June 2020

Here's the latest information about things going on in the Borough of Pompton Lakes this month, assembled and produced by the Public Information Department.
Mayor Serra's Message
The past few months have been very challenging for all of us during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a community, we have adapted to the directives and guidelines provided by State officials and agencies the best we can. I am confident, together, we will continue to rise above this pandemic and be stronger. 
Unfortunately, the annual Memorial Day Parade was canceled however, the VFW Post 2906 sponsored a Memorial Day Service. I along with Council members attended the service to honor the men and women who died serving in the United States military. I thank the VFW for inviting the Governing Body and allowing us to reflect and pay tribute to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. 
During these unprecedented times, many activities have been postponed, delayed or canceled. All Recreation activities have been canceled through the summer including Summer Camp and Senior Picnic. At this time, no definite decision has been made for Pompton Day and the Fireworks will take place as scheduled. Council Meetings and essential Board and Committee meetings continue to take place via zoom conference call. Public participation information is posted on the Borough website, social media and channel PLTV77. 
As we begin to take the next steps and open businesses within our community, we are committed to providing options and relief to the many businesses who have been negatively impacted. We have to be creative in our thinking and I would encourage residents to shop local and support our business district. 
Redevelopment is progressing and as Lakeside Commons nears completion, thirty-five apartments have been rented and the remainder of the units are expected to be occupied within the next month. Developers continue to explore projects and a Redevelopment Study and Plan for the former A&P Shopping Center has been completed in an effort to promote businesses.   
The summer months are upon us and I would remind all residents to be cautious of pedestrians walking or running and those who are riding bicycles, wear a helmet and to stop at the crosswalks when pedestrians are crossing roadways. We can all have a safe summer by following these reminders!  
As I conclude, I would remind residents to continue to maintain social distance and use facial coverings. We all need to be diligent and together we will get through this difficult time.  

Until next time,

Mayor Michael Serra  

Borough Clerk's Office
As we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, all departments continue to provide services to our community. Although there has been no public access to offices within the Municipal Building, I assure you, we have been available for our residents. We continue to meet the challenges of this health crisis while protecting the public as well as the employees. We encourage residents to contact Borough staff by calling or emailing the specific department with any questions or concerns. The Lobby in the Municipal Building remains opened and residents have access to most forms, applications and other related documents. Residents have the opportunity to use the drop box located in the Municipal Lobby for payments – no cash payments
Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order that postpones the 2020 Primary Election until Tuesday, July 7, 2020. The County Clerk and Election Division continues to provide updates for the 2020 Primary Election. 

The Office of Passaic County Clerk Danielle Ireland-Imhof advises residents throughout Passaic County that on May 15, 2020 New Jersey Governor Philip Murphy signed Executive Order No. 144 which states, every registered voter will received a vote-by-mail ballot or application for the July 7, 2020 Primary Election. This Executive Order continues to ensure voters preserve their constitutional right to vote while upholding the priority of public health during the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Specific changes included in Executive Order No. 144 are as follows:
  • All active, registered Democratic and Republican voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot without the need to fill out an application.
  • All inactive, registered Democratic and Republican voters will receive an application for a vote-by-mail ballot.
  • All unaffiliated registered voters will receive an application for a vote-by-mail ballot. If you wish to vote in the Primary Election, you will need to select the party you wish to be affiliated with and you will receive that party's ballot. You may return to an unaffiliated status following the July 7, 2020 Primary Election by contacting the Passaic County Superintendent of Elections.
  • The deadline to return the vote-by-mail application and receive a vote-by-mail ballot has been suspended.
  • A prepaid postage envelope will be provided to use when mailing back the completed ballot or application.
  • Sample ballots will not be mailed out. Sample ballots will be available to view on the County Clerk's website, www.PassaicCountvClerk.org, as well as available at the polling place on Election Day.
  • For the July 7, 2020 Primary Election, polling places may be reassigned by the County Board of Elections. You will receive advanced notice in the mail with the
  • details and address of your polling location for this specific election. Voters will NOT be allowed to vote on machines at polling places, instead they will receive a Provisional Ballot (paper ballot) to vote on.
  • Voters with disabilities will be required to sign a certification and will be allowed to vote on an Americans with Disabilities Act accessible machine at the polling location.
  • Voters may not bring their completed vote-by-mail ballot to a polling place to be returned.
  • Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before July 7, 2020 and received by the Board of Elections by July 14, 2020 at 8 p.m. to be considered valid and to be canvassed.

Additionally, Clerk Ireland-Imhof reminds residents that the deadline to register to vote in this Primary Election is Tuesday, June 16, 2020. For more information on registering to vote, please contact the Passaic County Superintendent of Elections.
Currently, I am in the process of completing the 2020-2021 Town Calendar and residents should expect to receive the new calendar in the mail towards the end of June. 
The staff is available to help our residents. Contact our offices with any concerns or questions you may have. Please be mindful of our changes during COVID-19 pandemic.

Be safe! 

Elizabeth Brandsness, RMC
Municipal Clerk/Deputy Administrator
973-835-0143 ext. 238

Top Stories
POMPTON LAKES, NJ — June 1, 2020 – The 50 th Anniversary of Earth Day was held on April 22, but the Borough of Pompton Lakes encourages people to celebrate Earth Day every day. 
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), food scraps and yard waste make up more than 28 percent of what we throw away. Composting has these benefits:

  • It keeps biodegradable materials out of landfills — where they release methane, a potent greenhouse gas that’s stronger than carbon dioxide and is a major contributor to climate change. All organic matter eventually decomposes — but in a landfill it does so without oxygen. A head of lettuce, for example, takes 25 years to decompose in a landfill. Composting speeds the process by providing the ideal decomposition environment, reducing waste and methane.
  • It creates nutrient-dense organic material that enriches soil and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Adding compost to soil helps retain moisture, suppress plant diseases and pests, and grow healthier plants and more nutritious food.

Pompton Lakes Open Space Committee Announces National Trails Day 2020
June 6th is American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day 2020! This year, our celebration of hiking looks a little different, as we cannot hold our usual guided group hike. You can still Find Your Trail in Pompton Lakes and beyond and make it a special day with your own family!
If you haven’t visited the South End Trails, this is a great time to take a hike right in your own backyard! Hiking is a great way to get outdoors, relieve stress, and get exercise while maintaining safe social distance. Trail map and a written guide for hikers of all ages can be found under the Maps and Brochures listing at http://www.pomptonlakes-nj.gov/…/Trails-Maintenance-Subcomm…
Take some trail selfies or pics of your hiking buddies (dogs, too!) and share them with the hashtags #NationalTrailsDay and #HikePompton We’ll share as many as we can on the Borough’s social media platforms that weekend. Throughout National Trails Day, we will share articles and links on getting outdoors safely during the pandemic.

We hope to see you (from 6’ away) on the trails!
Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders Announce Emergency Food Distribution Events
Paterson, NJ – Today, the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders is announcing emergency food distribution events that are going to take place across Passaic County. All Passaic County families are eligible to receive one box with non-perishable food items, upon showing proof of residency at specified dates and locations to be announced in the coming week.
The first emergency food distribution event is taking place on June 3rd at 1:00 PM at the Lambert Castle, 3 Valley Road, Paterson, New Jersey. The Board is distributing up to five hundred (500) boxes of food on a first come, first served basis. Residents are to stay in their vehicles, with windows shut, and will be instructed to open their trunks to receive a box of food.

“Right now, Passaic County families are struggling with the devastating economic impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic,” stated Passaic County Freeholder Director Sandi Lazzara. “The Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders is taking proactive steps to ensure that every family in Passaic County has food security, and no one is going hungry. These emergency food distribution events will take place on a daily basis throughout the next two months, to ensure residents in every municipality in Passaic County are able to participate. I want to thank First Lady Tammy Murphy for joining at the first event, to help raise awareness for this important new resource being offered to Passaic County families.”

Last month, the Passaic County Board of Chosen Freeholders secured over $87 million dollars in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) funding from the federal government to respond to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency in Passaic County. A portion of that funding is being used for these emergency food distribution events to ensure compliance with public health precautions, and ensure seniors and other vulnerable populations have access to food security.

“Every day we are hearing stories about struggling families in Passaic County who do not have access to food because of the Public Health Emergency,” stated Passaic County Freeholder Bruce James. “This Board is taking proactive steps to ensure food security for every Passaic County family as we weather the devastating economic impacts of the Public Health Emergency.”

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
Upcoming Public Meetings
Borough Council Meeting: June 10, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. and June 24, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. Meeting Information will be posted to the Borough Website as it becomes available.

Garbage and Recycling Cheat Sheet
The Borough of Pompton Lakes would like to inform residents on what is accepted in recycling.

Accepted Materials:
  • Mixed Paper, Office Paper, and Envelopes
  • Corrugated Cardboard (flatten and/or cut into bundles)
  • Telephone Books and Soft Cover Books
  • Glass Food and Beverage Jars (all colors)
  • Aluminum & Metal Beverage Containers
  • Pet Food Cans
  • Milk Jugs and Plastic Beverage Bottles
  • Detergent and Shampoo Containers
  • Juice Boxes & Juice/Beverage Cartons
  • Plastic with #1, #2, or #5 Symbols

Not Accepted:
  • Plastic Bags
  • Pizza Boxes
  • Light Bulbs
  • Aluminum Foil & Baking Pans
  • Drinking Glasses, Dishes, and Broken Window Glass
  • Ceramics and Pottery
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Motor Oil and Anti-Freeze Containers
  • Clothes Hangers
  • Cookie Tins and Bandage Tins
  • Carbon and Waxed Paper
  • Tissue Paper, Napkins, Paper Plates, and Paper Towels
  • Styrofoam
  • Plastics with #3, #4, #6, and #7 Symbols.

Any questions can be directed to the Department of Public Works at (973) 616-5900.
Recycling Center

The Borough Recycling Center is located on Grove Street and is open to all Borough Residents and Businesses. Residents and Businesses must display on their mirror or show the attendant a valid Borough decal or I.D. upon entering the Center. The Center is open Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
The Recycling Center offers biodegradable lawn and leaf bags at a cost of $.35 cents per bag. The following materials are accepted at the Recycling Center:

  • Grass Clippings
  • Leaves, Brush & Tree Limbs (max length 8 ft; max diameter 2 inch)
  • Co-mingled Glass, Plastic & Metal Recyclables
  • Aluminum cans - must be separated from other co-mingled recyclables
  • Paper & Cardboard Recyclables
  • Corrugated Cardboard – must be separated from other paper recyclables
  • Electronic Equipment & Computers
  • Metals
  • Waste Engine Oil
  • Car Batteries
Tires may be brought to the Recycling Center at a cost of $2.50 per tire without the rim and $5.00 per tire with rim. Propane tanks are not accepted at the Recycling Center.
Recycling No Paper:
June 10 & 24
Borough Wide Paper Pickup: June 3 & 17
Metal: Every Monday and Thursday
Garbage: Please refer to the Borough Calendar for Garbage Collection dates
Plastic Film Recycling
The Borough of Pompton Lakes is currently accepting plastic film in the Borough Hall Lobby as the Lobby remains open during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is accepted:
  • Newspaper sleeves
  • Bread bags
  • Cereal Liners
  • Ice Bags
  • Amazon Poly Mailers
  • USPS Flat Rate Bubble Mailers
  • Salt Bags
  • Dry Clothing Bags
  • and MUCH MORE!

Help us earn a FREE Community Bench!
Shredding Day
The Borough of Pompton Lakes Shredding Day has been postponed to a later date. Information on the new date will be posted to the Borough Website.
Do Not Put Gloves and Masks in Recycling!
IMPORTANT: Please do not put used gloves and masks into recycling! They are NOT considered household recycling and should be properly disposed of as trash (in bags). Thank you!
Pompton Lakes Library

Digital resources are available with your library card:

All materials currently checked out have had their due dates extended to a minimum of May 15. 

Do not feel a rush to return materials. 

Fines will be waived in May.

Library updates are available at:

If you need help with your library card, need to get one, or have any questions please email the library at pllibrary@pomptonlakeslibrary.org . You may also call at 973-835-0482 and leave a message if no one is able to take your call.

​The book drop is open to return materials, but do not feel a rush to return them.
One Book, One Town 2020
The Friends of the Library are pleased to announce this year’s selection for One Book, One Town 2020: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. 

No one could have predicted that the death of 31 year old Henrietta Lacks in 1951 would change the course of medical science. But the incredible story of Henrietta’s “immortal” cells–used in the development of vaccines for polio, certain cancers and sent into space to research the effect of zero gravity–is the substance of this book. It’s also the personal story of the Lacks family, who first learned of this research decades later.
Against the backdrop of the global pandemic we are experiencing now, the HeLa cell story examines the same issues we face today: the complicated relationships among race, health care and medical ethics.
eBook and Audiobook available at  https://palsplus.overdrive.com  – sign in with your library card to borrow
Community Announcements
Prevention Coalition
The PLPC invites you to join in on #TalkTheyHearYouThursdays !
While COVID-19 and social distancing are keeping us all home, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of campaigns such as Talk. They Hear You! Especially for all the parents who are now spending an immense amount of time assisting their youth with virtual learning!
The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to address alcohol and other drug use with their children early.
The “Talk. They Hear You.” app is an interactive tool that helps you learn the do’s and don’ts of talking to kids about underage drinking and substance use. The app will help parents practice bringing up the topic of alcohol and other drugs, learn the right questions to ask, and get ideas to keep the conversation going.
Be Well! Be Safe! We are thinking of you all.
All Pompton Lakes Recreation Programs and programs at the Pompton Lakes Teen Center are suspended until further notice.
No Solicitation Registration
5-21.12 "No Solicitation" list and "No Solicitation" signs.

A. The Borough of Pompton Lakes shall institute a list of Borough residents who request that solicitors not solicit on their property. The "No Solicitation" list shall be maintained by the Municipal Clerk.
B. Residents of the Borough shall have their name and address added to the list by the Municipal Clerk upon receipt of a written request for such action. Such requests shall be maintained with the list.

C. Prior to any conduct of a solicitation covered by this section, the solicitor receiving a license or permit to solicit shall be provided with a copy of the "No Solicitation" list by the Municipal Clerk with the license or permit, and the licensee or permittee, their employees, agents, assistants or helpers shall thereafter refrain from any solicitation on the properties or to the names set forth on the list.

D. Borough residents and property owners may post "No Solicitation" signs on their property. In such event, no solicitor shall solicit or canvass on such properties.

(1983 Code § 125-31)

The form can be found on the Borough  Website  
Please E-Mail this  form  to the Municipal Clerk at clerk@pomptonlakes-nj.gov

Fax 973-839-8132 or Mail to: Borough of Pompton Lakes, 25 Lenox Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442, Attention Municipal Clerk

Trails Committee
Trail Maintenance Events for 2020:

  • September 20 at 2 p.m.
  • Demarest Nature Center
  • Wakeless Drive, Demarest
  • November 8 at 2 p.m.
  • Norvin Green State Forest
  • New Weiss Center
  • Snake Den Road, Ringwood

Maintenance Days - 2020:
  • Meet at Willow Field Back Parking Lot, bring gloves, hand tools. Trash Bags are supplied.
  • May 31 at 10 a.m.
  • June 14 at 9 a.m.
  • July 12 at 9 a.m.
  • August 16 at 9 a.m.
  • September 26 at 10 a.m.
  • November 19 at 10 a.m.

Follow the Borough of Pompton Lakes!

Pompton Lakes - STIGMA FREE
Pompton Lakes - Stigma Free!
Why is it important to reduce stigma? 

The World Health Organization ranks mental health conditions, including alcohol and substance use disorders, as the leading cause of disability in the United States, affecting people of all ages and backgrounds. Nearly one in five U.S. adults
live with a mental illness (46.6 million in 2017), yet more than half will not seek treatment. Why? The main reasons cited are shame and fear of judgment from friends, family, and co-workers. In other words, the STIGMA associated with mental diseases-even though it's a disease like any other.

Helpful Tips to Be Stigma-Free:

  • Avoid using disrespectful terms to describe individuals with mental illness or substance use disorders.
  • Avoid blaming people with mental illness or substance use disorders for their afflictions.
  • Be a role model. Treat people with mental illness and substance use disorders with respect and encourage others around you to do the same. 
  • Declare your home or business to be a Stigma-Free Zone.
  • Spread the Word!

Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-(800) 273-8255
Veterans Help Line
1-(800) 273-8255
First Responders Flash Briefing
Pompton Lakes Police Department
Pompton Lakes Police Department Reminds Residents about Coronavirus Scams
We have recently seen an increase in the number of scams being orchestrated against unsuspecting citizens.

These are despicable people who view the pandemic as a golden opportunity to take advantage of someone. Please stay informed and never blindly give personal information or money to someone that you don't know and trust. If something doesn't seem right, there's a good chance it isn't. You can always call us (973-835-0400) if you have doubts. We have recently seen a number of bail bond scams and COVID stimulus scams.
In the bail bond scams, people will pose as a bail bondsman and indicate that a relative of yours has been arrested and placed in jail. In order for that person to be released, you will be required to post their bail. A courier will then either respond to your home to collect the bail money or ask that you wire it to them. Under no circumstances should you give them any of your money or personal information. We ask that you call the police immediately.
Scammers are also using these stimulus payments to try to rip people off. They might try to get you to pay a fee to get your stimulus payment or they might try to convince you to give them your Social Security number, bank account, or government benefits debit card account number.

Tips for avoiding a Coronavirus stimulus payment scam:

  • Only use irs.gov/coronavirus to submit information to the IRS – and never in response to a call, text, or email.
  • The IRS won’t contact you by phone, email, text message, or social media with information about your stimulus payment, or to ask you for your Social Security number, bank account, or government benefits debit card account number. Anyone who does is a scammer phishing for your information.
  • You don’t have to pay to get your stimulus money.
  • The IRS won’t tell you to deposit your stimulus check then send them money back because they paid you more than they owed you. That’s a fake check scam.
  • Report scams to the Federal Trade Commission at ftc.gov/complaint
Community ShareCam Program
Community Share Cam is a community safety program instituted by the Pompton Lakes Police Department which allows both residents and businesses to partner with the PLPD in the fight against crime throughout the Borough. Simply by registering YOUR home or business surveillance system with the Pompton Lakes Police, YOU can be an invaluable asset in solving crimes in your neighborhood.
When a crime occurs in your neighborhood, the Pompton Lakes Police will call on YOU and request a copy of YOUR video footage. This footage will help establish leads, identify suspects and save valuable investigative time. All registered camera locations are stored in a secure database and are entered into our Records Management System allowing the PLPD to map out locations of cameras throughout the Borough. Community ShareCam DOES NOT provide the Pompton Lakes Police with direct access to YOUR surveillance system. Residents and businesses will only be contacted by the PLPD in the event of a crime occurring in the area of your camera coverage.
“Pompton Lakes Police Department and you working together as neighbors”

To participate in the Community Share Cam Program register your information using the link below.

For further information contact the Detective Bureau at 973-835-3992

Contact the Mayor and Borough Council
Michael Serra, Mayor - mserra@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Ekamon Venin, Council President - evenin@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Terri Reicher, Councilwoman - treicher@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Erik DeLine, Councilman- edeline@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
William Baig, Councilman - wbaig@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Frank Jaconetta, Councilman - fjaconetta@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Jennifer Polidori, Councilwoman - jpolidori@pomptonlakes-nj.gov
Pompton Lakes Borough Council
Mayor Michael Serra

Council Members
Council President - Ekamon Venin
William Baig, Frank Jaconetta, Terri Reicher, Erik DeLine, Jennifer Polidori

Submit Content: plsocialmedia@pomptonlakes-NJ.gov

(c) 2020 Borough of Pompton Lakes
Borough of Pompton Lakes, New Jersey
25 Lenox Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 | (973) 835-0143 |