I recognize this is a very difficult time for everyone in Chicago. The most important thing is everyone's safety, and I pray for your health and well-being. The unconscionable killing of George Floyd, and the previous murders of African American Chicagoans like Laquan McDonald and Rekia Boyd by those sworn to serve and protect has shook the very foundation of our City. Peaceful protests against police brutality are ongoing, and unfortunately some of the protests are being corrupted by a small number of individuals who are using them as cover for perpetrating criminal acts like vandalism and looting. This is completely unacceptable. Everyone has a right to protest, and as a Black female public servant, I fully stand behind the call to change the culture of the Chicago Police Department to better understand and address the needs and concerns of my community, and all communities of color. The murder of innocent Black Chicagoans needs to stop. The unequal standards applied by the police to communities of color needs to stop. But so does the destruction of businesses and property across Chicago. Destroying our businesses, in our community, only works to encourage those we are trying to motivate and educate to change, to further dismiss our calls for justice.
Thank you to the countless Chicago Police officers, firemen and other first responders who are doing their best to protect residents across Chicago. Your tireless efforts are appreciated. While engaging the peaceful protesters, I encourage you to take the opportunity to hear their message and be open to a dialogue with the community - and with your fellow public safety officials - to better understand why this is happening and how we can all work together to meet the needs of all communities in Chicago in a peaceful and respectful manner.
As you may already know, Mayor Lori Lightfoot has called for the mobilization of a small number of the Illinois National Guard to assist the Chicago Police Department in protecting residents and businesses.
Non-essential movement in the area bordered by Division St. (N), Halsted (W), 26th St. (S) and the lakefront (E) will be prohibited. Mayor Lightfoot has also instituted an overnight curfew which will remain in effect until further notice.
3rd Ward residents and businesses are continuing to clean up after the weekend's actions. Over 50 businesses were damaged covering all parts of the ward. Places like the mall on 55th and the Dan Ryan, 35th St., 47th St., 51st St., and large portions of the South Loop were badly damaged, and more needs to be done to protect our City's vibrant neighborhoods from these criminal acts. Thank you to everyone who over the last few days has taken it upon themselves to assist with the cleanup efforts. The 3rd Ward Office response is being coordinated by our Ward Superintendent Thomas Stovall who is making an incredible effort to piece back together the hardest hit areas. Many residents have contacted me directly to see how they can help. The 3rd Ward is lucky to have so many resources at its disposal, and I am working to deploy those resources to not only deal with the aftermath of the looting, but to build a better and stronger 3rd Ward community. If you want to participate in this effort - whether by cleaning up your block, by making a significant investment in the Ward's underserved communities, or anything in between - contact my office anytime. It is going to take the work of all of us to make the changes to Chicago we all want to see.
During this turbulent time, I pray for your health and safety. If my team or I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out anytime by phone at 773-373-9273 or via email at Ward03@cityofchicago.org. Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please share it with a neighbor or friend.
Pat Dowell
Alderman, 3rd War
Third Ward Update
COVID-19 Updates
Trying to understand all of the new complex rules and regulations due to COVID-19 can be difficult and intimidating. Now, with businesses starting to reopen, it can be even more confusing when trying to keep you and your loved ones safe. This month's newsletter has a lot of in-depth information about the latest regulations for individuals and businesses, where to get tested, and links for even more guidelines.
A few critical points. Social distancing and face coverings are still required in Chicago. Many types of businesses can reopen (details below), but they all must follow these two guidelines. The health and safety of residents is most important, and it's clear that wearing proper face coverings and social distancing can help slow the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, if you are sick, or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, your employer must allow you to stay home. For everyone's protection, if you are sick, please do quarantine yourself until you are well.
The City of Chicago has compiled an abundance of resources at
www.chicago.gov/covid. The 3rd Ward website (
www.ward03chicago.com) has a long list of COVID-19 resources and information. Please use these sites to find out the latest information for the City's COVID-19 response.
3rd and 4th Ward Youth Summer Town Hall Meeting
Join Alderman Pat Dowell (3rd) and Alderman Sophia King (4th) for a Youth Summer Camps and Employment Opportunities Virtual Town Hall meeting on Monday, June 8th at 6:00 pm. Hear from key agencies and city departments like the Chicago Park District, One Summer Chicago, My Chi Future and After School Matters about opportunities and deadlines for youth programs and jobs. Participate on Zoom at
bit.ly/2XYMSFY or on Facebook Live at
Alderman Dowell Sponsors COVID-19 Testing Event
Alderman Dowell has partnered with Howard Brown Health, State Rep. Lamont Robinson and Paul G. Stewart Apartments to host a COVID-19 Testing and Care Event for local residents. Come on by and the Howard Brown Health mobile health vehicle will be on site ready to assist you.
Where: Paul G. Stewart Senior Facility (400 E. 41st St.)
When: Thursday, June 4th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
City of Chicago Releases Phase 3 Reopening Rules
Mayor Lightfoot, in partnership with the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), industry leaders, labor leaders, and public officials from around Chicago, released industry-specific guidelines for businesses, employees, and customers to follow as the city prepares to begin safely reopening
on June 3, 2020. Industry-specific guidelines include details such as how businesses can engage in healthy interactions between workers and customers, how to maintain safe working spaces and conditions, and how to design and monitor workplace operations to create flexibility and maintain safety for employees and customers. The guidelines are aligned with the State-issued guidelines, with specificity included for Chicago's context. Guidelines for the following industries, which will open the earliest in phase three in Chicago, can be found at
Buildings & Real Estate
Food Service
Accommodations & Tourism
· Parks & Outdoor Attractions
Education & Childcare
· Retail
· Personal
· Health & Fitness Clubs
· B2B
· Construction
· Transportation & Warehousing
· Healthcare
As Mayor Lightfoot announced, Chicago is poised to enter phase three on June 3, 2020. To provide additional clarity and help answer questions, BACP will be holding webinars on the reopening framework. Register at
Also, as the city prepares to enter the next phase of reopening (Phase 3: Cautiously Reopen), organizations will need access to personal protective equipment (PPE) to help protect workers from contracting or spreading COVID-19. To support a safe and efficient reopening, the City of Chicago is excited to launch the
Chicago PPE Market. This online platform was developed by local startup Rheaply with the partnership and support of World Business Chicago. Buyer registration is now open. Register for the Chicago PPE Market
here and a link will be sent to your email to access the online platform. The PPE Market provides Chicago's small businesses, community-based organizations, and not-for-profits with transparent pricing and direct access to local PPE suppliers.
Organizations can purchase PPE in three steps:
1. Browse available listings for reusable face coverings, hand sanitizer, and protective shields
2. Request to purchase specific PPE based on your desired quantity and the advertised price
3. Communicate directly with the supplier through the in-platform messaging feature to agree on payment and pick-up or delivery details
Kennedy-King College COVID-19 Testing Site Now Open
Eligible individuals can now get tested for COVID-19 at the new Kennedy-King College Testing Site (6301 S. Halsted St.), Monday-Friday, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. This facility can accept both drive-thru and walk-up patients. Go to ChicagoCovidTesting.com to register for your test in advance. At this time, only individuals who are symptomatic and/or have been in exposed to a person known to have COVID-19 can be tested. Call 312-746-4835 for more information or if you have any questions.
Alderman Dowell Sponsors Two Face Covering Giveaways
The 3rd Ward Office hosted a pair of a successful mask giveaways for our constituents in May working side by side in partnership with Acclivus, Inc. which handed out hand sanitizers and information about the importance of completing the 2020 Census. The first event was held at the 3rd Ward Public Service Office (5046 S. State St.) in partnership with the 2nd District CAPS Office, represented by
Sgt. Walton, Officer Mark Rodriguez, Akeya Channell, and Officer Arroya. Over 300 cars drove by the office to pick up these critical safety items. We also serviced bike riders, walk ups and even a worker from the ward on a tractor!
The 2nd facial coverings giveaway was held in South Loop in collaboration with True Rock Ministries and Pastor
Earl Grandberry Sr. (Pastor G)
and the 1st District CAPS Office. Masks,
gloves, water bottles
and Census information was distributed to over 300 residents of the 3rd ward. Thanks to
True Rock Ministries and the Acts of Kindness crew, Sgts. Dombrowski and Schenk, Linda K and the officers of the 1st District and the 3rd Ward crew of Allyson,
, Brian, Renee and James! Special thanks to
for making the cloth masks for the 1st District first responders, Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Dr. Willie Wilson, and others who have donated masks to our office during this pandemic for our residents. In addition to the neighborhood events, Alderman Dowell's office has provided large quantities of masks to 3rd Ward senior buildings, public housing developments and any resident who has called or visited the office.
3rd Ward Hosts COVID-19 Testing
On May 28th Alderman Dowell partnered with Howard Brown Health and State Rep. Lamont Robinson to host a COVID-19 testing event for local residents. A big thank you to the Howard Brown Health mobile testing van for seeing so many people for swab testing. Also, thank you Dr. Maya Green (a 3rd Ward resident) and Nurse Practitioner Dominique Murry for your service in administering the tests. A s
pecial thanks to Acclivus who handed out hand sanitizers and Census information, Rep. Lamont J Robinson who greeted constituents and handed out cloth bags and hand sanitizers and Allyson who organized the event and provided masks to all who were tested.
Alderman Dowell Participates in Greater Harvest MB Church Food Giveaway
On Friday, May 22nd, Alderman Dowell and the 3rd Ward team partnered with Greater Harvest MB Church (5141 S. State St.), Acclivus, Social Change, Senator Mattie Hunter and others for a food, masks, hand sanitizer and more giveaway. Thank you to everyone who came out to work and donate for this important cause. Events like this one really show the positive impact a strong network of faith leaders can have on the community.
Mental Health Town Hall With Alderman Pat Dowell
The 3rd Ward Office collaborated with the Greater Bronzeville Community Action Council, CPS and Bright Star Community Outreach to host a special mental health town hall focusing on remote learning, mental health services and public health practices during COVID-19. Thank you to everyone that attended and participated in this informative event. COVID-19 poses not only health and economic challenges, but mental health challenges as well. If you are having difficulty with the effects of quarantining, social distancing, fear or more, don't wait, reach out to your mental health care professional immediately. If you need a professional to talk to, call the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Chicago hotline at 833-626-4244 for free help anytime.
Quinn Chapel Renovations
As a result of the "Adopt-a-Landmark" grant secured by Alderman Dowell, historic Quinn Chapel AME (2401 S. Wabash Ave.) is getting critical infrastructure upgrades to the building's exterior masonry and roof. This $3.4 million project is being done primarily by minority contractors, with 85% of the work, or $2.8 million, going to minority firms. Pictured are employees of Oliver Construction Services, an African American-owned masonry firm.
Alderman Dowell Helps Apostolic Faith Church Feed Local Families
Apostolic Faith Church, in collaboration with Top Box Foods, blessed 300 needy families with groceries. Bishop Horace Smith and First Lady Susan Smith invited Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Alderman Pat Dowell to help hand out the boxes and bags of produce, meat, dry goods, and non-perishables. Bringing his usual positivity and faith, Bishop Smith under the blue sky and sun, quietly recited Matthew 25:40 while helping those in need. Thank you to everyone who made this such a successful event.
Pritzker Administration Announces 1.8 Million SNAP Recipients Will Be Able to Buy Food Online
Access will be provided automatically to all existing Link card holders beginning June 2. Customers will not need to call or visit an office and traditional SNAP purchasing will continue. All Link customers will be alerted when they can use their card to make food orders online. When making a purchase, customers will need to enter their Personal Identification Number (PIN) to complete the order.
Walmart and Amazon have agreed to accept online orders in Illinois once the program site launches. Additional grocery retailers are welcome to join EBT Online. Any retailers interested in the program can find more information and apply at
Alderman Dowell Helps Spread Message on Memorial Day Traffic Safety
Alderman Dowell has been working to address the issue of dangerous motorcycle riding that threatens vehicle and pedestrian safety across the City. This Memorial Day, she attended an important press conference on CPD traffic enforcement initiatives which includes a special focus on reckless motorcycle groups that travel in large numbers in mostly the 2, 3, 4, 42 and 43rd Wards. Police also cracked down on speeding, DUI, drag racing and driving without seat belts over the holiday weekend. Glad to stand up with Aldermen Smith, Reilly and Hopkins and 1st District Commander Aldernan, Commander Longhren, and Deputy Chief O'Shea to discuss this serious safety issue.
South Loop Farmers Market is Online
The South Loop Farmers Market is now available to order online for pickup or delivery to select buildings! Each week you can access fresh seasonal produce, meats, eggs, bread, baked goods, specialty foods, plants, craft beers, unique artisan products and more from 25+ vendors. Pickup and delivery is on Thursdays from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, with pickup at 1936 S. Michigan Ave. Ordering opens every week on Friday at 9:00 am and closes Tuesday at 11:00 pm. To order, download WhatsGood on the app store or on
www.sourcewhatsgood.com, create your free account, and place your order during the open ordering period! If your building is located in the South Loop and has door staff to receive packages, call 312-401-2688 to set up delivery.
Chicago Office of the Inspector General Survey
The Chicago Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is asking for feedback through their short 2020 Audit and Program Review
Community Survey which seeks input from all Chicago community members regarding your concerns about the quality of City programs and what you would like to see done better. For example, this year the OIG plans to audit street paving, building permit inspections, water bill exemptions, the annual budget process, and ambulance response times. But what is the OIG missing? What City services do you think really need to be improved? Your input will inform which projects the OIG works on in the future, so please take a few minutes out of your day and let them know what you think! The Office of the Inspector General is open to receive suggestions, comments, and complaints online at www.igchicago.org or by calling the OIG Tipline: (866) 448-4754 / TTY: (773) 478-2066. Anonymous complaints and suggestions are accepted.
South Side Hospital Transformation Plan Canceled
The plan previously announced by Advocate Trinity Hospital, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, South Shore Hospital and St. Bernard Hospital to transform their operations has been canceled. Due to a last-minute change by the State of Illinois to the Hospital Transformation Fund, the administrators of these hospitals no longer see a realistic path forward to execute their plan. Should more information become available regarding the future operations of these hospitals, the 3rd Ward Public Service Office will share it immediately.
Glessner House Supports First Responders
To help first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic, Glessner House Museum (1800 S. Prairie Ave.) fed all 250 officers working at the 1st District Police Station on Tuesday, April 28th. Glessner House utilized another 3rd Ward Business, Weather Mark Tavern, for the food and drinks. The 1st District Police Station covers the northern section of the 3rd Ward, from Roosevelt Rd. south to 31st St.
Notice of Infrastructure Project - State St. and E. Pershing Rd.
MCI Worldcom is providing notification for a proposed fiber optic conduit installation at
State St. and Pershing Rd.
This project comes as an effort by MCI to build up their infrastructure in order to bring advanced cellular technology to the area. This project is scheduled for Q3 2020. Questions, contact the 3rd Ward Public Service Office at 773-373-9273 or email Ward03@cityofchicago.org.
Red Clay Dance Company Dance Pamoja Challenge
To bring dance to families during the COVID-19 crisis, Red Clay Dance Company is launching a 12-month project on June 1st called the Dance Pamoja Challenge. The Challenge offers free virtual dance classes and other program benefits to 50 families for three months, totaling 200 families by the end of the 12-month project period. To register for FREE, visit
www.redclaydance.com/pamoja. For more information, call 773-624-8411 or email nia@redclaydance.com.
Important Announcements
South Loop Event Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions are in place for the South Loop from Roosevelt Road to Cermak Rd. from Lake Shore Drive to Clark St. during all Chicago Bears football games and many other Soldier Field events.
Wintrust Arena events have been removed from the parking restrictions. Vehicles parked in the South Loop without a valid South Loop Event Parking Pass, South Loop Event Guest Pass or Residential Permit Parking pass (for Residential Permit Parking Streets ONLY) are subject to ticketing or towing.
For a complete list of Soldier Field events, please visit
www.SoldierField.net/event. The 3rd Ward is providing the list below as a courtesy to residents and visitors and does not assume liability for the accuracy of the monthly list of South Loop events. All Soldier Field events are subject to change, including cancellation or the scheduling of additional events. It is your responsibility to adhere to the parking restrictions in place.
Events Postponed Until Further Notice
(As of April 1, 2020)
Fellowship Chicago MBC Free Food Box
Fellowship Chicago Missionary Baptist Church is offering free food boxes and produce to local families. Food boxes and fresh produce will be given away on a first-come/first-served basis until supplies last. Be sure to bring a cart or bag to carry your food home. Pickup is in the
main parking lot at 4542 S. Princeton Ave. from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on the following Wednesdays: June 3rd, June 10th, June 17th, and June 24th.
Apostolic Church of God Food Giveaway
Apostolic Church of God (6320 S. Dorchester Ave.) is giving away an abundance of food, meat, dry goods and fresh produce on the following days:
Tuesday, June 2nd and Tuesday, June 9th from noon to 2:00 pm. Individuals can pick up food for up to two families.
Drive Through Vehicle Registration Stickers
The Illinois Secretary of State is offering drive-through service for vehicle registration sticker renewals. The nearest site for 3rd Ward residents is located at 9901 S. King Drive, and is open Monday from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, and Saturday from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. Credit card and checks only, cash will not be accepted. Face masks are required. To renew online or for more information go to
Apply Online for Property Tax Refunds
Taxpayers seeking property tax refunds will have new tools on
enabling them to file electronically instead of downloading a form and mailing it in. Taxpayers can now search for refunds by property address and select the application button to submit their claim. The system also allows taxpayers to submit supporting documentation, if necessary. Eliminating paper applications will shave one week off the time it takes the Office to issue refunds due to over-payments, reducing processing to three to five weeks.
Metra Outlines Plans for Chicago Area Reopening
Metra is providing more details about the steps it is taking to ensure passengers will feel safe using its system as the Chicago area reopens. In general, Metra will aim for trains that are no more than about half full: one passenger per two-seater on the lower level and one passenger per every other seat on the upper level. (There will be exceptions for families or others travelling together). Metra will continue to use the current alternate weekday schedules at the start of June and on weekends, it will continue to operate using the Sunday schedule.
While Metra will resume accepting cash as payment for fares at ticket windows and on trains on June 1, it strongly encourages passengers to buy their tickets with the Ventra app to limit interactions between crews and passengers. To that end, Metra is cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch areas and restrooms as frequently as possible, at least once a day. Additionally, Metra continues to clean and disinfect Metra-maintained stations multiple times a week. For complete information, go to
Fed Ex is accepting applications for small business grants. Each grant recipient will receive $5,000, plus a $500 credit from FedEx Office that can be used for printing banners, posters, floor graphics, custom branded boxes, and more.
See Site for Terms and Conditions and full details. Application Opened: May 25, 2020. Application Deadline: June 12, 2020, at 11:59:59 p.m. ET.
Cook County Workforce Partnership June Schedule
The Cook County Workforce Partnership schedule for June 2020 is now available at
www.ChiCookWorks.org. Events are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays throughout the month between 9:00 am and 12:30 pm. This month, learn important skills like
Introduction to Microsoft Excel, Animation and Sounds in PowerPoint, Introduction to Google Docs and more.
Do you have job openings? Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's Office of Employment and Training Illinois workNet is launching a new, online website platform created to attract and remotely connect employers seeking qualified applicants with job seekers looking for long-term employment. The Illinois workNet® platform is a proven technology that connects workforce and economic allies with seamless and real-time access to workforce development resources aimed at individuals, employers, and workforce/education partners throughout the state to innovate, collaborate, expand and grow.
Employers are looking for a free and easy way to advertise and connect remotely with qualified job applicants and schedule a personalized web-based presentation/job fair event to connect and fill job openings.
Email us at kindy.kruller@cookcountyil.gov to sign up today!
Apache Educational Assistance Program
Apache has earmarked $100,000 to provide financial relief for our City College students through Full and Part time employment in union-backed "Essential Field" positions. Positions begin at $15.55 per hour and accepted applicants will be provided $1500 per semester for City College Students.
Apache is also reserving Ten, $2500 scholarships* for Employees or their children attending State or out of State Colleges. ($1250 per Semester*)
Applications will be accepted through July 15th, 2020. We only require that applicants: Are currently Employed by Apache, or apply for employment with Apache and pass a Biometric Background Check (per requirements of employment only) as well as their basic information, Center for Education, name and a brief essay. For information on how to apply click here.
Programming Mini-Courses for Chicago Public School Students
The University of Chicago is offering live online mini-courses for Chicago Public School students to learn computer programming techniques like Python, data visualization and modeling, and more! To register go to
Summer 2020 Paid Youth Arts Education Programs
Arts + Public Life (APL), in partnership with After School Matters, offers free design/build, performance, backstage production and arts administration programs for area teens interested in learning more about the arts, developing leadership skills, positively impacting the community, connecting with peers with similar interests, and earning a paid stipend. The summer session will run from July 6 - August 13, 2020.
- Apply for the Design Apprenticeship Program (DAP), Community Actors Program (CAP), and Teen Arts Council (TAC) on the After School Matters website
- Apply for the Backstage Production Program here
Heat and Frost Insulators Local 17 Apprenticeship Testing
Applications for apprenticeship testing for the Heat and Frost Insulators Local 17 are available for in-person pickup June 1-5 and June 8-12 between 7:30 am and 3:00 pm at the Hugh E. Mulligan Center (18520 Spring Creek Dr., Tinley Park, IL 60477). Applicants must bring a government issued photo ID and an application fee of $25 (must be money order or cashier's check made out to 'Local 17 JACT'. For more information visit
Third Ward Star
 Dorothy Jean Tillman
Congratulations to Dorothy Jean Tillman, daughter of former 3rd Ward Alderman Dorothy Tillman, who recently earned a Master's Degree in Environmental Science at the age of 14! Dorothy has a longstanding passion and incredible aptitude in the STEM field, and through her hard work and dedication, she was able to start high school at 9, receive her bachelor's in humanities at 12, and now obtain a degree in sustainable science and environmental planning at 14. To other students, Dorothy offered this advice, "I know, one thing that I would want every kid to know, is that what I did is an option and they can do it too. It doesn't take a genius or someone who has been learning forever. I'm not perfect. I'm not the smartest person in the world. It just takes dedication."
here for the full story featuring Dorothy Jean Tillman in
Black Enterprise.
Attending and participating in the Chicago Police's Community Policing Program (CAPS) is one of the best ways to address crime and quality of life issues in your neighborhood. By attending CAPS meetings, you can share important information with the police that will assist them in making arrests and preventing crime as well as receive valuable information about resources that promote homeowner and community safety. Visit
to find out what district you live in and click on each district title to learn more about what is happening in your neighborhood.
CAPS Meetings Postponed Until Further Notice
(As of April 1, 2020)