A private sand beach down east courtesy of Sarah Collins

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter
June 2020
In This Issue
2021 Schedule
Crews News
Cruise News
Postcards & Notes From Away

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We have never spent so much time outfitting the American Eagle as this spring 
while awaiting the go ahead from the Governor and the CDC. Everything has been repaired, repainted, and fussed over down to the battery box covers, bilges to the mastheads and crosstrees. 

We got the green light to sail under guidelines for restaurants, lodging, and overnight cruises, starting July first.  We contacted guests who had reserved and the majority of you responded with apprehension and some misgivings. After considerable thought of how to meet the new standards appropriately I just didn't see how having trips this season was prudent for guests, crew, and our Maine community. No trips this year; refunds or rebooking for 2021 instead.

     So here's the  trip schedule for next season!        

Crews News

all pictures taken by Sarah Collins between tasks
Jacob, Wilson, and Asher sand the bowsprit for a third coat of varnish

                             That's sanding dust from preparing the main cabintop for varnish 
coat #4, art courtesy of Wilson's feet.

We really were ready

missing sails, anchors, and you

Passed our annual safety inspection

 Cruise News

  Typically this time of year we'd have pictures of picnics, sailing, and guests enjoying
  the  coast of Maine. Closest I can come to that are shots of the crew taking a break 
  from work and exploring by small boats, again documented by Sarah.

Jacob and Asher haul out the pulling boat after taking a spin 
around our foggy harbor

Swapped the pulling boat for Roscoe. Asher rowing back as Sarah looks for the schooner.

  Sarah got the galley stove ready with Anne's help

Our favorite training drill towards evening

Approaching the mother ship

Postcards and Notes From Away

News from Ireland

The video has been copyrighted by the folks at Ballybeg Post Office so we couldn't have it load up for you from YouTube but if you have Facebook,  here's the link:

The view out our window at home this summer

Watercolor workshop..next year!

Rebuilding about done April 1986


Underway next May!
  John and the crew

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Schooner American Eagle
P O Box 482 
Rockland, ME  04841
(800) 648-4544