Quick Links
CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Programs Coordinator

YCSA Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Office Administration 

Administrative Assistant
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(639) 314-4613

Sales Representative
(403) 540-5949 

Programs Coordinator
(403) 793-0409
Board of Directors
Garth Rancier
Marlin LeBlanc
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President


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Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter

June 2020
In This Issue
2020 AGM Notice 

The CSA & FCSF AGM will be held by webinar this year on July 25, 2020.  For more details please go to www.simmental.com after June 15th  for details to register and attend the AGM.

The YCSA's AGM will be held on July 18th. Registration will be made available after June 15th at  www.simmental.com/ycsa.html


DNA Test Kits may now be ordered directly from your CSA Online Account...
You can now order DNA tests through your online account with the CSA registry. Instructions for ordering DNA tests are located here .

Order, collect and send your samples as you need, when you need. If you do need more information or assistance to decide what tests you need to order, please call during regular office hours and our Registry and Member Services Staff will gladly assist you.   
DNA Decisions 
The following is a simple guideline that can help you make sure you order the right test for what you want to do. Standalone tests are available and in some cases represent a minimum requirement, or combinations of tests may be ordered. All walking sires, AI sires and ET Dams must have a 50K alone or in combination with another test. AI sires and ET donor dams are required to have verified parentage. 50K data is also needed for inclusion of the DNA information directly into the EPD calculated by IGS.

*** All walking sires must have a minimum 50K test on file. If you wish for more information combos containing a 50K can also be used. ET calves require a minimum  Basic SNP Parentage for registration. More complex requests such as Genotype reconstructions or freemartin or karyotype testing may require contacting the CSA office.

Viewing DNA Results Online
Members can view DNA results which have been processed by searching their online account or the CSA website at www.Simmental.com.
1)    Online Simmental.com users - once logged into your account, go to My Herd and click one of the following:

2)    CSA Website - www.simmental.com - On Home Page click Searches / Pedigree Search / Animals and enter Tattoo of Animal, click on highlighted name and LAB  Results.
If you should have questions regarding any results or require another copy of a Lab Summary Report for an animal, please call the CSA office at 403.250.7979 and our Registry staff will be happy to assist you.

Annual Beef Improvement Federation Symposium 

The 52nd Annual Beef Improvement Federation Symposium - Online will be hosted the week of June 8 starting at noon CDT each day. The conference will be hosted on the Zoom webinar platform.
This year registration is FREE for all participants. The symposium is made possible through the generous support of many organizations including 2020 Patron Level sponsors Neogen, C-Lock Inc. and Zoetis. Please visit http://www.beefimprovement.org/symposium/sponsors to learn more about the businesses and organizations that have partnered with BIF to host this premier beef genetics producer education program.
Follow along during this year's symposium on social media channels and by using the
 hashtag #BIF2020.

For a schedule and to register, visit beefimprovement.org/symposium.

The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) is an organization dedicated to coordinating all segments of the beef industry - from researchers and producers to retailers - in an effort to improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of beef production. The organization was initiated almost 70 years ago to encourage the use of objective measurements to evaluate beef cattle. Continuing the tradition, BIF is now the clearinghouse for developing standardized programs and methodologies for recording of performance data for all traits, from birth weights to carcass traits. Its three-leaf-clover logo symbolizes the link between industry, extension and research.

Upcoming...International Genetic Solutions (IGS)

International Genetic Solutions (IGS) is presenting a webinar to provide insight on the genetic evaluation used to evaluate Canadian Simmental Cattle.
The webinar will be on June 18 th. Registration details will be made available shortly.
Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation 
Thank you Friends of the Canadian Simmental

On behalf of the Foundation we would like to thank all of the donators who have stepped up to donate an item in all of our past Auctions, purchased an auction item or have donated to the Foundation separately. 
Since our very first Foundation Auction in 2007, your generous support has ensured funding towards education, research and youth in agriculture continues and has made our past auctions and program a huge success. Although the auction isn't taking place for 2020, donations to the Foundation are always welcome and a charitable tax receipt will be provided.

A look at our Past Foundation Auctions 
The 2020 National YCSA Classic is going VIRTUAL! Deadline for entries is June 8th. Competitions include purebred and commercial conformation classes, judging and photography.

To register click here. and for all the rules and other important deadlines visit http://www.simmental.com/ycsa.html

Watch for details on the Virtual YCSA AGM in the coming weeks!
Contact Kelsey Manske at kmanske@simmental.com or 306-291-7086 with any questions.


Membership Announcements
Please send any membership announcements to  sgiles@simmental.com   
Wednesday, July 1st- Canada Day 
Monday, August 3rd- Civic Day 
Monday, September 7th- Labour Day 
Monday, October 12th- Thanksgiving 
Wednesday, November 11th- Remembrance Day 
Friday, December 25th- Christmas Day 
Friday, January 1st- New Years Day