Update from the President
Siblings in Christ, I hope this message finds you well in this time of uncertainty. This Spring has certainly turned out differently than planned, but we are assured of God's unconditional love and acceptance and we persevere. I have been so moved by the flexibility and dedication of so many of you in continuing our ministry in new ways. At the synodical level, we too have been exploring ways we can continue our mission
of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ by working to develop and nurture relationships with women that together we create a safe and inclusive community.
Unfortunately, we have cancelled our in person annual convention that was scheduled for September at Zion, Helotes. We know this is the right thing to do, but are saddened that we aren’t able to come together and experience the great things the planning team had in store for us. The board is currently working to develop some ideas that might allow us to still connect, so we invite you to keep your calendar open for September 25-26 and watch for updates.
Speaking of connecting, the biggest lesson we learned from our table conversations we had at the conference events was that we all have stories to tell and are looking for deeper connection with each other. Check out the opportunities in this newsletter for upcoming bible studies, webinars and tips on staying connected while physically distant.
Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. I look forward to close hugs and knee to knee conversations, but until then, I am grateful for your messages and faces on our electronic platforms!
What's racism got to do with me? A Bible Study
The world is on fire--no really! Wondering what role we play as church in these uncertain and ever-evolving times? Join us to grow our understanding of what showing up as church could look like. Beginning June 14th and continuing the 2nd Sunday of each month at 3pm, t
his monthly bible study
is designed as a safe space of learning and conversation. We will spend time in community, in prayer and in struggle as we wrestle with the sin of racism in our society and our daily life. Regardless of our cultural, gendered or geographic background we find ourselves immersed in the same system. Let us learn together, trusting in God’s unfailing presence, how to honor both our divinely created differences and our beautifully woven connectedness. Register via email to
for zoom link.
Pastor Barbara Beale
Psalm 39:7 “And now, O Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in you.
Since the end of January I have been self-isolating. Not because I had a premonition of a worldwide pandemic, but because I was recovering from my second knee replacement. The TV became my constant companion. Soon I heard troubling reports—the states along the eastern seaboard were beginning to experience the dire effects of this new corona virus. Thousands were becoming ill and 100s of people were dying. I became alarmed and quite concerned for my family who live in New York and Maryland. Every day the news grew bleaker, and I began to despair that I would never see my family again. During the day I went through the motions, and my sleep was filled with nightmares and vivid dreams. Then one day, I realized there was nothing I could do except pray. I fell on my knees (figuratively) and began to pray. Not quietly the way you pray in church, I screamed, I yelled, and I cried, “Why God, have you allowed this to happen? Why??? Heal the ill and comfort the dying. Protect my family! Drive this horrible virus away!” Over and over I prayed until I fell into a fitful asleep. Morning came, I was tired and exhausted from my restless night, but deep within my soul, I felt release. I felt a quiet inner peace. Somehow, I realized that God was in the middle of this mess. Later that day, I heard that the planet is healing, rivers and streams were clear once again and the smog had dissipated from the blue sky. God was healing God’s creation. Soon my despair and worry had been replaced—with hope. Not the like the kind of hope of assurance given by a president or some scientific expert. The hope that engulfed me came deep within my soul. And I realized who was and is in control of all things in heaven and on earth, and the hope I now have within me comes only from God.
My God, when my prayers are sobs and anguish so deep, give me hope. When my life is filled with uncertainty and despair, give me Hope. When my world is in turmoil, give me hope, and when I am afraid, give me hope. Give me, give all your people and give the world the hope that only comes from you. Amen.
Join in on a 3 week book discussion--Scripture, conversation and connection--facilitated by the author of “How an Ordinary Girl Finds Extraordinary Love: A Wise Dog's Observations on the Hooman Experience”: a captivating narrative about love, happiness, life’s adversities, and heartbreak from the eyes of a dog. Register via email to
for the weekly zoom link. Book can be purchased through your local bookstore or Amazon/Barnes & Noble.
“How an Ordinary Girl Finds Extraordinary Love: A
Wise Dog's Observations on the Hooman Experience” is the creation of published author Tammie Homeyer Shelton, a business owner and author. She has lived in the Coastal Bend of Texas, near Corpus Christi, all her life. A lifelong Christian, she credits her faith in God and those life lessons for her ability to find happiness and joy no matter what circumstances surround her.
“We all know the chaos that is all too familiar in this world. Have we not all experienced a breath-stealing challenge at one time or another? Is it even possible to find joy in the midst of life’s storms? Is extraordinary love a fairy tale? If extraordinary love and joy are
possible, how can an ordinary girl even begin to feel such grandiose emotions? Take a walk with GG as she shares a sometimes-heartbreaking, often-comical, always-poignant view of the ultimate hooman experience. In GG’s eyes, love is perfectly beautiful and
always extraordinary. No matter what turmoil might be happening around you, you will find comfort as GG observes and reflects on ways we can use to discover the extraordinary love that we all seek. Her story will certainly make you giggle and maybe even shed a tear or two. And it will definitely inspire you.”
Capital North/Capital South Conference Summary
submitted by Joanie Honigschmidt
The Capital North/Capital South Conference met on Saturday, March 7, 2020 at Abiding Love Lutheran Church in Austin, TX. The theme for the day: Isaiah 46:3-4 “I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.” There were 75 registered participants and 20 guests representing 13 congregations from Capital North and Capital South Conferences.
The day began with refreshments and coffee provided by the ladies at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Austin. The ladies met in the sanctuary where members of Mixed Blessing musical team from Abiding Love played welcoming music.
Pastor Sharolyn Browning, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Austin, led the day’s devotion based on Isaiah 46:3-4.
Breakout Sessions held in the morning and afternoon consisted of: Dr. Vivek Goswami, Cardiologist, Austin Heart; Quilt Tying; Jessica Martone; Area Agency on Aging and Fall Prevention; Dawn Pratt & Diane McGowan, Bags of Hope; Laurie Donovan & Kim Thonhoff, A Space for Wondering; Sara Frank, Stamp Roundup for LWR.
Participants sat at tables of eight for a Building Bridges activity led by Lorie Garcia and other members of the Board.
Lisa Brown, Director of Volunteer Services, at New Life Children’s Center at Canyon Lake; part of Upbring, was the afternoon guest speaker. Lisa shared her passion about the New Life Center and about how the girls are cared for. Zoe Armstrong from Upbring was also in attendance.
Capital North and Capital South met for their annual meeting. Capital South re-elected Di Brophy and Joanie Honigschmidt as co-conference coordinators. Capital South also needs someone to serve on the nominating committee. Capital North voted to hold the 2021 Conference at Palm Valley Lutheran Church in Round Rock on March 6, 2021. Mary Faust, Faith Lutheran Church, McDade volunteered to be the Capital North coordinator. Jayne Baxter and Gaile Swoyer volunteered to help coordinate the Conference Gathering for 2021.
Julia Miller, Abiding Love Lutheran Church, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry and Pastor Sharolyn Browning led us in the closing Holy Communion Service.
The physical offerings donated were for New Life Center at Canyon Lake and for Bags of Hope. Bags of Hope are handmade bags filled with personal items and given to each of the foster girls when they first arrive. A total of $280 in gift cards was donated for Bags of Hope. Also donated were 310 personal items; 67 stuffed animals; 159 pair of socks and 70 games. Monetary offering totaled $774. A Thrivent Action Grant was awarded to help with some of the expenses.
Update your Unit Officer Contact Information
If you have not sent in your list of unit officers for 2020, please use the link below to access the form. Send the completed form to our SWO secretary at the following address:
Rebecca Vela Bishop
109 Barrett Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78214
or email: velabishopr.5@gmail.com