a healthier world than  they found. And because of this you no longer have fear epidemics of  typhus, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, mumps, etc. The dreaded  polio is no longer a major factor.

Let me remind you that these remarkable people lived  through history's greatest depression. Many know what it is to be really  poor, what it is to be hungry and cold. And because of this, they 
determined it would not happen to you. That you would have a better life  with greater opportunities to succeed than they had.

Because of them, you will work fewer hours, learn more,  have more leisure time, travel, and have more of a chance to follow your  life's ambition.

These are  the people who defeated the tyranny of  Hitler, and then had the compassion to spend billions of dollars to help  their former enemies rebuild their homelands.

It was the representatives of these two generations,  who through the highest court in the land, fought discrimination at  every turn, to begin a new era in civil rights.

They made a start in healing the scars of the earth, in  fighting pollution, and the destruction of our natural environment.

While they have done all these things, they have had  some failures. They have not yet found an alternative to war, nor for  ethnic hate. Perhaps you, the June graduates, will perfect the social 
mechanisms by which all may follow their ambition without the threat of  force.

But they, these older generations, made more progress  by the sweat of their brows than in any previous era, and don't you  forget it. If your generation can make as much progress, in as many 
areas, you should be able to solve a good many of the world's ills.

We have to leave something for you to do.

            Arnold Charitan

Don't Forget to Get Your Tickets
To Our Theater Party 
June 9, 2019

Please join Rabbi Jerry and Jeff in supporting 

Barbara Minkus
in her play 

Back from Off-Broadway!
Sunday, June 9, 2019
5:00 pm
The Pico 
10508 W. Pico Blvd, LA 90064
Ticket Price: 
$15.00 + fees

 Go to the website -

and enter this discount code: CAT15. This promo code brings down the General Admission ticket price from $36 +fees to $15 +fees. 
While searching for fame, Barbara found the more meaningful things in life.

Back from her Off-Broadway run, Broadway, film, and television singer/actress Barbara Minkus shares an intimate evening of personal moments, funny and poignant songs, and her remarkable stories working with such luminaries as Danny Kaye, Merv Griffin, Jerry Lewis, and Charlotte Rae.

Featuring a variety of show-stopping songs, this one-woman, one-act, 75-minute multi-media musical (with live piano accompaniment) incorporates film, graphics, recordings, and photos to showcase Barbara's exceptional journey of love, life, difficult decisions, family dynamics, and so much more. Not to mention the trip to Israel that brought her ever closer to her Jewish roots.


"Your show is wonderful! It's marvelous on several fronts; the writing is personal and warm, your story is both fascinating and touching, your singing is honest and passionate and your storytelling, timing and delivery are just superb - dramatic, theatrical and smart... And best of all, it's fun and funny!"
 ~John Sheehan, NYC Theatrical Director

"It flows seemlessly, making its points with down-to-earth humanity as well as possessing an entertaining flair.... but primarily it's the star who makes it all work. Her incredible light shines brightly at every moment. She may not think she's famous, but she will live on in our hearts.... and that's about as famous as one could wish to be." 
~Don Grigware, Broadway World

"Minkus, a tiny woman, bursts forth with a breathtaking energy that is both mesmerizing and comforting - she has over 6 decades in the business to draw from. Barbara lures her audience in song and in tales of growing up in a different time - with the reminders that we all have the same feelings and needs, no matter our age... This dynamo excels and is a woman to be reckoned with!"
 ~E.M. Fredric, The Hollywood Times


We are gearing up for our High Holidays 2019/5780!  
Click here to  Download the Tashlich form

Renew Ralphs Community Contributions Now!

grocery cart
Please Register today!
For your convenience, step-by-step website registration instructions can be found at, click on Community, click on Community Contributions, click on 'Enroll Now'. 

If you don't have computer access, please call Ralphs at 1-800-443-4438 for assistance.

CAT NPO# 92136
Ralphs Rewards Card
Donate to CAT while you grocery shop

Participants are required to register for the new term online at  or by calling Ralphs at  1-800-443-4438. 

You will be asked for The Creative Arts Temple NPO number. It is NPO# 92136

Please Note!!
The Scan Bar letters will no longer work at the register.

To verify if Creative Arts Temple is your charity of choice, look at the very bottom of your receipt next time you shop at Ralph's.  It should say "At your request, Ralph's is donating to Creative Arts Temple."  If you do not see that, you will need to register through the Ralph's 

Gelson's Discount Cards

Yes, it is Hanukkah again!  Gelson's has offered to provide the temple with discount coupons.  Pick them up at a Friday night service or call the temple for your coupon.  Gelson's will honor any expired coupon.  Take one or a few!

Do you shop on Amazon?
Support CAT when you shop on Amazon!

If you want Amazon to donate to Creative Arts Temple, you need to start each shopping session at and they will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.

Monthly Events
Services, Dinners, High Holidays 
( Dates are subject to change)


Friday - June 7, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd
Tribute to Fathers and Shavuot

Friday - July 5, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd

Friday - August 2, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd

Friday - September 6, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd

Sunday- September 29, @ 8:00 pm
Rosh Hashanah Services 
Westwood United Methodist Church
10497 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

Monday - September 30, @ 10:00 am
Rosh Hashanah Services 
Westwood United Methodist Church
10497 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

Tuesday - October 1, @ 11:00 am
Tashlich By The Sea
Whiskey Red's
13813 Fiji Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Reservations Must Be Made for Brunch
RSVP: Temple office 1-818-855-1301

Tuesday - October 8, @ 8:00 pm
Kol Nidre Services 
Westwood United Methodist Church
10497 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

Wednesday - October 9, @ 10:00 am
Yom Kippur Services
Westwood United Methodist Church
10497 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2
Yizkor: 1:00 pm
Ne'elah: 5:00 pm

Friday - November 1, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

Friday - December 6, @ 7:30 pm
Shabbat Services 
Belmont Village - Town Hall
10475 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Parking at Belmont Village starting at P2

131 S. Rodeo Drive  Suite 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Cell 310-995-0340
Bus 310-248-6440

I will be with you every step of the way. That is my promise, that is my commitment. 

Also, a FREE mezuzah hanging on your new home from our esteemed Rabbi. 


Follow me on
Clickable Links

grumpy cat hearts
June Anniversaries
Mazel Tov to our CAT lovebirds!

Daniella & Steven Zax 6/1/2019
Malcolm & Barbara Fleming-Marmorstein 6/3/2019
Robert & Adrienne Leevan 6/12/2019
Gerald & Joan Doren 6/21/2019

June  Birthdays
And many happy returns!
bday grumpy cat         
Lois Sefton 6/1/2019
Barbara La Pearl 6/3/2019
Arlen Stuart 6/3/2019
Darlene Schultz 6/5/2019
Shel Stuart 6/6/2019
Harriet Diamond 6/9/2019
Godfrey Harris 6/11/2019
Cipora Kricun 6/16/2019
Arlene Ray 6/17/2019
Susan Rothman 6/20/2019
Linda Schwartz 6/20/2019
Louis Zigman 6/23/2019
Paul W. Glass 6/27/2019
Fern Field Brooks 6/28/2019
Barbara Fleming-Marmorstein 6/30/2019
Stanley Karp 6/30/2019

cake platter
May Onegs
Thank you to our sponsors!

Deborah Barnhart & Ben Cohen  In honor of Ben's birthday
Mitchell & Rochelle Blumenfeld In honor of Rochelle's birthday
Peter Mark & Helen Richman In honor of Peter Mark and Helen's Anniversary

As always, thank you to our annual oneg sponsor:  ARNOLD & GLADYS CHARITAN 

Get Wells
Refuah Shleima

CAT wishes speedy recoveries to

May Yahrzeits 
May you be comforted by the mourners of Zion

Shirley Bailey In memory of Harry Bailey
Lois Bennett In memory of Elizabeth Merensky
Charlene Block In memory of Beth Block
Marc Bronstein In memory of Isabel Bernice Bronstein
Jacalyn Feigelman In memory of Stuart Feigelman
Faye Frankel In memory of Eva Schindler
Susan Glicksman In memory of Pearl Glicksman
Barry & Tina Helfand In memory of Lillian Helfand
Dee Ann Simon In memory of Harry Davis
Phyllis Spear & Irwin Schwartzman  In memory of Marvin Gomberg

If you made a donation in memory of your loved one and you don't see it here, it is because it was received after publication deadline and will appear next month

Review From the Pew
Rabbi Jerry Ram Cutler

All Is True

ALL IS TRUE Official Trailer (2019) Kenneth Branagh, Shakespeare Movie HD
ALL IS TRUE Official Trailer (2019) Kenneth Branagh, Shakespeare Movie HD

To be honest, a Shakespeare authority, I'm not. For me to write a review of Kenneth Branagh's "All Is True" is akin to Kevin Hart  playing Lebron James in a biopic of his life.

"All Is True" is obviously a labor of unadulterated love for the great bard of English literature, William Shakespeare. Sir Branagh, who directs as well as stars as the great playwright, is his brilliant self as he returns home  following his glory years  to his country estate in Stratford in 1613 when his renowned Globe Theatre burns to the ground.  .
He is greeted by his stand-offish wife, Anne Hathaway, played by Judi Dench with a frigidity reserved for a Kenmore refrigerator and Ian McKellen as Earl of Southampton.

They are masterful playing their roles and speaking the scripted dialogue of Ben Elton. If only Mr. Elton inserted some dialogue from his very popular English TV comedy "Upstart Cow," the film would not have seemed so long. As it is, the 101 minute drama moves like a snail caught in a snow storm....which is sad because the script is highly intelligent and the entire cast, including the iconic three actors, are excellent.

But the subject matter opening wounds of Shakespeare's failure as a husband and father coupled with his beloved sons passing as a young boy, is very dark.
In this day of modern film when pyro-technic effects overwhelm the motion picture screens, the film's pace, although permeated with a highly literate script coupled with brilliant acting, does not stand a chance with a demanding American audience.
2 ½ Bagels out of 4

Watch and See If You Believe......

MAGICIAN WINNER | Tomer Dudai | Israel's Got Talent 2018
Tomer Dudai | 
Israel's Got Talent 2018

Our address is:

Creative Arts Temple
P.O. Box 241831
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Creative Arts Temple

P.O. Box 241831
Los Angeles, CA 90024

(818) 855-1301
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